As it is written, that is, in the sentence. Punctuation guide. Comma before union

“That” and “is” are two different words that together form one part of speech - either a union or a particle. In both cases, it is correct to write separately. And if you want to write in one piece, you can use a similar synonym - tobish.

That is, punctuation?

Basically you need to put a comma, only it is important to know g de comma after "that is" and what to do if "that is," at the beginning of a sentence.

Punctuation may differ depending on the part of speech that is used for the phrase "that is":

1. The particle "that is" is often placed in a separate interrogative sentence - here's an example:

2. The union “that is,” is predominantly framed by a comma, on the one hand, or on two sides, if “that is,” is involved in the explanatory turnover. Let's try to make a sentence: "A large, sleek animal escaped from the zoo, that is, a hippo." And here are examples of commas before "that is" from

What if "that is," at the beginning of a sentence, then commas immediately after the union are not needed. Example: "So it turns out that we won nothing, did we, Karl?"

Commas, punctuation:

"In addition" is ALWAYS marked with commas (both at the beginning and in the middle of a sentence).

“Most likely” in the meaning of “very likely, most likely” is highlighted with commas (Of course, all because of the brandy and the steam room, otherwise he would most likely remain silent.).
In the meaning of "fastest" - NO (This way most likely it was possible to come to the house.).

"Rather." If it means "better, more willingly", then WITHOUT commas. For example: "She would rather agree to die than betray him." Also WITHOUT commas, if it means “better to say”. For example: "uttering a remark or rather an exclamation."
BUT! A comma is needed if this is an introductory word expressing the author's assessment of the degree of reliability of a given statement in relation to the previous one (in the meaning of "most likely" or "most likely"). For example: "He cannot be called an intelligent person - rather, he is on his own mind."

“Of course”, “of course” - the word of course is NOT highlighted with commas at the beginning of the response, uttered in a tone of confidence, conviction: Of course it is!
Otherwise, the comma is REQUIRED.

Expressions "in general", "in general" are DESIGNED in the meaning "in short, in a word", then they are introductory.

"First of all" are isolated as introductory in the meaning of "first" (First of all, he is a fairly capable person).
These words are NOT highlighted in the meaning of "first, first" (First of all, you need to contact a specialist).
A comma after "a", "but", etc. is NOT needed: "But first of all, I want to say."
When clarifying, the entire turnover is highlighted: "There is a hope that these proposals, primarily from the Ministry of Finance, will not be accepted or will be changed."

"At least", "at least" - are isolated only with the inversion: "This issue has been discussed twice, at least."

"In turn" - is not highlighted with a comma in the meaning "from its side", "in response when the turn came." And the quality of the introductory is isolated.

"Literally" - not an introductory one, it is not separated by commas

"Consequently". If in the meaning "therefore, thus, means", then commas are needed. For example: "So you are therefore our neighbors."
BUT! If in the meaning "therefore, therefore, proceeding from the fact that", then the comma is needed only on the left. For example: “I have found a job, therefore we will have more money”; "You are angry, therefore you are wrong"; "You cannot bake a cake, therefore I will bake it."

"Least". If the meaning is "at least", then no commas. For example: "At least I will wash the dishes"; "He made at least a dozen mistakes."
BUT! If in the meaning of comparison with something, emotional assessment, then with a comma. For example: "At the very least, this approach presupposes control", "This requires at least an understanding of politics."

"That is, if", "especially if" - a comma is usually not needed

“That is,” is not an introductory word and is not separated by commas on either side. This is a union, a comma is placed in front of it (and if in some contexts a comma is placed after it, then for other reasons: for example, to highlight a certain isolated construction or subordinate clause that follows it).
For example: "There are still five kilometers to the station, that is, an hour of walking" (a comma is needed), "There are still five kilometers to the station, that is, if you go slowly, an hour of walking (a comma after" that is "is placed to highlight the subordinate clause "If you go slowly").

"In any case" are separated by commas as introductory, if they are used in the meaning "at least".

“In addition”, “in addition to this”, “in addition to everything (other things)”, “apart from everything (other things)” are set aside as introductory.
BUT! "Other than that" is a union, a comma is NOT needed For example: "In addition to the fact that he himself does nothing, he also makes claims against me."

“Because of this,” “because of that,” “because of this,” and “along with that” - a comma is usually not required. Segregation is optional. The presence of a comma is not an error.

"All the more so" - WITHOUT a comma.

“Especially when”, “especially since”, “even more if”, etc. - a comma is needed before "all the more". For example: "Such arguments are hardly needed, especially since this is a false statement", "even more so if it is meant", "rest, especially since a lot of work awaits you", "you cannot sit at home, especially if your partner invites to dance. "

"Moreover" - is highlighted with a comma only in the middle of the sentence (left).

