Who has developed the doctrine of monades. Monad of man is the evolution of development. The concept of a monad in philosophy

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    Introduction to Agni Yoga. Lecture 24-1. Monad - Grain Spirit

    King Monada O Fella Village

    What King Monada Said on the Drive On Metro Show [#IdiBala]


    Lecture No. 24 of the Monad - Grain of Spirit 1. Fire origin of a person Everyone, in accordance with the potential of his mental energy, is a fiery creature, no matter what element dominates in his horoscope: fire, air, earth or water. The spirit is the fire, invisible for the usual human eye, and without the Spirit, at least in the minimum sizes, there can be no human being. Without it, a human being can not become a truly reasonable person and, ultimately, Bozhochlovek. The person leads its origin from the fire and during the evolution it will also be formed by the spiritual fire in matter, that is, establish a connection between the Spirit and matter. To achieve this goal, it has powerful energies and it, the first of all beings in the kingdom of nature, will be a conscious creator himself. A man who during his incarnations did not arouse and did not argue the fire of the Spirit, does not fulfill its cosmic destination, as he misses the possibility of self-improvement, which, due to the expansion of consciousness, is a manifestation of growing spirituality. Without a sufficient potential of spirituality, it is impossible to approach the world to the highest, to the true sky or to the fiery world of the Spirit. To do this, it is not enough to read more or less spiritual books; First of all, it is necessary for practical affairs to approve its spirituality in life, as well as transmiss the lower qualities to the highest, at the same time multiplying knowledge in the sphere of the worldview. On the way to spirituality, a person comes to the aid of the spark of the Divine Spirit, the so-called monad. In describing this divine spark, we concern one of the most difficult and mysterious issues of the origin of the person and the development of human individuality, the answer to which humanity can only have to the extent that this is given in reports of true teachers of wisdom. We are, mainly about the innermost knowledge that cannot be fully disclosed to humanity. Starting with Jordan Bruno and Leibnitsa - two "dedicated philosophers" - the question about the monad is constantly present in all philosophical discussions, but since then almost nothing new in philosophy has been added, for it is about the occult problem. In the occult, this knowledge is for a long time belongs to the category of great secrets and revelations. Leibniz saw in a monad (from Greek Monas \u003d unity), an intangible, however, an animated power center, whose task is to raise matter through a number of gradations of various monads with the increasing clarity of consciousness and complicating forms from the kingdom of minerals in the sphere of archangels, or Cherubimov - refineed in Esoteric literature Dhyhankoganov. A person in this series of gradations is only an intermediate link, part of the creation, in which a certain form of spirit is already manifested. Occultism also teaches that monads assumed a leading and moving role in the transmutation of matter in the Spirit. The monad is not identical with the person himself, but is to some extent his leader from the highest world, which can only partially descend into the human world and, therefore, forms a person with the help of the highest ego through the process of individualization. The monad remains fragrant independent and independent spark light, or gifted by the mind of Divine Energy in various variations, whose task in the sphere of all creation is to connect the spirit with matter and maintain, thanks to this interaction, life. 2. The man and monad of the monad, which consists of the sixth and seventh universal space principle, and it is, from atma and Buddhi, in itself is not in the world-being conscious essence, but the fiery beam of the absolute, or part of the absolute itself. Since the absolute is unchanged and has no relation to conditional, relative completion, the monad is also not subject to development. Therefore, from a metaphysical point of view, it is absurd to talk about the evolution of the monad or argue that it becomes a man. It is already a perfect idea and is not identical to an imperfect person, which it should lead to perfection. The latter is a product of the development of matter, in which, under the leadership of the monad, the Spirit manifests itself more stronger as the ego or I become self-conscious and gradually connects to the monad. A person improves his ego and his individuality under the guidance of the monad, which finds its expression in the person, until he is in full understanding the idea of \u200b\u200bthe Creator. Although the child exhibits all the signs of a person, the Spirit may initially only partially penetrate him and gradually mastering them. However, as the child is manifested by part of the spirit and mind, and in the person at the current stage of its development in the fourth round of the manvantar, in which we are now, only a part of the reason, which he will have at the end of the seventh round, when the monad will be able to bring and raise individuality to the target stipulated by the course of evolutionary development. The monad, which took over this leading role, herself in this period can neither move forward nor develop, nor even be influenced by changing states through which it passes, as it does not belong to this world or plan and can be comparable only with The irregular star of divine light and fire, lowered to our land, to serve as a saving leader for personalities with which she came into contact. These latter must cling to it and thus by comparison or adoption to its divine nature, to achieve immortality. The monad left in itself, the monad will not attach to any personality and, like a board, will be carried out to another embodiment by the relentless course of evolution. In addition to the material that it will require for its future human form, the monad needs a spiritual prototype for the design of this material and in a reasonable consciousness to direct its evolution and promotion. But neither the other nor a homogeneous monad, nor insensitive, albeit live matter. So adam from the dust needs the soul of life to be blown into it, or, in other words, in two median principles that the lower animal and the highest human ego, between which in order to evolve the struggle occurs until the monad on the path to the Higher The ego will not defeat the lower nature of the person, and as long as it does not transform it from an animal state in the Godhead, but for this it will take, however, a huge period of time, and this is impossible to commit for one-sole earthly life. It would contradict the peeliness of nature, if for each newborn man she needed to create a new soul every time. Therefore, each planet for the period of one manvantar, or a cosmic day, is inhabited by a certain number of monads and souls, the latter must pass for seven crosses of the Manvantar, a certain evolution. Occultists are known that a person in each circle must be incarnated at least 343 times, it is 7x7x7 incarnations in seven indigenous races, of which each is divided into seven subranges, in which no less than seven incarnations should be. It becomes clear if, from the occult point of view, the alleged age of mankind, in the initial stage of which most of the monad participated in the initial stage, is 18 million of the world, age, which is already confirmed by the data of modern science. Each human monad is, at the same time, the particle of the Divine Monad or Absolute and remains part of it. Therefore, in the manifested world, it is always possible to speak only about one or another stage of froth. The spirit is energy and we know that energy cannot manifest without matter. At all levels, in all our activities and in thinking, we cannot separate themselves from matter. We use the highest and coarse forms of a single matter. Spirit, subjective element or energy, is in a potential condition in the Lon of Cosmic Nature. In the process of differentiation or division, as a result of which countless stages or levels of manifestation of fruits were formed, the concepts of relativity and opposition arose. It is this relativity and bipolarity that are the foundations of our cognitive abilities and give us the opportunity to see the opposites, their advantages and disadvantages, and only because of this, to make reasonable actions in the spirit of development and self-improvement. Each spark of the Divine Monad is one of its fiery nature with all other monads, but the energy with which it comes into contact, express its potential, giving it the appropriate color to it. So there are so necessary differences. The spirit as such always remains inviolable, because the fiery grain of the Spirit is in spontaneous integrity, since the value of the element itself is invariably, but in accordance with the growth of consciousness, the emanations of the grain of the Spirit change. The grain of the Spirit is a particle of the primary fire, while the energies accumulated around the grain is its consciousness. You can add to the flame any chemical ingredient and thereby change its color and magnitude, but the initial essence of the flame remains unchanged. "... The evolution of the external form or body around the astral occurs through the earth's forces as well as in the case of the lower kingdoms. But the evolution of an internal or true person is purely spiritual. And then it is not only the passage of impersonal monad through many and various forms of matter - gifted , at best, instinct and consciousness in a completely different plan - as in the case of an external evolution, but the passage of the "soul of the stranger" through various states of not only matter, but self-awareness and self-knowledge ... Monad is detected from his spiritual state and mental unconsciousness; And, slipping the first two plans - too close to the absolute to allow a combination with something or at a lower plan - it takes directly on the mental plan. But in the whole universe there is no plan with a more extensive horizon or a wide field of action, in its almost endless gradations, cognitive and self-conceived qualities than this plan having, in turn, rather The opposite smaller plan for each "form", from the mineral monad to time, when this monad will bloom due to evolution in the Divine Monad. But throughout this time, she is still the same monad, distinguished by only its embodiments through consistent cycles of partial or complete obscuration of the spirit or a partial or complete obscuration of matter - two antithesis of polarity - according to whether it rises in the region of mental spirituality or descends In the depths of materiality. "(E.P. Blavatskaya," Secret Doctrine "M.: Progress - Culture" 1992, T.1, p.230) In order to achieve conscious manifestation on all plans or gain true immortality, that is, becoming arhat, Buddown , Dhyman Kogan, a person should here, on Earth, gradually combine the highest principles, namely, the fourth principle, which is the highest level of the lowest four, which he inherited from the animal kingdom of the previous manvantar, with the fifth and sixth principle. The seventh principle is only an eternal life force, spilled in all space. Each principle has its highest and lower manifestations or quality. So the thin body of the High Spirit is in accordance with its high feelings and has a radiant aura and emanation. Lower feelings, passions and desires are transformed into a clean fire of the Spirit, in the most sophisticated qualities, feelings and sensations. Like differences in the bodies of physical, there are also numerous gradations of thin and mental bodies. Monad, as the guide spark of the Spirit, acts inside a person, as soon as the sixth and seventh principle begins to operate in it, which is reflected in his aura. The Divine Spark of Monads cannot go down to the fourth, nor to the fifth, manasic plan and remains, therefore, on earthly terms, the unconscious is unconscious. But in order to act on this plan, it needs an intermediary or ray, which is the Higher Ego as a carrier of Manas, or a thinking person. Monad as part of atma, the seventh principle, covers only the sixth plan of the Buddhi and therefore partially acts in man only when thanks to the existing spirituality potential is the action of the sixth and seventh principle. In this case, the sensitivity of the aura is extremely increasing and deepened. Based on this, it is also clear why Master of Wisdom never delayed for a long time among people or generally completely avoid them, since they cannot transfer human radiation for a long time and as a result of repeated contact with the human aura can also get sick, regardless of whether They are in the physical body or compacted astral. Advanced students on the spiritual path is also difficult to withstand the aura of primitive or spiritually low people or enter into close physical contact with such people, especially if the premises are packed by people or have to stand or sit closely in contact with the Aura of another person, as it is inevitable and often happens in public transport.

