Natalia's mantras are the truth for success in everything. Mantras with truth Mantra shivaya from Natalia with truth

Natalya Pravdina today is a positive example of how correctly used energy can radically change the life of a completely ordinary person. Once upon a time, Natalya was fond of the art of Feng Shui and learned the basics of this ancient philosophy. Today she is the author of books about how to attract good luck, change your life and become a happy person.

Natalia Pravdina’s mantras give every person the opportunity to radically change their life and themselves for the better. These mantras are used today as an effective tool for positive thinking.

What is the power of Natalia Pravdina’s mantra

Natalia Pravdina's mantras are based on the Hindu religion, in which human capabilities are equated with the capabilities of God and the Universe. By reading or listening to mantras, a person tunes himself into one wave with the Universe, rids his consciousness of negative thoughts and anxiety. Constant work with mantras makes it possible not only to clear your consciousness, but also to change the world around you. It is after this that a person’s life begins to radically change.

How to use mantras

Using Natalia Pravdina’s mantras is very convenient: you don’t have to memorize or read them. You can listen to them in your free time: while doing household chores, on the way to work, before going to bed. For mantras to work, you do not need to perform any rituals, tune in or meditate. You just need to listen and try to feel the sound vibrations. It is sounds that have healing properties. Thanks to certain consonances, a person’s consciousness begins to change.

Mantras for prosperity and success can work from the very first lessons. But in order for abundance and prosperity to come into your life, you need to listen to them regularly.

Natalia Pravdina's mantras for success, prosperity and wealth:

Establish harmony within yourself and strive to live in harmony with others. We wish you good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

13.08.2014 09:09

Many words have strong energy. By saying them every day, you can change your life for the better...

Not everyone can get rich. But knowing the secret of success and having a strong money talisman, you can place...

The most colorful and clear example of how the energy of the Universe can influence the human body and radically change existence and everyday life is Natalia Pravdina. Today, she is not only the author of best-selling books about the ways in which you can radically change your life, but also a certified specialist who has her own audience of fans and admirers. Natalia Pravdina has been reproducing and practicing mantras of supreme happiness for a very long time. And just by looking at it, you can understand how mantras work, including the effect of losing weight.

About the mantras of Natalia Pravdina

Natalia Pravdina releases various texts both on CDs and in printed form. Her mantras are recommended as a unique tool for changing life and consciousness for the better not only for beginners, but also for people who have been practicing this for a long time. You can find almost all of Natalia’s texts on the Internet.

How do Natalia Pravdina’s mantras work?

Almost all existing mantras, including Natalia Pravdina’s, are based specifically on the Hindu religion, in which all human capabilities and desires are equated with the divine. When anyone reads the text for the first time, it is at this moment that he tunes himself into the same wave of energy with God and the whole Universe. And at this time, consciousness is liberated from negative thoughts and actions that interfere with human self-improvement, self-knowledge and improvement.

With regular exercises, in which there is complete solitude and concentration, the pronounced mantras begin to have an effect on the human body, and both the consciousness and the body, as well as the environment, are cleansed from negative thoughts and actions. And they contribute to fundamental changes in life and existence for the better. Since all texts have their own exceptional energy sources, you need to practice exactly the option that you need and will help you cope with energy stagnation in any life situations.

What is the convenience of mantras from Natalia Pravdina?

The convenience of Natalia’s texts lies in the fact that when you purchase them on any medium, you can resort to practical exercises without interrupting your equally important matters (for example, at work, on public transport, while cleaning the house, and so on). After all, during practical classes the use of special rituals and various attributes is not required. But all that is required is maximum privacy with yourself, peace and maximum concentration.

How to evaluate the results of practical training

First of all, a person will feel lightness, freedom of thoughts, and liberation. If you haven’t stopped your practical training at this point, then after some time you will be able to gain an inexplicable impulse towards creativity and culture. Also, people who did not interrupt their practical studies even for one day developed clairvoyance abilities, the so-called “third eye” opened. And the most important result is considered to be a continuous connection with the Universe and directly with God, teacher and abbot.


This album was recorded by Natalia Pravdina specifically for modern people leading a dynamic lifestyle. You can just turn it on and listen, or even better, sing along with Natalia and her friends. Even the simple sound of mantras cleanses the space of the house and carries bright, positive energy. But that is not all! Thanks to connecting to sources of Divine grace, a person’s life is harmonized, luck is activated, prosperity and well-being are manifested.