"Nevertheless" - the comma is placed in the middle of the sentence (on the left). For example: "He decided everything, nevertheless I will try to convince him."
BUT! If “but nevertheless”, “if nevertheless”, etc., then commas are NOT needed.

If “however” means “but”, then the comma on the right side is NOT put. (An exception is if it is an interjection. For example: "However, what a wind!")

"In the end" - if in the meaning "in the end", then the comma is NOT put.

"Indeed" is NOT separated by commas in the meaning of "really" (that is, if this is an adverbial circumstance), if it is synonymous with the adjective "valid" - "real, genuine". For example: “The bark itself is thin, not like that of an oak or pine, which really are not afraid of hot sun rays”; "You are really very tired."

“Really” can act as an introductory and ISOLATED. The introductory word is distinguished by intonational isolation - it expresses the speaker's confidence in the truth of the reported fact. In disputable cases, the issue of the placement of punctuation marks is decided by the author of the text.

Of course no comma

Punctuation guide

“Of course”, “of course” - the word of course is not separated by commas at the beginning of the response, uttered in a tone of confidence, conviction: Of course it is!
In other cases, a comma is needed.

Expressions "in general", "in general" are isolated in the meaning of "in short, in a word", then they are introductory.

"First of all" are isolated as introductory in the meaning of "first" (First of all, he is a fairly capable person).
These words do not stand out in the meaning of "first, first" (First of all, you need to contact a specialist).
The comma after "a", "but", etc. is not needed: "But first of all, I want to say."
When clarifying, the entire turnover is highlighted: "There is a hope that these proposals, primarily from the Ministry of Finance, will not be accepted or will be changed."

"At least", "at least" - are isolated only with the inversion: "This issue has been discussed twice, at least."

"In turn" - is not highlighted with a comma in the meaning "from its side", "in response when the turn came." And the quality of the introductory is isolated.

"Literally" - not an introductory one, it is not separated by commas

"Consequently". If in the meaning "therefore, thus, means", then commas are needed. For example: "So you are therefore our neighbors."
BUT! If in the meaning "therefore, therefore, proceeding from the fact that", then the comma is needed only on the left. For example: “I have found a job, therefore we will have more money”; "You are angry, therefore you are wrong"; "You cannot bake a cake, therefore I will bake it."

"Least". If the meaning is "at least", then no commas. For example: "At least I will wash the dishes"; "He made at least a dozen mistakes."
BUT! If in the meaning of comparison with something, emotional assessment, then with a comma. For example: "At the very least, this approach presupposes control", "This requires at least an understanding of politics."

"That is, if", "especially if" - a comma is usually not needed

“That is,” is not an introductory word and is not comma-separated on either side. This is a union, a comma is placed in front of it (and if in some contexts a comma is placed after it, then for other reasons: for example, to highlight a certain isolated construction or subordinate clause that follows it).
For example: "There are still five kilometers to the station, that is, an hour of walking" (a comma is needed), "There are still five kilometers to the station, that is, if you go slowly, an hour of walking (a comma after" that is "is placed to highlight the subordinate clause "If you go slowly").

"In any case" are separated by commas as introductory, if they are used in the meaning "at least".

“In addition”, “in addition to this”, “in addition to everything (other things)”, “apart from everything (other things)” are set aside as introductory.
BUT! "Other than that" is a union, a comma is NOT needed. For example: "In addition to the fact that he himself does nothing, he also makes claims against me."

“Because of this,” “because of that,” “because of this,” and “along with that” - a comma is usually not required. Segregation is optional. The presence of a comma is not an error.

"All the more so" - without a comma.
“Especially when”, “especially since”, “even more if”, etc. - a comma is needed before "all the more". For example: "Such arguments are hardly needed, especially since this is a false statement", "even more so if it is meant", "rest, especially since a lot of work awaits you", "you cannot sit at home, especially if your partner invites to dance. "

"Moreover" - is highlighted with a comma only in the middle of the sentence (left).

"Nevertheless" - the comma is placed in the middle of the sentence (on the left). For example: "He decided everything, nevertheless I will try to convince him."
BUT! If “but nevertheless”, “if nevertheless”, etc., then commas are NOT needed.

If “however” means “but”, then the comma on the right side is NOT put. (An exception is if it is an interjection. For example: "However, what a wind!")

"In the end" - if in the meaning "in the end", then the comma is NOT put.

“Really” is not separated by commas in the meaning “in fact” (that is, if this is an adverbial circumstance), if it is synonymous with the adjective “valid” - “real, genuine”. For example: “The bark itself is thin, not like that of an oak or pine, which really are not afraid of hot sun rays”; "You are really very tired."

"Really" can act as an introductory one and stand apart. The introductory word is distinguished by intonation isolation - it expresses the speaker's confidence in the truth of the reported fact. In controversial cases, the issue of the placement of punctuation marks is decided by the author of the text.