The history of the face of the term

According to the leibher, the grounds of existing phenomena, or phenomena, serve simple substances, or monads (from Greek. MONADOS - one). All monads are simple and do not contain parts. They are infinitely a lot. Monads have qualities that distinguish one monad from another, there are no two absolutely identical monads. This ensures the infinite diversity of the world of phenomena. The idea according to which there are absolutely similar monads or two completely identical things in the world, leibhers formulated as the principle of "universal differences" and at the same time as the identity of "indistinguishable", thereby putting forward a deeply dialectical idea. According to the leibher, monads, self-relieving all its content due to self-consciousness, are independent and amateur forces that lead all material things into the state of movement. In the leibher, the monads form a breathtaking world, derived from which the world is phenomenal (physical space).

For simple substances that have only perception and desire, quite the common name of the monad or entelech. Monads who have more clear perceptions accompanied by memory, leibies calls the souls. At the same time, according to the leibher, there is no completely inanimate nature. Since no substance may die, it cannot finally lose any inner life. Leibniz says that monads who base the phenomena of the "inanimate" nature are actually in a state of deep sleep. Minerals and plants are like sleeping monads with unconscious ideas.

Reasonable souls, making up a special kingdom of the Spirit, are in a special position. The infinite progress of the entire totality of the monad is presented in two aspects. The first is the development of the kingdom of nature, where the mechanical need is dominated. The second is the development of the Kingdom of the Spirit, where the basic law is freedom. Under the last Leibniz understands, in the spirit of the new European rationalism, the knowledge of the eternal truths. Souls in the leibrity system are represented by his own expression, "live mirrors of the Universe." However, reasonable souls are at the same time mapping the deity itself, or the very Creator of Nature.

In every monada in the potential, the whole universe is cooked. Leibniz bizardsly combines the atomism of democritus with the difference in the actual and potential among Aristotle. Life appears when atoms awaken. The same monads can reach the level of self-consciousness (apperception). The human mind is also a monad, and the usual atoms are sleeping monads. The monad has two characteristics - the desire and perception.

God is a creative monad that has a property of current absolute thinking. God is the first day, all other monads are its radiation.

The term "Monad" also enjoys Edmund Gusserl. Gusserl introduces the concept of EGO as monads (Borrowing the term in Leibitsa). I like a monad - this "Ego, taken in full concreteness", "in the current manifold of its intentional life" - not as a pole and substrate experiences, but as a totality of these experiences. This is the "actual EGO", which "covers the entire valid and potential life of consciousness", empirical Ya.

The follower of the leibence in Russia was a philosopher and mathematician Nikolai Bugaev. Bugaev under the monad understands the "independent and amateur individual ... a living element ..." - alive, since it has a mental content, the essence of which is the Being of the monad for himself. Monad for Bugaev is the single element that is basic for studying, since the monad is "a whole, indivisible, uniform, unchanged and equal start with all possible relations to other monads and to himself", that is, "what in general A number of changes remain unchanged. " Bugaev in his works explores the properties of the monad, offers some techniques for analyzing the monad, indicates some laws inherent in monads.

Due to the fact that at present the consciousness of many people begins to "wake up", there is a need to acquaint them with Azami esoterism, and now exoterism, i.e. open knowledge.
So what is a monad, soul and person?
The ascended teacher of humanity is responsible for this question.Vladyka Jawl Khul:


At the beginning, the incomprehensible great source created what is called monads are separate particles of themselves. The greatest secret of creation is that these particles of the great source, being individual, at the same time do not differ from the very source itself, as sparks do not differ from the fire that thorms them, and the waves are from the ocean. Monad is that the metaphysics is called "I-ESM-Presence", or spirit. This is the core of each individual living being, his divine "I".

Ultimately (or rather, in the initial) account because his monad, or spiritual spark, which has freedom of will, I decided to get the experience of being in a more dense world than the world of the Great Source. The strength of his consciousness Monad created twelve souls. You can imagine it as a flame that has released twelve fiery languages. At the end of each language there is a separate soul. Each soul is a representative of the monad that created her, a kind of "branch" of the chief institution. Soul -, his superconscious mind.

So, the source created an infinite set of monads, or spiritual sparks, and then each monad created twelve souls to gain expecting existence on the more dense plans of the universe. But the education of the shower from the monad is only the first stage of this process. In an even more dense material universe, created twelve personalities, or the extensions of the soul, which were embodied on the most dense plan of being. Each man on Earth is an expansion of the soul, as each soul is an expansion of a greater consciousness - monads. And every monad is an even greater consciousness - God, the source of the whole of the universe.

Thus, each person on Earth has a "spiritual family" - eleven other extensions of the same soul. These eleven extensions can be embodied both on Earth and on other planets of the infinite universe. Some of them at any time may not be embodied on the physical plan, staying on thinner plans of being.

In addition, each personality is included in the "monadic family", in which, how easy it is to calculate, 144 members.

The Earth Planetary System has 60 billion monads. If we will multiply this number at 144, then we get the number of extensions of the soul, or personalities involved.


There are many ways to define and understand the soul.

To begin with, for example, it can be said that the soul is an intermediary between the embodied person on earth and the monad, or the Spirit, in heaven. For all human incarnations, up to fourth initiation, the soul serves as a mentor and teacher of the person. However, in the fourth dedication, the body of the soul, or the causal body, mystically burns and the soul returns to the monad, and its purpose and the function for everything Over the centuries ends. Monad, or Spirit, now becomes a mentor and teacher of the soul.
Matter is a means of expressing the soul on the physical plane, as well as at a higher soul plan serves as a means of expressing the spirit.

The soul is neither spirit or matter: it is the attitude between them two. She is a link between God and the form.

The soul is one of the names of the aspect of Christ.

The soul is also the quality that exhibits every form. It is that elusive quality that distinguishes one element from the other. In the world of plants, it determines whether the flower will appear from the ground or carrots. The same function performs the soul and in the animal world. All that was created, has a soul.

The conscious soul of a person consists in interconnection with the souls of all things. It is an integral part of the universal soul.

The process of contact with the soul begins when the striving for the first time receives mental impressions; And then the soul is increasingly allowed to take control of a triple person.

Finally, the complete identification with the soul is achieved with the third initiation, which is called merger with the soul.

Interestingly, the soul, or the highest "I," actually draws not much attention to the embodied personality until the embodied personality begins to pay attention to spiritual problems.

The soul is occupied by other ministry issues. But as soon as the embodied personality begins to show interest, the soul begins to play a very active role.

The same can be said about the relationship of the soul and monad. The monad does not pay much attention to the soul until the third initiation when monadic contact begins to arise.

The soul can be defined as the attractive force of the created physical universe, which keeps together all forms so that God can show and express himself through them.