How to protect yourself: spiritual practices, prayers of protection and very powerful mantras from Natalia Pravdina

How to protect yourself and your family: spiritual practices, prayers of protection and very powerful mantras from Natalia Pravdina - - Find out all the secrets of a happy life. Receive the “I Attract Money” seminar as a gift! I have dedicated my entire life today to collecting spiritual practices and knowledge bit by bit, bit by bit in different parts of the world. And this spiritual knowledge led me to such a fairly clear understanding of what we can actually do. First of all, I write in my books and calendars that our strength is much greater than we imagine. And when you and I jointly generate this power by reading mantras, reading prayers of protection, dedicating all these merits to some good cause, then we really begin to create miracles. We create miracles, and not only for other people, we create miracles for ourselves. This is the law of the spiritual world, when we pray for another, especially for others, we create such a positive field, such positive karma that we cannot even imagine. I will teach you, remind you how to be able to protect yourself, how to create a kind of safety net around yourself. Those. First, we will pray with you for those people who are in a difficult situation and are now recovering, we will read a prayer to Archangel Michael - this is a very strong protection. Then I will tell you how to protect yourself, how to protect your family, how to protect your home. Let's all read very powerful mantras together. —————– Share the video with your friends – – How to protect yourself and your family: spiritual practices, prayers of protection and very powerful mantras from Natalia Pravdino Video channel: All by Feng Shui. Natalia Pravdina – – – – Group in Contact Group on Facebook Group in Odnoklassniki http: // Personal page of Natalia Pravdina Instagram Official website of Natalia Pravdina

Natalia Pravdina I'm always lucky / meditation course

ENERGY MEDITATION FOR BEGINNERS – ———————————————————————————————————— Author’s meditation course, supplement to books. “All good things are just beginning!” - we are convinced again and again when working with the audio course by Natalia Pravdina.

Natalya Pravdina Mantras of Highest Happiness Love part 1

ENERGY MEDITATION FOR BEGINNERS – ————————————————————————————————— We bring to your attention Natalia’s super project The Truthful Mantra of Supreme Happiness.” A mantra is an ancient sacred formula that carries a powerful charge of positive energy. Each mantra is chanted 108 times. The meaning of the word “mantra” comes from two Sanskrit words: “mana” (consciousness, mind) and “tra” (instrument or liberation). Thus, a mantra is control of the mind, the release of the energy of consciousness. A person repeating mantras calms the mind from everyday worries, relieves stress, and tunes in to the highest. But that is not all! Thanks to connecting to sources of Divine grace, a person’s life is harmonized, luck is activated, prosperity and well-being are manifested. This album was recorded by Natalia Pravdina specifically for modern people leading a dynamic lifestyle. You can just turn it on and listen, or even better, sing along with Natalia and her friends. Even the simple sound of mantras cleanses the space of the house and carries bright, positive energy.

$ POWERFUL MANTRA OF WEALTH $ MANTRA OF GODDESS LAKSHMI $ Lakshmi, Padma and Kamala are the names of the Goddess of happiness, wealth, prosperity, beauty and the fulfillment of all desires. LAKSHMI is associated with the lotus because in her birth myths she appears holding a lotus or sitting on a lotus. The practice of the mantra of Goddess Lakshmi helps improve material wealth, achieve happiness and fulfillment of desires, and Lakshmi also bestows spiritual benefits such as love, knowledge, peace and the mercy of heaven. It is recommended to recite this mantra daily, three times, at sunrise, for at least 21 days. When chanting or listening to a mantra, you need to have good, noble intentions. For a stronger effect, you need to focus on your desire and imagine that it has already come true in a Divine and magical way. Feel joy and gratitude! Text of the mantra of Goddess Lakshmi: OM LAKSHMI VIGAN SHRI KAMALA DKHARIGAN SVAKHA ************************************** *********************************** Mantra is a combination of certain sounds, the vibrations of which purify space, body, mind and consciousness from negative energies. A mantra is an ancient sacred formula that carries a powerful charge of Divine energy; it is the key that opens the way to the Highest Divine source of knowledge. You can repeat mantras any number of times, the main thing is that the number of their repetitions is a multiple of three. You can repeat them 3,6,9,15... times, but the best effect is achieved by repeating the mantras 108 times daily, since the number one hundred and eight is considered sacred. The one in it symbolizes the Highest Divine Energy, the zero is the perfection of Divine creation, and the eight is a symbol of eternity and infinity in an inverted form. In order not to lose track of the number of times, it is recommended to use a rosary. The rosary also helps to better focus on the mantra and sensations, plus, while chanting mantras, they are charged with powerful energy and can serve as an excellent talisman and amulet. – Subscribe to the channel: – Mantras of protection: – Mantras of wealth and prosperity: https:/ / – Mantras of health and longevity: – Mantras of beauty and youth: /playlist?list=PLaX2em7KpV8n5W2XdqcpXR1x-w6riYx2S – Mantras of love: – Mantras of wish fulfillment: PLaX2em7KpV8kn438GBzLMvBdehthSFnHx – Mantras for spiritual development: *************************************** *****************************************