“Due to the fact that” - the comma is NOT needed if it is a union, that is, if it can be replaced with “because”. For example: “As a child, he underwent a medical checkup because he fought in Vietnam”, “maybe all because I love it when a person sings” (a comma is needed, because to “because” replace it is impossible).

"Anyway". A comma is needed if the meaning is "anyway". Then this is introductory. For example: "She knew that, one way or another, she would tell Anna everything."
BUT! The adverbial expression “one way or another” (the same as “one way or another” or “in any case”) does NOT require punctuation. For example: "War is necessary in one way or another."

Always no commas:

  • primarily
  • at first sight
  • like
  • like
  • for sure
  • similarly
  • more or less
  • literally
  • in addition
  • eventually
  • in the end
  • as a last resort
  • best case scenario
  • anyway
  • at the same time
  • overall
  • basically
  • especially
  • in some cases
  • through thick and thin
  • afterwards
  • otherwise
  • as a result
  • concerning
  • all the same
  • in this case
  • in the same time
  • generally
  • in this regard
  • mainly
  • often
  • exclusively
  • as maximum
  • meanwhile
  • just in case
  • in case of emergency
  • if possible
  • as far as possible
  • still
  • practically
  • about
  • for all (with) that
  • with (all) desire
  • on occasion
  • wherein
  • likewise
  • the biggest
  • the least
  • actually
  • generally
  • maybe
  • as if
  • in addition
  • to top it off
  • i suppose
  • by the proposal
  • by decree
  • by decision
  • like
  • traditionally
  • ostensibly

The comma is not used at the beginning of a sentence:

  • "Before ... I ended up ..."
  • "Since…"
  • "Before as…"
  • "Despite the fact that…"
  • "As…"
  • "In order to…"
  • "Instead of…"
  • "Actually ..."
  • "While…"
  • "All the more so ..."
  • "Nevertheless…"
  • "Despite the fact that ..." (while - separately); a comma is NOT placed before the "what".
  • "If…"
  • "After…"
  • "And ..."

“Finally” in the meaning of “finally” is NOT separated by commas.

"And this despite the fact that ..." - in the middle of the sentence, a comma is ALWAYS!

"Based on this, ..." - at the beginning of the sentence, a comma is put. BUT: "He acted so on the basis of ..." - the comma is NOT put.

"After all, if ..., then ..." - a comma before "if" is NOT put, since then comes the second part of the double conjunction - "then". If “then” is not present, then a comma is placed before the “if”!

"Less than two years ..." - a comma before "what" is NOT put, because it is NOT a comparison.

The comma in front of "HOW" is used only in case of comparison.

"Such politicians as Ivanov, Petrov, Sidorov ..." - the comma is put, because there is a noun "politics".
BUT: "... politicians such as Ivanov, Petrov, Sidorov ..." - a comma is NOT placed before "how".

Commas are NOT used:
“God forbid”, “God forbid”, “for God's sake” - do not stand out with commas, + the word “god” is written with a small letter.

BUT: commas are put on two sides:
"Thank God" in the middle of the sentence is highlighted with commas on both sides (the word "God" in this case is written with a capital letter) + at the beginning of the sentence - highlighted with a comma (on the right side).
"By God" - in these cases, commas are placed on both sides (the word "god" in this case is written with a small letter).
"Oh my God" - separated by commas on both sides; in the middle of the sentence "god" - with a small letter.

If the introductory word can be omitted or rearranged in another place of the sentence without violating its structure (usually this happens with the conjunctions "and" and "but"), then the union is not included in the introductory construction - the comma is NECESSARY. For example: "Firstly, it became dark, and secondly, everyone is tired."

If the introductory word cannot be removed or rearranged, then the comma after the union (usually with the union "a") is NOT put. For example: “She just forgot about this fact, or maybe she never remembered it”, “… and therefore…”, “…, maybe,…”, “…, which means…”.

If the introductory word can be removed or rearranged, then the comma is NECESSARY after the conjunction "a", since it is not associated with the introductory word, that is, soldered combinations such as "which means", "but by the way", "and therefore", " and maybe ", etc. For example:" She not only did not love him, but, perhaps, even despised him. "

If at the beginning of the sentence there is a compositional union (in the connecting meaning) ("and", "yes" in the meaning of "and", "too", "also", "and then", "otherwise", "yes and", " and also ”, etc.), and then the introductory word, then the comma in front of it is NOT needed. For example: “And really, it was not worth doing it”; “And perhaps it was necessary to do something differently”; “Finally, the action of the play is ordered and divided into acts”; “Besides, other circumstances have also emerged”; "But of course everything ended well."