Physical, emotional and mental body components are a kind of "robes" of the soul. In the process of spiritual evolution, they become the robes of the monad.

The soul can be described as the child of the Father-God and Mother Earth, which came to the ground to reveal the nature of God, which is love.

The soul can also be described as the principle of rationality, which inhabits all forms. In the human kingdom, this principle is manifested as thinking with the ability to analyze, distinguishing and self-awareness.

The soul, or the highest "me", as well as the person, constantly evolving, that is, is in the process of knowledge and growth.

Not all souls are at the same level of evolution. One of the main factors determining the course of the evolution of the soul is that twelve extensions of the soul are made in their material incarnations.

Some believe that the soul is perfect. This is not true. It evolved much higher than embodied personalities, but she evolves further.

The same can be said about the monad - she evolves in its plan. Not all monads are at the same level of evolution. Some of them evolved higher than others. This, again, to a large extent depends on what they managed to make them twelve souls and one hundred forty-four expansions of the souls in their material incarnations. It is important here that people as individuals depend on the leadership of their souls and monads, as well as their monad and soul depend on them.
The work of the seeming thing is to learn how to consider itself as a soul, and later, in the process of initiation - to see yourself as a monad, spirit, or God in incarnation.

To fully realize this, it is extremely important to learn to see it in others. What we see in others is in reality just a mirror reflection of what we see in yourself.

As a soul acquires the body

The soul comes into possession of physical, emotional and mental bodies (identity components) gradually, during a slow and long-term process. The soul enters the body immediately before birth or phase after it. Usually between the four and seven years, the soul comes into contact with the physical brain of the child. The astral body of the soul seizes about aged 21 and 25 years.

Contact with the soul usually comes between 35 and 42 years. The potential of contact with the monad begins after the soul will be the third initiation. This process, however, can be somewhat accelerated.

Old souls

All monads, or individual spiritual sparks, were created "at the beginning", in the same moment.

In this sense, all monads have the same age.

The term denotes how many soul lives lived in a terrestrial or material incarnation.

The middle soul on Earth, with all its twelve individuals, or the expansion of the soul, has lived about two thousand lives. Older souls lived at 2500 and even 3,000 lives.

Characteristics of the soul

Unconditioned love ,, joy, happiness, divine indifference, imperlicency, unaccountability, freedom, serenity,, responsibility, and intuition are such a characteristics of the soul.

Light soul

The attention of the teacher is attracted to the embodied personality by the radiance of the Light, which resides in this individual.

When the light reaches a certain intensity, aura-identified shade, and the total vibration is a special frequency, then the teacher comes.

In the choice of a student, the teacher is guided by karma, past connections, as well as a beam, which is an embodied personality.

Soul and hierarchy

The spiritual hierarchy is mostly the world of shower. In relation to the soul, three types of hierarchical workers differ:

1. Souls: those dedicated, who accepted the fourth initiation and in whom the body of the soul, or the causal body, was already destroyed. They are the guardians of the plan.

2. Personality influenced by the soul: those students and devoted to the first three initiations through which the souls work on the implementation of the plan.

3. Reasonable seeking: those who are not under the influence of the soul, but recognize the divine plan and seek to help the well-being of other people.

Early stages of the evolution of embodied personalities

The earliest state of evolution lies in the opening of the communication line between the person and the soul, so that the soul could continue to self-affirm through this person. The expansion of the soul (personality) is developing more and more, and finally the soul gets the possibility of complete dominance and controls the personality so much that it will no longer have some thoughts and will.

An ordinary earthly person practically has no connection with the soul. In part, therefore, people and are creating such terrible affairs. They do not have connection with the soul, so they manage the person, or negative ego. They are cut off from intuition, from conscience, from will to good and love, which makes the soul. And just as the evolution of the personality is to learn how to express only the soul, so the evolution of the soul is to learn how to express only the monad. Undeveloped expansion of the soul, or embodied personality, forgets about this connection with his soul and feels like a completely separate and independent individual.

The soul is involved in the whirlpool of activities on its own plan. If someone wants to attract her attention, he must show the soul that can make his personality useful for her. The soul knows that certain stages of its evolution can be done only through her individuals on Earth. If we look at many of the personalities here on Earth, we will see such expansion of the soul, whose astral bodies are filled with negative emotions, and the mental bodies are interested only for money, power, pleasure and entertainment. It is not difficult to see that the soul can not be interested in them, but will pay attention to someone from eleven other extensions.
The soul in his plan is so expansive that it is impossible for her to fully show itself only through one of its extensions. Similarly, the monad in its plan is not able to fully show itself only through one soul.

Spiritual Triad.

The spiritual triad is a tripal spirit through which a monad expresses itself.

The Triple Spirit includes spiritual will, intuition and the highest mind.

The monad expresses itself through these principles in the same way as the soul expresses itself through a lower spiritual triad of a tripod personality - physical, emotional and mental body.

Soul and Monad

The student must learn to control and train his thinking to receive posts from three sources:

1. From the usual material world.

2. From the soul, thus consciously becoming a student, a worker in one of the teacher's Ashram.

3. From the spiritual triad (spiritual will, intuition, the highest mind), which acts as a mediator between the monad and the brain of the embodied personality on earth. This is because in the third dedication, the person and soul merge, so the leadership can now come from the spiritual triad - monads.

Duality comes to a change of tripod (expansion of the soul - the soul - Monad), thanks to which a higher level of leadership becomes possible.


With the fourth dedication, the construction of antskarana, the bridge connecting the personality, soul and the monada is completed. After completing the construction of antscarana, the causal body burns, and the soul merges with the monad.

Soul on its own existence

The soul on his own plan consciously exercises his relationship with the teacher and seeks to inform this awareness of the embodied personality. - no problem. At the level of the soul, time and space do not exist in such a linear sense, as here, on Earth. The soul also has a relationship with other souls, usually located on the same ray. (The concept of the beam will be discussed in detail in the next chapter.) The soul is working on the formation of the group and group consciousness. Group consciousness is that the soul especially wants to see also on the physical plane. This will happen when most of the extensions of the soul on this plan will take their third initiation.
From the point of view of the teacher, the ability of the soul to manage their tool - embodied personality and carry out their work through it.

The path of promotion of the soul

The development of an embodied personality, which she can achieve the time of life in the allotted her, practically no limit. It completely depends on its ability to be in a state of concentration of discipline, to be unconditionally devoteed spiritual ideal. Very often, the expansion of the souls achieve great progress also due to the fact that they have already achieved in previous lives.
Despite the fact that such growth may seem some ultra-sore, even they are just prepared for the next period of slow, gradual and zealous growth. These gradual and often requiring enormous efforts are an effective method for all running on the spiritual path, regardless of the level of their spiritual evolution. There are no workarounds here. A minute a minute, an hour in an hour, day after day we go to achieving your goal. And very often the most important here will be such a trifle, like a smile, friendly hug or hand stretched to help.

Soul and apprenticeship

There are three main goals, which the student must be devoted to above all the rest:

1. Serving humanity.

2. Cooperation with the plan of the Great.

3. The development of the power of the soul and obedience to the soul, and not three lower bodies of the negative ego.

Spiritual impressions of the internal plan

There are four sources of spiritual impressions, which seeking and student must know:

1. Impressions coming from your own soul of the student.

2. Impressions going from Ashrama to which the student is attached.

3. Impressions going directly from the teacher.

4. Impressions coming from the spiritual triad and monads through Antahkaran.


Sutrantma is a silver thread, descending from the monad and passing through the soul into the embodied expansion of the soul on Earth. The soul rules over its form through the shedment, also called the thread of life. Do not be confused by a sutrum with antscripts. Sratma exists in people from birth. This is an energy line directed from the monad to personality, that is, from top to bottom. This is a kind of spiritual electrical conduit, which gives the personality energy and supports life in physical, emotional and mental bodies.

Antahkarana is a kind of bridge that identity should build through meditation, study, spiritual practices and spiritual work. Although the personality receives help from the soul, and later - and from the monad, most of them must be done on their own.

Thus, antscaran is directed from the bottom up.

1. Fireless human origin

Each person, in accordance with the potential of his mental energy, is a fiery creature, no matter what element dominates in its horoscope: fire, air, earth or water. The spirit is the fire, invisible for the usual human eye, and without the Spirit, at least in the minimum sizes, there can be no human being. Without it, a human being can not become a truly reasonable person and, ultimately, Bozhochlovek.