Natalya Pravdina I love myself Mood for women + mantra

Free seminars by Natalia Pravdina: How to attract money - Album “Nirvana” - —————— ———————————————————— We bring to your attention a positive speech by the wonderful Natalia Pravdina from the book I love myself. Tune in to love yourself by listening to positive statements and mantras.

Energy meditation for beginners - ———————————————————————————————————— Listening this book, you can feel the taste of meditation. You enter Osho's world, Osho's dimension, Osho's consciousness. Osho's thought is like light and oxygen - your spirit has shaken off the twilight state of everyday life, you see yourself and can breathe.

A very powerful Ganesha mantra for wealth and prosperity performed by Natalia Pravdina

Listen to the very powerful Ganesha mantra for money, wealth and prosperity performed by Natalia Pravdina, and also - - find out everything about your destiny The Ganesha mantra is a very powerful mantra that brings wealth and great luck. Removes obstacles on your career path. Many good ideas are born precisely to the sounds of this mantra. Correct fluctuations in space give an incredible result - money begins to “stick” to a person. Слова мантры: Джей Джей Ганеша Ганапати Дэва Джей Шиванеша Гаури Ганеша Джей Шри Ганеша Мангала Даата Гам Гам Ганеша Мукти Прадата Джей Джей Ганеша Бхава Бхая Наша Пранава Сварупа Вигна Винаша Пахи Прабху Мам Пахи Вигнеша Джей Джей Ганеша Шаранам Ганеша Ом Вакратунда Махакая Сурья Коти Самапраба Нирвигнам Куруме Deva Sarva Karieshu Sarvada —————– Share the video with your friends – – A very powerful Ganesha mantra for money, wealth and prosperity performed by Natalia Pravdina Video channel: All by Fen Shui. Natalia Pravdina – – – – Group in Contact Group on Facebook https://www Group on Odnoklassniki Ok Instagram Personal page of Natalia Pravdina Instagram Official website of Natalia Pravdina

ENERGY MEDITATION FOR BEGINNERS – ————————————————————————————————— Meditation on the fulfillment of desires from author of best-selling books on self-development – ​​Natalia Pravdina. Do you want your wishes to come true easily? Use the best meditations. The main thing is regularity and your true intention. Still doubt the effectiveness of meditation? Give yourself 30 days and check for yourself. Sometimes, to make your wish come true, it is enough to do this meditation several times. Try, alternate, enjoy the process and the result.

Free course by Natalia Pravdina The face of your dreams ————————————————————————— ———————– The books of Natalia Pravdina, the creator of a unique system of positive transformation of consciousness, the most famous specialist in Russia in the ancient Chinese teachings of Feng Shui, the author of bestsellers published in millions of copies, have long and firmly won the gratitude of a large army of fans and followers who have been convinced by personal experience in the effectiveness of Natalia’s proposed methods for achieving success, well-being and happiness. “I Attract Success” is a unique step-by-step guide to good luck, a practical guide to applying a unique method of achieving success in real, difficult life circumstances. You really can do anything, just believe in your own strength, allow yourself to choose the highest goal and start creating your new life right now! #Audiobooks subconscious are the best

This mantra will sweep away all troubles, problems and troubles completely! Maha mantra. Hare Krishna.