The person leads its origin from the fire and during the evolution it will also be formed by the spiritual fire in matter, that is, establish a connection between the Spirit and matter. To achieve this goal, it has powerful energies and it, the first of all beings in the kingdom of nature, will be a conscious creator himself. A man who during his incarnations did not arouse and did not argue the fire of the Spirit, does not fulfill its cosmic destination, as he misses the possibility of self-improvement, which, due to the expansion of consciousness, is a manifestation of growing spirituality.

Without a sufficient potential of spirituality, it is impossible to approach the world to the highest, to the true sky or to the fiery world of the Spirit. To do this, it is not enough to read more or less spiritual books; First of all, it is necessary for practical affairs to approve its spirituality in life, as well as transmiss the lower qualities to the highest, at the same time multiplying knowledge in the sphere of the worldview.

On the way to spirituality, a person comes to the aid of the spark of the Divine Spirit, the so-called monad. In describing this divine spark, we concern one of the most difficult and mysterious issues of the origin of the person and the development of human individuality, the answer to which humanity can only have to the extent that this is given in reports of true teachers of wisdom. We are, mainly about the innermost knowledge that cannot be fully disclosed to humanity.

Starting with Jordan Bruno and Leibnitsa - two "dedicated philosophers" - the question about the monad is constantly present in all philosophical discussions, but since then almost nothing new in philosophy has been added, for it is about the occult problem. In the occult, this knowledge is for a long time belongs to the category of great secrets and revelations. Leibniz saw in a monad (from Greek Monas \u003d unity), an intangible, however, an animated power center, whose task is to raise matter through a number of gradations of various monads with the increasing clarity of consciousness and complicating forms from the kingdom of minerals in the sphere of archangels, or Cherubimov - refineed in Esoteric literature Dhyhankoganov. A person in this series of gradations is only an intermediate link, part of the creation, in which a certain form of spirit is already manifested.

Occultism also teaches that monads assumed a leading and moving role in the transmutation of matter in the Spirit. The monad is not identical with the person himself, but is to some extent his leader from the highest world, which can only partially descend into the human world and, therefore, forms a person with the help of the highest ego through the process of individualization. The monad remains fragrant independent and independent spark light, or gifted by the mind of Divine Energy in various variations, whose task in the sphere of all creation is to connect the spirit with matter and maintain, thanks to this interaction, life.

2. Man and Monad

The monad, which consists of the sixth and seventh universal cosmic principle, and it is, from Atma and Buddhi, in itself is not in the world manifested by the world, but the fire ray of the absolute, or part of the absolute itself. Since the absolute is unchanged and has no relation to conditional, relative completion, the monad is also not subject to development. Therefore, from a metaphysical point of view, it is absurd to talk about the evolution of the monad or argue that it becomes a man. It is already a perfect idea and is not identical to an imperfect person, which it should lead to perfection. The latter is a product of the development of matter, in which, under the leadership of the monad, the Spirit manifests itself more stronger as the ego or I become self-conscious and gradually connects to the monad.

A person improves his ego and his individuality under the guidance of the monad, which finds its expression in the person, until he is in full understanding the idea of \u200b\u200bthe Creator.

Although the child exhibits all the signs of a person, the Spirit may initially only partially penetrate him and gradually mastering them. However, as the child is manifested by part of the spirit and mind, and in the person at the current stage of its development in the fourth round of the manvantar, in which we are now, only a part of the reason, which he will have at the end of the seventh round, when the monad will be able to bring and raise individuality to the target stipulated by the course of evolutionary development.

The monad, which took over this leading role, herself in this period can neither move forward nor develop, nor even be influenced by changing states through which it passes, as it does not belong to this world or plan and can be comparable only with The irregular star of divine light and fire, lowered to our land, to serve as a saving leader for personalities with which she came into contact. These latter must cling to it and thus by comparison or adoption to its divine nature, to achieve immortality. The monad left in itself, the monad will not attach to any personality and, like a board, will be carried out to another embodiment by the relentless course of evolution.

In addition to the material that it will require for its future human form, the monad needs a spiritual prototype for the design of this material and in a reasonable consciousness to direct its evolution and promotion. But neither the other nor a homogeneous monad, nor insensitive, albeit live matter. So adam from the dust needs the soul of life to be blown into it, or, in other words, in two median principles that the lower animal and the highest human ego, between which in order to evolve the struggle occurs until the monad on the path to the Higher The ego will not defeat the lower nature of the person, and as long as it does not transform it from an animal state in the Godhead, but for this it will take, however, a huge period of time, and this is impossible to commit for one-sole earthly life.

It would contradict the peeliness of nature, if for each newborn man she needed to create a new soul every time. Therefore, each planet for the period of one manvantar, or a cosmic day, is inhabited by a certain number of monads and souls, the latter must pass for seven crosses of the Manvantar, a certain evolution. Occultists are known that a person in each circle must be incarnated at least 343 times, it is 7x7x7 incarnations in seven indigenous races, of which each is divided into seven subranges, in which no less than seven incarnations should be. It becomes clear if, from the occult point of view, the alleged age of mankind, in the initial stage of which most of the monad participated in the initial stage, is 18 million of the world, age, which is already confirmed by the data of modern science.

Each human monad is, at the same time, the particle of the Divine Monad or Absolute and remains part of it. Therefore, in the manifested world, it is always possible to speak only about one or another stage of froth. The spirit is energy and we know that energy cannot manifest without matter. At all levels, in all our activities and in thinking, we cannot separate themselves from matter. We use the highest and coarse forms of a single matter. Spirit, subjective element or energy, is in a potential condition in the Lon of Cosmic Nature. In the process of differentiation or division, as a result of which countless stages or levels of manifestation of fruits were formed, the concepts of relativity and opposition arose. It is this relativity and bipolarity that are the foundations of our cognitive abilities and give us the opportunity to see the opposites, their advantages and disadvantages, and only because of this, to make reasonable actions in the spirit of development and self-improvement.

Each spark of the Divine Monad is one of its fiery nature with all other monads, but the energy with which it comes into contact, express its potential, giving it the appropriate color to it. So there are so necessary differences. The spirit as such always remains inviolable, because the fiery grain of the Spirit is in spontaneous integrity, since the value of the element itself is invariably, but in accordance with the growth of consciousness, the emanations of the grain of the Spirit change. The grain of the Spirit is a particle of the primary fire, while the energies accumulated around the grain is its consciousness. You can add to the flame any chemical ingredient and thereby change its color and magnitude, but the initial essence of the flame remains unchanged.

"... The evolution of the outer shape or body around the astral occurs through the earth's forces in the same way as in the case of the lower kingdoms. But the evolution of an internal or true person is purely spiritual. And then it is not only the passage of an impersonal monad through many and various forms of matter - gifted, at best, instinct and consciousness in a completely different plan - as in the case of an external evolution, but the passage of the "soul-wanders" through various states not only, but Self-consciousness and self-knowledge ...

The monad is detected from its spiritual state and mental unconsciousness; And, slocking the first two plans, are too close to the absolute to allow a combination with something or at a lower plan - it takes directly to the mental plan. But in the whole universe, there is no plan with a more extensive horizon or a wide field of action, in its almost endless graduations, cognitive and self-conceived qualities, rather than this plan, having, in turn, corresponding to a smaller plan for each "form", from the mineral monad to time when this monad will bloom due to evolution in the Divine Monadad. But throughout this time, she is still the same monad, distinguished by only its embodiments through consistent cycles of partial or complete obscuration of the spirit or a partial or complete obscuration of matter - two antithesis of polarity - according to whether it rises in the region of mental spirituality or descends In the depths of the materiality. " (E.P. Blavatskaya, "Secret Doctrine" M.: Progress - Culture "1992, T.1, p.230)

In order to achieve conscious manifestation on all plans or to gain true immortality, that is, becoming arhat, buddown, Dhyan Kogan, a person should here, on earth, gradually combine the highest principles, namely, the fourth principle, which is the highest level of the lowest four, Which he inherited from the animal kingdom of the previous manvantar, with the fifth and sixth principle. The seventh principle is only an eternal life force, spilled in all space. Each principle has its highest and lower manifestations or quality. So the thin body of the High Spirit is in accordance with its high feelings and has a radiant aura and emanation.

Lower feelings, passions and desires are transformed into a clean fire of the Spirit, in the most sophisticated qualities, feelings and sensations. Like differences in the bodies of physical, there are also numerous gradations of thin and mental bodies.

Monad, as the guide spark of the Spirit, acts inside a person, as soon as the sixth and seventh principle begins to operate in it, which is reflected in his aura. The Divine Spark of Monads cannot go down to the fourth, nor to the fifth, manasic plan and remains, therefore, on earthly terms, the unconscious is unconscious. But in order to act on this plan, it needs an intermediary or ray, which is the Higher Ego as a carrier of Manas, or a thinking person. Monad as part of atma, the seventh principle, covers only the sixth plan of the Buddhi and therefore partially acts in man only when thanks to the existing spirituality potential is the action of the sixth and seventh principle. In this case, the sensitivity of the aura is extremely increasing and deepened. Based on this, it is also clear why Master of Wisdom never delayed for a long time among people or generally completely avoid them, since they cannot transfer human radiation for a long time and as a result of repeated contact with the human aura can also get sick, regardless of whether They are in the physical body or compacted astral.

Advanced students on the spiritual path is also difficult to withstand the aura of primitive or spiritually low people or enter into close physical contact with such people, especially if the premises are packed by people or have to stand or sit closely in contact with the Aura of another person, as it is inevitable and often happens in public transport.

3. Types of monads

The question of which the monad has to atom, E.P. Blavatskaya is responsible for this: "No, nor to the atom, nor to the molecule, as they exist now in the scientific presentation. It can never be compared with microcosmic organisms that were ranked once, to polygastic infusories, now they are considered plants, and ranked algae; She also does not have a completely monas peripatetics. Physically or in the structure of its mineral monad differs, of course, from the human monad, which is not physical, and the structure cannot be transmitted by chemical symbols and elements.

In short, as a spiritual monad is one, worldwide and infinite and indivisible, the rays of which, nevertheless, form that we are in the ignorance of our "individual monads" people and a mineral monad - being on the opposite arc of the circle - also one and It occurs countless physical atoms, which science begins to consider how individualized.

Otherwise, how could we explain the mathematically evolutionary and spiral process of four kingdoms? Monad is a combination of the last two principles in man, sixth and seventh; And, accurately speaking, the term "human monad" is applicable only to a double soul (atma-buddhi), but not to her higher, spiritual, reviving the Atma principle, taken separately. But once the spiritual soul, in the case of a separation from the last (atma), could not exist, to have being, then it was so named ... So, the monadic, or rather, the Space Essence, if a similar term is permissible, in a mineral, plant and animal Although it is very like a series of all cycles from the elemental kingdom, right up to the Kingdom of the DEV, however, it will be varied as its promotion. It would be extremely erroneous to imagine a monad as a separate entity that lays his slow path to a certain path through the lower kingdoms and after countless transformation transformation, which flourishes into a human being; As, for example, to say that Monad Humbold occurred from the monad of the atom of horny deception. Instead of saying "Mineral Monad", it would be more correct to consume in physical science that differentiates each atom, the following expression - "a monad, manifested in the form of Prakriti, called the mineral kingdom."

Atom, as it is represented in a conventional scientific hypothesis, there is no particle of something, lively mental something, and which, after the eponym, is predetermined to bloom in humans. But this is a specific manifestation of the universal energy that has not yet been individualized yet; The consistent manifestation of the Unified Universal Monas. The ocean of matter is not divided into its potential and composite drops until the wave of a vital impulse reaches the evolutionary stage of human birth. The tendency to the separation into individual monads is committed gradually and in higher animals reaches almost to the point. Peripatetics attached the word Monas to the entire space in the pantheistic sense; The occultists, although they take this idea for the convenience, but distinguish the sequential stages of the evolution of the specific from the abstract, through terms, the example of which is "mineral, vegetable, animal monad, etc. The terms simply mean that the wave of the tide of spiritual evolution passes through That or another arc of his circles. The "monadic essence" begins to be unnoticed to differentiate in the direction of an individual consciousness in the plant kingdom. For the monads, as they correctly identified the leibies, the essence of the things are incomparable, it is spiritual nature that animates them in their stages of differentiation, speaking exactly, and makes up the monad ... "(E.P. Blavatsky" Secret Doctrine "M.: Progress Culture , 1992, - T.1, p. 232-234)

4. Classes of monad

According to E.P. Blavatskaya all monads can be divided into three large classes:

"1. The most developed monadys are the lunar gods or" perfumes "- called in India Pedris - the purpose of which to go in the first round through the entire triple cycle of mineral, plant and animal kingdoms, in their most essential, fluid and rudimentary forms in order to ensure that Punish and adapt to the nature of the new formed chain. It is, they are the first reaching human form - if only there can be any form in the field of almost perfect subjectivity - on the globe and in the first round. Therefore, they head and represent the human element throughout the second and third circle and, finally, develop their shadows at the beginning of the fourth round for the second class or for those who follow them.

2. The monads that the first reach the human stage for three and a half of the circles and become "people".

3. The backward monads who were late and which are not achieved, due to the karmic difficulties, the human stage throughout this cycle or circle, with one exception to which will be said elsewhere, as already promised.

We are forced to use the word "people" misleading, and this is clear evidence, as any European language is adapted to express these subtle differences.

Sweese must suggest that "these people" did not resemble people of our days, nor form, nor natural. Why then, may you ask, call them, in general, "people"? Because there is no other term in any of the Western languages, which, at least approximately, passed the desired representation. The word "people" (MEN), at least, indicates that these creatures were "mana", thinking of entities, no matter how distinguished by them and reason from ourselves. But, in fact, with respect to spirituality and understanding, they were rather "gods" than "people" ... "(Blavatskaya E.P., Secret Doctrine. - M.: Progress-culture, 1992, - T.1, pp. 228-229)

5. Path of monads

"... The Divine Monad is located in every mineral, in every plant, in every manifestation, for without this fiery grain there is no life. And as they climb out of simple to more complex organisms, the monad or grain of the Spirit remains always unchanged in the natural integrity of his. But the emanation or radiation of this grain varies depending on the growth of the consciousness of the organism's revived. Consequently, the more difficult and the organism is sophisticated, the eases of the monad are becoming richer and thinner ... "(Elena Rerich letters, T.1, from 18.6.35)

"... Spirit, or a monad, is always in its primary cleanliness both in the animal and in a person, but only deposits accumulated from contact with other energies, they are aligning individuality, or if you want a soul. From this, however, it is already clear that there can be no group soul, each monad, collecting its own accumulations, or reserves, follows a certain evolutionary way, for the magnetic attraction that lies at the base of each life focus, acts exactly. Some writers mixed and the concept of the delicacy of the spirit with a group soul. Many mistakes, and they are inevitable, especially with observable human dishonesty. Also, the popularization of great truths has a lot contributed to the distortion of them. Unprepared or small consciousness cannot understand the entire depth of a completely new concept for him and, trying to explain to him with an old consciousness, perverts it sometimes to complete unrecognizability.

Many in their past transformations on Earth see themselves with an elephant, a dog, a dog, a cat (less often tipir and tiger), but few of them thought if it could actually be? Listed animals are later development or degeneration of doping species. But if some part of modern humanity and was in the animal state with the initial circles of the development of our planet, then, of course, this animal type differed in all respects from modern animal species. The remains of a person of that animal species, which was the link between animals and man, will never be known to our scientists, for this appearance existed in circles preceding our, therefore finding his remains there is no possibility. Also encountered now animals will not be people on this planet. Because if we and you were not the evolution of any dinosaur in this circle or even on this planet, then the monads are probably revived once like such beauties on a different planet ... "(Elena River's letters, T.1 , from 16.1.35)

The monad's separation is the loss of personality memories, but not individuality. The worst thing that can happen is the final separation of the monad from the rest of the principles of a person, for it delays the evolution of individuality for many millennia. This monad will have to again build a new habitat vessel or conductor in matter, being forced to re-pass through its lower forms.

6. Seven globes and lunar ancestors

"All in the metaphysical and physical world seminarily. Consequently, every star body, each planet, visible or invisible, has six Globes-fellow. The evolution of life takes place on these seven globes or bodies, from the first up to the seventh, for seven circles or seven cycles.

These globes are formed by the process called the occultists "revival of planetary circuits (or rings)". When the seventh and the last circle of one of these rings began, the highest (or first) globe A, and with it all the others in the sequence to the last, instead of entering into a more or less long period of rest or "obscuration", as it was in Previous circles - begins to die. The planetary decomposition (prathy) approaches and the hour has broken it; Each globe must convey its life and energy to another planet.

Our land, as a visible representative of his invisible, higher globes-fellow, her "Vladyk" or "principles" should exist in the same way as others over the course of seven laps. During the first three, it is formed and hardening; For the fourth, it is installed and hardens; During the last three, it gradually returns to its primary form; She becomes so to speak, lightweight.