How often can you listen to mantras? In this post I will answer a frequently asked question))) In our chaotic age, you can and should listen to mantras around the clock, turn up the volume that is comfortable for you and listen, you don’t need to sit in a yoga pose - go about your daily household chores - and let the mantra work for itself. All the benefits of this simply cannot be described in words! The mantra completely cleanses, spiritualizes and heals you and the atmosphere of your home, and greatly helps your loved ones. If someone close to you does not like the sounds of mantras, then make the mantras at a minimum volume, make the sound barely audible - the mantras work great anyway. And let Divine vibrations envelop your home and fill it with PEACE, LOVE, KINDNESS, HEALTH, LIGHT! DAILY MANTRA Bittu Mallick / Bittu Malik #HAREKRISHNA #Mantra #MAHAMANTRA #VeryPowerfulMantra #Hare #Krishna #SenseiMantras #KrishnaHare #BittuMallick #MANTRAHAREKRISHNA #MANTRAS LISTEN #LISTENMANTRAS #MANTRAS #POWERFULMANTRAS #VERY POWERFUL MANTRAS #Mantra #Meditation #SENSEI #HareKrishna #HareRama

Mantras are the magical sounds of God's language that will help you direct the flow of energy in the right direction. Natalia Pravdina’s mantras not only develop spiritually, but also attract success and various benefits to a person’s life and activity.

Mantras of Natalia Pravdina: listen and achieve joy and success!

A wonderful example of how reading a mantra can improve life and fill it with bright colors is the Feng Shui master, psychologist, and author of books Natalya Pravdina. She used to be a newbie who dreamed of completely changing her life. Now she has achieved prosperity, success and personal happiness. This woman shares with people all her knowledge, which helps them achieve all sorts of benefits in life.

Miraculous texts of Natalia

Natalya Pravdina writes mantras in books and also records audio mantras. You can play the recording at home and listen to it while you are busy with household chores. You can listen to mantras on public transport, in queues and during breaks between work. You can sing along to the words of the Guru. You can read the texts of mantras at a convenient time. They will help you relax when needed, for example in a stressful situation.

The miraculous mantras of Natalia Pravdina give a person the necessary happiness, he gains a completely new life.

Pay attention to the sacred texts that Natalia offers:

  • A mantra that attracts Divine light, harmony of the soul, peace, peace:


  • Words that fill life with incredible love, care, pleasure, happiness:


  • A mantra that will cleanse the space and mind from negative energy and negative emotions:


  • Text that will protect from evil and enemies:


  • Sacred words that heal mental and physical illness:


Reading rules

Mantras are the magical sounds of the language of the Universe that help a person direct energy flows in the right direction. They contribute not only to spiritual development, but also attract all kinds of benefits into people's lives.

A striking example of the fact that mantras can transform life and fill it with rainbow colors is Feng Shui master, psychologist and best-selling author Natalya Pravdina. Once she was a simple beginner who dreamed of radically changing her life, and today, having achieved prosperity, success and personal happiness, an amazing woman shares with people her knowledge of attracting all kinds of benefits.

The best texts from Natalia Pravdina

Natalya Pravdina releases mantras both in printed form and on CDs. Therefore, they do not have to be rewritten or read from a sheet of paper, which can easily be lost. While going about your daily activities, you can turn on an audio recording and enjoy the sound of sacred words by listening to the text, repeating it or singing along. And when you want to relax, you can just watch colorful clips.

The effective mantras of Natalia Pravdina gave many people the desired happiness and new life.

  1. A “spell” that attracts radiant light, harmony, peace and tranquility.


  1. A text that fills life with heartfelt, fiery love, tenderness, pleasure, and joy.


  1. Words that cleanse space, soul, mind from negative energy and negative emotions.


  1. A mantra that protects from evil and the machinations of enemies.


  1. Sacred words that heal physical and mental illnesses.


These “spells” can be cast individually or in combination. Natalia Pravdina advises reading, singing and listening to mantras, following simple rules.

  1. The best time to read, listen and chant sacred words is at sunrise and sunset.
  2. Mantras should be read daily, alone in a quiet, clean room.
  3. Before pronouncing the text, you should relax as much as possible and concentrate on the process, taking 3 deep breaths and exhalations.
  4. You need to listen, read or sing words 3, 9, 27 or 108 times.
  5. The text is pronounced exclusively in Sanskrit; there is no need to translate the mantra.
  6. The words are read until a positive result is obtained or 21 days in a row.

According to Natalya Pravdina, sacred texts must be pronounced with deep faith in their effectiveness. A neglectful attitude does not produce results.

The magical sounds of the Universe will bring good health, sincere love and long-awaited happiness into life!