Her mankind is quite developing only in the fourth - our real circle. Prior to this fourth cycle, this is "humanity" is called only due to the lack of a more proper term. Like a larvae, becoming a pupa, then a butterfly, a man, or, or rather, what becomes a man passes through all forms and kingdoms during the first circle, and through all human forms for the next two laps ...

Each life cycle on the globe D (our land) consists of seven indigenous races ... The first roasting race, i.e., the first "people" on Earth (regardless of the form) were the offspring of "heavenly people", correctly named in Hindu philosophy "Lunar Ancestors" or Pedrises, which are seven degrees or hierarchies ... "(Blavatskaya E.P. Secret Doctrine. - M.: Progress-culture, 1992, - T.1, p. 212-213)

In addition to the fourth round of the Fourth Circle, the land gave the shelter to individual representatives of the highest circles from other planets, who worked as scientists, philosophers, statesmen and founders of religions. Each circle contributes to a new development and even a complete shift in the intellectual, mental, spiritual and physical constitution of a person. All these principles are developing in a constantly increasing sequence.

The highest globes of any chain in the solar system are currently not visible to the human eye, with the exception of all those planets, which, like Earth, are in the fourth globe D, regardless of which circle of this chain they belong. Because of this, astronomy is able to confirm the existence of only the fact that, like the Earth, is at the same level of matter. For some of our neighboring planets, the "secret doctrine" teaches that Mars is currently in a state of obscuration, and Mercury is just beginning to go out of it, while Venus experiences the last circle of his manvantar. Each planet corresponds to the special state of his humanity, and vice versa. We see only gross physical forms of manifestation of globes, whereas there is a much larger amount of submerction planets with a different degrees of density of astral matter.

7. Moon and earth chain

In the diagram below, borrowed from the "Secret Doctrine" (p. 226), FIG. 1. Represents a lunar chain of seven globes at the beginning of its seventh or last circle; whereas FIG. 2. Pictures the future earth chain, which does not yet exist.

E.P. Blavatskaya in the first volume of "Secret Doctrine" gives on this issue the following explanations:

"Seven globes of each chain differ in their cyclic order letters from A to G. ...

Now it should be remembered that the monads rotating in the seven chain circle are divided into seven classes or hierarchies, according to their respective stages of evolution, consciousness and merit. Let us follow the order of their appearance on the globe and in the first round. The time between the appearances of these hierarchies on any globe is so adapted that when class 7, the last, appears on the globe A, then class 1 just switched to the globe B; And so on, step by step, throughout the chain.

Also in the seventh circle of the lunar chain, when class 7, the last, leaves the globe, this globe, instead of falling asleep, as he did in previous circles, begins to die (enter his planetary pralty); And, dying, he, as mentioned, transmits its principles in the sequence or elements of life and energy, etc., a new Laya Center, which begins the formation of a globe A, earth chain. A similar process occurs with each globe of the lunar chain; One by one each forms a new globe of the earth chain. Our moon was the fourth globe from the series and was on the same plan of visibility as our land. But the globe and the lunar chain is not quite "dead" until the first first-class monads do not switch from the GLOB of G or Z, the latter in the lunar chain, in Nirvana, waiting for them between two chains; The same happens as indicated, and with all other globes, each of which gives birth to the relevant globe of the earth chain.

Further, when the globe and the new chain is ready, the first class or the hierarchy of the Moon chain monad is embodied on it in the lower kingdom and so on in the sequence. As a result, only the first class of the monad reaches the development of the human state during the first circle, because the second class on each globe, arriving later, does not have time to achieve this stage. Thus, the monads of the second class reach the initial human stage only in the second round and so on until the middle of the fourth round. But at this point in this fourth round, in which the human stage will be quite developed, the "door" in the human kingdom is closed; And from this point on the number of "human" monad, that is, the monad in the human stage of development is completed. For monads, unresponsible by this time, will, by virtue of the development of humanity itself, so behind that they achieved the human stage only at the end of the seventh and last circle. They will be therefore will not be people in this chain, but will make up the humanity of the future manvantar and will be rewarded by the fact that they will become "people" on a higher chain, thus obtaining a karmic refund ... "(Blavatskaya E.P., Secret Doctrine. - M.: Progress Culture, 1992, - T.1, p. 226-228)

"... Moon older land. Imagine six Globes-fellow Moon - Eona before the first of the development of the first of our seven globes - engaged in relation to each other, the very position of the globes of our chain is now in relation to our land. Now it will be easy to imagine how the globe and the lunar chain revives the globe and the earth's chain and then dies; The next globe in the same chain sends its energy to the globe in the new chain; Then the globe from the lunar chain creates its disposal, the sphere of in the earth's chain; And finally, the moon (our satellite) pours all his life, energy and strength into the lowest globe of our planetary chain - Globus D, and, having passed their new center, it becomes, indeed, a dead planet in which since the birth of our globe, Rotation almost ceased. The moon is undoubtedly there is a satellite of our Earth, but it does not harm the theory that she passed all the land, except for his corpse ... "(Blavatskaya E.P., Secret Doctrine. - M.: Progress-culture, 1992, - .1, p. 208)

On this occasion, it would be possible to object that Venus and Mercury do not have satellites. However, this is due to the fact that they are much older than the Earth and therefore their moon already broke up. As soon as the earth reaches the seventh circle, the end will come and for our moon. And there are also planets that have several moons, however, this mystery is not yet revealed. The moon are dead and yet alive bodies. Their radiation is therefore, most often, destructive, but, like earthly products of rotting used as fertilizers, still contribute to fertility. After all, it is known that herbs and plants are not growing anywhere with more power than the graves.

"... In reality, the moon is the satellite of the earth only in one respect, it is that physically the moon rotates around the Earth. But in all other cases, it is the Earth that there is a satellite of the moon, and not vice versa. No matter how affecting this statement, it is not devoid of confirmation from scientific knowledge. It is confirmed by tides, periodic changes in many forms of diseases that coincide with the lunar phases; It can be traced in plants growth and pronounced in the phenomenon of human conception and pregnancy process. The meaning of the moon and its influence on the ground were recognized by each of the religion of antiquity, especially Jewish, and were noted by many observers of mental and physical phenomena. But so far, science only knows that the impact of the Earth on the Moon is limited to a physical attraction forcing it to rotate in its orbit. And if the mind insisted that this fact is in itself, sufficient evidence that the moon is indeed a satellite of the Earth and on other plans of action, you can answer, asking the question - will the mother who goes around the cradle of her child, guarding him, subordinate Your child or depends on him? Although, in one sense, she is his companion, however, she, of course, is older and fully developed than a child guarded by her.

Consequently, it is, the moon plays the greatest and significant role, both in the formation of the Earth itself and in the population of its human beings. Moon monads or ptroms, human ancestors, become in fact the person themselves. They are monads who have entered the evolution cycle on the globe A, which throughout the circle of the globes are developing a human form, as it has just been shown. At the beginning of the human stage of the fourth round of our Earth, they "distinguish" their astral twins from the "monkey-like" forms that they developed in the third round ... "(Blavatskaya E.P., Secret Doctrine. - M.: Progress-culture, 1992 - T.1, p.235-236)

Thus, most monads or people came from the Moon, which is the mother of the Earth. The lunar spirits became "people" so that their monads could reach a higher plan of activity and self-consciousness. In the same way, once in the future and our monads at the end of the seventh circle will cause a new Lai-center on another planet.

Planetary chains with all their globes and spheres are one. All globes are concentricly connected to each other. The highest principles of the planet are concluded in human monades. Therefore, it can be argued that when, at the end of the evolution of the Moon, human monads left it, the same thing happened with her highest principles. The dying planet does not have to be lower, but she, like a person, passes from physical life into the world, thin, and, of course, will take place while its corpse is disintegrated into the thinnest atmosphere. Because the moon, being a dying planet, even if today she is still a satellite of the Earth, sends a destructive rays on it, and in some sense it also adversely affects the human horoscope, especially in the twelfth house.

All life principles of the moon are transferred to the land at the beginning of our fourth round many millions of years ago. The lunar chain was, therefore, at the stage lower than our current earthly chain, and at the end of the last, after the seventh round, our planet will also die, will give his life to a more advanced globe and modern humanity will populate the globe of the highest planetary chain.

8. Lunar monads

About Lunar Monads Blavatskaya E.P. She wrote the following: "Everyone should be clear that they are monads, which, having completed their life cycles on the lunar chain, the lower compared to earthly, were embodied on the latter. But there are several further details that can be added, although they are too closer to the prohibited limit to discuss in full detail. The last word of mystery is revealed only by adepts, but it can be indicated that our satellite is only the rude body of their invisible principles. Since there are seven lands, there are also seven moons and only the last one is visible; The same in relation to the sun, the visible body of which is called Maya, reflection, as well as the human body; "The True Sun and the True Moon is also invisible, like a true man," says the occult dogma ... "(Blavatskaya E.P., Secret Doctrine. - M.: Progress Culture, 1992, - T.1, p. 234-235)

"It should also be borne in mind that the monads that enter the evolutionary cycle on the globe A, in the first round, are in very different stages of evolution. Consequently, the position becomes somewhat complicated. Repeat again:

The most developed lunar monys reaches the human stare in the first round; They become earthly, although very ether human beings by the end of the third round, remaining on the globe during the "obscuration", as a seed for future humanity in the fourth round and, thus, they become pioneers of humanity at the beginning of this fourth round. Others reach the human condition only in later circles, i.e., in the second, third or in the first half of the fourth round. And finally, the most captured - i.e., those who are still in animal forms after the median turning point of the fourth round - will not be at all people during this manvantara. They reach the limit of mankind only at the end of the seventh round, in order to be translated, after Polaya, to the new chain with older pioneers, the forefathers of humanity or named seeds of humanity (Shishke), i.e., people who will be headed by all At the end of these circles.

From the previous charts that Mutatis Mutandis are attached to circles, globes or races, it is clear that the fourth series member of the series occupies a completely separate position. In contrast to the other "Fourth Globe" does not have a GLOBUS-fellow on the same plan, as he himself and, thus, forms the point of support "Equilibrium", manifested by the entire chain. This is the sphere of the final evolutionary encouragement, the world of karmic scales, the courtroom, where the equilibrium is established, the predetermining future direction of the monad during the remaining embodiments in the cycle. This is the reason why after the central turning point was passed in the Great Cycle - i.e., after the average point of the fourth race in the fourth circle on our globe, no monad can more join the human kingdom. The door is locked to this cycle and equilibrium is installed. For if it were different, if a new shower was created for each of the countless billion of dead human beings and if it were not for the embodiment - it would really be difficult to find a place for the pests of "spirits"; It would also be impossible to find an explanation for the beginning and the reason for suffering. It was that the ignorance of the occult basics and the violent imposition of false concepts, under the mask of religious education, created materialism and atheism, as a protest against the approved divine order of things ... "(Blavatskaya E.P., Secret Doctrine. - M.: Progress-culture, 1992, - T1., P. 237-238)

Monads possess the universal development opportunity of both individual and in the aggregate. However, in its rank, the monads differ in, according to Leibnitsa, depending on which their activity becomes clear and distinct, that is, it moves to the level of conscious. In this sense, the monad make up a single ladder of living beings.

All existing leibnic monads divided by classes:

"Naked" - underlying the entire inorganic nature.

"Animals" - with sensations, but not possessing self-awareness.

"Human" - possessing memory, consciousness, the ability to think.

The "highest" monad is God.

The higher the class of the monad, the more its intelligence and degree of freedom.

The low-degree monads have only a passive perception ability, they are contained in the subjects of inanimate nature. The lower monads are "naked" - "sleep without dreams" and form inorganic nature. But in accordance with the Labean system, the lower monad is not dead, since life is spilled everywhere.

A significantly more intensive form of manifestation of vitality in metaphysics Labitsa is the monads-soul or "animals". "... only such monads can be called souls, whose perceptions are more distinct and accompanied by memory." Memory opens up the possibility of the appearance of an "empirical sequence", common to humans and animal. This suggests that the sensation obtained in a certain sequence is previously, you can experience again in the same sequence. "

Nevertheless, there are no reason in the activities of monad-souls, without which the "rational sequence" is impossible, characteristic of a person. Since the soul thinks as a disembodied center of a physical organization.

The monads of the highest degree of development "Human" are endowed with consciousness; They are capable of actively perception.

At the top of the lake ladder places the highest monad - God.

Model "relationship between monades"

Small perceptions characteristic of a separately taken monad play a certain role. As Leibniz writes, "... action ... Small perceptions are much more significantly than they think."

It is they form that are not dedicable to the definition of tastes, images of sensual qualities, clear in the aggregate, but not distinct in their parts, that is, the impressions that the bodies around us produce us and who enter into infinity, - the connection in which everyone is Creature with the rest of the universe.

You can even say that, due to these small perceptions, the present is fraught with the future and burdened with the past that everything is in mutual agreement.

Later, in the work of the "Theodice experiments", Leibniz indicates that "time will consist in a set of points of view of each monad for the very space, as spaces - in the aggregate points of view of all the monads on God." And then he writes that "harmony provides communication as a future with the past and the present with the missing. The first type of communication unites times, and the second place. This second communication is found in the union of the soul with the body, and in general in the connection of the true substances among themselves.

In teaching, Leibniz about monades is interesting to the fact that he built a model of "relations between monades". In particular, communication between such monades, as people, includes the moment of "reflection of one person in another", one person "like in the mirror" looks at the other.

Life and interior of the monad

monad Labitz Dynamic

Monads do not arise, for the emergence of substances from nothing there would be a miracle, and the bodily appearance as a connection of previously existing parts is not inherent in substances. Monads are not dying, as only complex bodies can die, decaying their component elements. That is, the monads are "immortal" and in this is similar to the spirits.

What is the life of the monad? Every life has activities, and substances cannot inactivate, on the other hand, only substances can have activities. Monadas alien passiveness, they are extremely active, and it can be said that it is the active desire that constitutes their essence. Each of them has a permanent and continuous flow of change in which the change in reality and development coincide. Monads are forces, and since they are spiritual, they are the centers of concentration of different forces, but always perfect.

The idealization of the monad forces inevitably affected the interpretation of their dynamism. Essential forces are the forces of "primary", the eternal, always living in their actions, unique and connecting the ability to change and the trend towards the actualization.

The actualization is directed from the ideal-spiritual in material: spiritual forces give rise to a spiritual movement that reveals itself as a material of material, and already from here further stems the length and structurality of physical processes. The essence of the monad is that they are focused on indivisible due to their spirituality of forces that can not be crushed or multiply. Delimo space and repeat his fragments, and the monads are indisputable not only as a result of their point nature, but also because in their essence they are outside the spatial dimensions.

The dynamic properties of the monad do not carry a vector character, the forces of the monad do not have directions.

According to the principle of graduality, the monads not only differ from each other, but also in some extent similar to each other exactly how it happens in people, as a result of which various groups and types of the monad kingdom are formed.

How did leibnic understand the internal development of the monad? Each of them lives a more or less intense life, which can be explained by the appearance with the mental life of people: sensations, contemplation, presentation and self-awareness. Monads as if two-limits: the desire and perception are the two sides of their lives. The self-development of each monad is to transition to its increasing steps of consciousness, which coincides with the progress of her knowledge.

The development of the monad occurs in accordance with the principle of continuity. Representations, being at the same monad at different times and from different monads at the same time unequal and possessing varying degrees of clarity, gradually are made more and more distinct and complete.


Explanatory dictionary of the living Great Russian, Dal Vladimir


g. Unit, as the beginning of the outcome of the account, strength, etc.

Element, beginning, undetended body.

An indivisible unit or being, in the kingdom of an animal, as an atom in bodies in general.

The most promotion of the pyline, ball.

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. D.N. Ushakov


monads, g. (Greek. Monas, letters. Unity).

    In the ancient mathematicians - one.

    In the ancient philosophers, for example. Pythagoreans, the principle underlying being (philos.). ? In idealistic philosophy, the leibitus is one of the unzipped, indivisible spiritual units, as if animate atoms, of which the universe is consisting of (philos.).

    Lower organism, transition from plants to the simplest animal (zootal. Star.).

A new intelligent-word-formational dictionary of the Russian language, T. F. Efremova.


g. An indivisible primary spiritual element, which, together with other similarities, is the basis of the Universe (in the Philosophy of the city of Labitsa).

Encyclopedic Dictionary, 1998


Monad (from Greek. Monas, born. Mondos - unit, single) concept denoting in various philosophical exercises. Fundamental elements of being: a number in Pythagoreism; one in neoplatonism; Unified Beginning of Being in Pantheism J. Bruno; Mentally active substance in the monadology of G. V. Leibnitsa, perceiving and reflecting others. Monad and the whole world ("Monad - Mirror of the Universe").


(from Greek. Monás, MONADOS PAIDE PADEZH ≈ Unit, single), the concept used in a number of philosophical systems to denote the constitutful elements of being. In ancient philosophy, this concept was first introduced by Pythagoreanis, who had seen and the proportion of primary items was introduced as an initial world-eyed principle. From the Pythagoreans, the concept of M. went to Platon (Dialog "Phyble"), and from Plato ≈ in neoplatonism, where he received a pantheistic interpretation as a first, revealing and reproducing in a variety of things by emanation.

In the philosophy of the new time, the concept of M. was included in the pantheistic interpretation of Nikolai Kuzansky and J. Bruno. Bruno M. reflects the endless universe in accordance with the principle of the unity of the microcosm and the macrocosm. In the 17th century The concept of M. plays a significant role in the philosophy of Spanish Scholasta F. Suarez, English Platonics Henry Mora, German Naturofilosfa F. M. Gelmont. It becomes the key concept of the entire philosophical system in the city of Leibnitsa, who has developed a special teaching about M. ≈ "Monadology". By definition, Labitsa, M. ≈ This is a primary simple (indivisible) active substance having a spiritual nature that perceives and reflecting the whole world. Monad is countless, and they all are each other in relation to pre-installed harmony. The spiritual nature of M. excludes their interaction, so the harmony between them comes down to the coherence pre-installed by God. Being a classic teaching of objective idealism, "Monadology" Leibnia played at the same time an important role in the spread of a dynamic, dialectical view of nature. It contained such ideas as the principle of universal relationships of things, the principle of the uniformity of the laws of nature, the principle of preservation, the idea of \u200b\u200buniversal variability and self-development, etc. After the leibe, the concept of M. was developed in the spirit of idealistic rationalism of school H. Wolf. At 19 in. The ideas of monadology had an echo in the views of the German philosophers I. Herbarrt, Lotz et al., In the 20th century. ≈ In the philosophy of E. Gusserly (Germany), A. Whitehead (United Kingdom), R. Hönigswald (Germany ≈ United States). The monadological approach is based on the philosophical views of a number of representatives representatives (Sh. Renwie, H. Carr, J. Mac Taggart, etc.).

Lit.: Lenin V.I., full. Cathedral cit., 5 ed., vol. 29, p. 67≈76; Cramer W., Die Monade. Das Philosophische Problem Von Ursprung, Stuttg., 1954; Heimsoeth H., Atom, Seele, Monade ..., Mainz, 1960; Horn J. Chr., Monade Und Begriff, W. ≈ Münch., 1965.

G. Majorov.


Monad (Mathematics)

Monad In the theory of categories - Troika ( T., η , μ ), Where:

  • T. : K. → K. Funter from category K. in yourself
  • η  : 1 → T. Natural conversion
  • μ  : T. → T. Natural conversion
  • next switching chart:

The monad can be determined through the overall concept of a monoid in the monoidal category. Monad over Category K. - This is a monoid in the monoidal category of endofunctors END ( K.).

Dual cathagore concept for monad -.

Monad (Programming)

Monad In functional programming is an abstraction of a linear chain of related calculations. Its main purpose is encapsulation of functions with a side effect from pure functions, or rather them performances from computing. Monads are applied in Haskell, as it uses lazy lazy calculations everywhere, which together with a side effect, as a rule, form a poorly predicted result. It is described by a polymorphic container type for performances With one parameter, the strategy "raising" the values \u200b\u200bin the monad and the binding strategy of two calculations, the second of which depends on the value calculated by the first:

M :: * -\u003e * Class MONAD M WHERE (\u003e\u003e \u003d) :: MA -\u003e (A -\u003e MB) -\u003e MB (\u003e\u003e) :: MA -\u003e MB -\u003e MB Return :: A -\u003e MA Fail :: String -\u003e Ma Class Functor F WHERE FMAP :: (A -\u003e B) -\u003e FA -\u003e FB

The Return function describes the "return" of type A to the M monad, that is, the framing it is a container. The Fail function has no relation to the theoretical essence of the monad, however, is used in case of an error of mapping with a sample inside the monadic code - stops the process of successive actions and displays a message about the cause of the error. Operator \u003e\u003e \u003d describes that the monad action occurs consistently, that is, after applying the function, its result is transmitted further (.. -\u003e A -\u003e B -\u003e ..), the example of which there may be a text transmission to the buffer: Type data are dated Monad, and then with them the function produces actions in this case, adding. Operator \u003e\u003e - Private case of the operator \u003e\u003e \u003d when the previous data is simply replaced by the following, which are not formed on the basis of the previous ones.

In particular, monadas include:

  • Io: binding strategy - "First the first calculation, then the second";
  • Maybe: binding strategy - "If the first calculation has given the result, then the second; otherwise - the absence of the result ";
  • List: binding strategy - "All possible results of the second calculation applied to each of the calculated first parameter values";
  • State: binding strategy - "Start a second calculation with a state changed as a result of the first";
  • and some other types.

Monads are also used for syntactic analysis, continuing (continuations), probabilistic computing and in other cases.

The concept of monads in programming was inherited from the theory of categories.


Monad According to the Pythagoreans, denoted the deity, or the first creature, one or one, as indivisible. Later - a multi-valued term in various philosophical systems of new time and modernity, in psychology and esoteric. The Greek definition of the monad is synonymously Sanskrit Definition of Atman.

Monad (values)

Monad :

  • Monad - philosophical concept.
  • Monad - term in the functional programming languages.
  • Monad - term in the theory of categories.
  • Monad - Cage having harnesses.
  • Monad - cell-elementary unit of a living having one gene, one cytoplasmic membrane, one cloned ribosoma population and amorphous cytoplasm.

Examples of the use of the word monad in the literature.

But this goggleless choice is not committed by sickness. monado, and lower I, sincere, limited consciousness.

They tried to create worlds, but these worlds turned out to be fragile and collapsed, because, waist, bogotheatic monads These most rejected love is the only unifying, cementing principle.

And they can not be enlightened in the blink of an eye, not a miracle, not by the external intervention of the deity, but the long-lasting cosmic way by the extension of Godothed monads their evil will.

The system is committed to turning into a flowering garden and an orchestra, an autocorphian and autotopoid, and all monadam From this well, and they say: come on, come on.

Monada, the house where the Waown was created, the house, about which he did not know before the brain dies.

Too great was the gap between the declarative and real state policy, between the interests of the system and the interests of it monads, concrete person surrounded by personal life.

I passed, it means that mystics and scholastov, Gatman, Gantile, Spinozu, Wundt, Malbransh, Herbarrt and met infinity, with the perfection of the creator, pre-installed harmony and monadswithout ceasing to be surprised at how much each of these sages could say about human soul, moreover, such that would contradict the theses, proclaimed the rest.

Did not have one own monads And Karosse Dungra is one of the manifestations of Lilith, the last of the hierarchy, whose value in the emergence of the Russian people was huge.

The Lord is a constant and inexpressible first desire, this is a fuming power acting in all souls, not silent even in the depths of demonic monad And the guide of worlds and worlds, from microbramphs to supergalaxies, to something more perfect than good, and higher than bliss.

During physiological love, a man produces exactly so many active taurus-semensoids as it turned out. Monad From this information and energy cell of the Logos, to which this husband belongs to the category of this husband.

To their number belong: the thesis about the unity of God, about the multiplicity of various spiritual hierarchies, about the multiplicity of the varied worlds, about the infinite multiplicity of becoming monad, as well as the existence of a certain overall moral law, which is characterized by post-or other rejunctions for a person committed in life.

Ancient could experience in touch with separate layers of the poems, but in unclearly delimited them from each other, and about the ways of the formation of these monad They did not even have guessing.

Meanwhile, Brampti continued: - Great Ierogs of alchemical marriage, great psychopomputer Rhodovavros, the great referendaries of the secret secret, the Great Steghanog-Raf Hieroglyphic Monads, The Great Connector of the Astral and Mutual Cosmos, the Great Cracer of the Tomb of the Rosen Kreitsa.

There is nothing strange if the hypothesis that all creatures, not excluding a person, over time could develop from the simplest monadsIt seemed a ridiculous person at all not educated or not educated.

The third hologram, the second body of the beam of the consciousness of the Logos, the first body of the beam of consciousness Monadsis a mental body Monads.