It happens rarely: if at the beginning of a sentence there is a connecting union, and the introductory construction is highlighted intonationally, then commas are NECESSARY. For example: "But, to my great chagrin, Shvabrin decisively announced ..."; "And, as usual, they remembered only one good thing."

The main groups of introductory words and phrases
(separated by commas + on both sides in the middle of the sentence)

1. Expressive feelings of the speaker (joy, regret, surprise, etc.) in connection with the message:

  • annoyed
  • to amazement
  • unfortunately
  • chagrin
  • unfortunately
  • to joy
  • unfortunately
  • to shame
  • fortunately
  • to the surprise
  • to horror
  • unfortunately
  • for joy
  • for luck
  • not exactly one hour
  • there is nothing to hide
  • unfortunately
  • fortunately
  • strange affair
  • amazing thing
  • what good, etc.

2. Expressing the speaker's assessment of the degree of reality of what is reported (confidence, uncertainty, assumption, possibility, etc.):

  • without any doubts
  • certainly
  • indisputably
  • may be
  • right
  • probably
  • apparently
  • possibly
  • indeed
  • in fact
  • should be
  • think
  • it seems
  • it would seem
  • sure
  • can
  • may be
  • probably
  • hopefully
  • presumably
  • is not it
  • undoubtedly
  • obviously
  • apparently
  • most likely
  • genuinely
  • perhaps
  • i guess
  • in fact
  • essentially
  • true
  • right
  • of course
  • needless to say
  • tea, etc.

3. Indicating the source of the reported:

  • say
  • say
  • convey
  • in your
  • in the opinion of ...
  • i remember
  • to my mind
  • in our way
  • according to legend
  • according to ...
  • according to…
  • rumored
  • according to the message ...
  • in your opinion
  • audible
  • reported by others.

4. Indicating the connection of thoughts, the sequence of presentation:

  • generally
  • first of all,
  • second, etc.
  • however
  • means
  • in particular
  • the main thing
  • further
  • means
  • for example
  • besides
  • by the way
  • by the way
  • by the way
  • by the way
  • finally
  • on the contrary
  • eg
  • opposite
  • i repeat
  • emphasize
  • more than that
  • on the other hand
  • one side
  • that is
  • in this way, etc.
  • howbeit
  • whatever it was

5. Indicating the techniques and methods of formalizing the expressed thoughts:

  • or rather
  • generally speaking
  • in other words
  • so to speak
  • if I may say so
  • in other words
  • in other words
  • in short
  • better to say
  • to put it mildly
  • in a word
  • to put it simply
  • word
  • as a matter of fact
  • if I may say so
  • so to speak
  • to clarify
  • what is called etc.

6. Appeals to the interlocutor (reader) in order to draw his attention to the reported, to instill a certain attitude towards the facts presented:

  • believe (whether)
  • do you believe (do)
  • see (do)
  • you see)
  • imagine (those)
  • let's say
  • do you know)
  • do you know)
  • sorry)
  • believe me (those)
  • you are welcome
  • understand (those)
  • do you understand
  • do you understand (do)
  • listen (those)
  • suppose
  • imagine
  • sorry)
  • let's say
  • agree
  • agree, etc.

7. Measures indicative of what is said:

  • at least at least - they are isolated only in inversion: "This issue was discussed twice at least."
  • the biggest
  • the least

8. Indicating the degree of commonality of the reported:

  • it happens
  • used to
  • as usual
  • according to custom
  • happens

9. Expressive expressions:

  • no kidding
  • between us it will be said
  • between us speaking
  • need to say
  • it will not be said in reproach
  • to tell the truth
  • conscientiously
  • in fairness
  • confess tell
  • to be honest
  • funny to say
  • honestly.

Comparative expressions (no commas):

  • poor as a church mouse
  • white as a harrier
  • white as a sheet
  • white as snow
  • beat like a fish on ice
  • pale as death
  • shines like a mirror
  • the disease disappeared like a hand
  • scared like fire
  • wandering around
  • rushed like mad
  • mumbles like a sexton
  • ran in like crazy
  • lucky, as a drowned man
  • turns like a squirrel in a wheel
  • as seen during the day
  • squeals like a pig
  • lying like a gray gelding
  • everything goes like clockwork
  • everything is as on selection
  • jumped up like scalded
  • jumped up as if stung
  • stupid as a cork
  • looked like a wolf
  • goal like a falcon
  • hungry as wolf
  • as far as heaven from earth
  • trembled like a fever
  • trembled like an aspen leaf
  • everything is like water off a duck's back to him
  • wait like manna from heaven
  • wait like a holiday
  • lead a cat and dog life
  • live like a bird of heaven
  • fell asleep like dead
  • froze like a statue
  • lost like a needle in a haystack
  • sounds like music
  • healthy as a bull
  • know how flaky
  • have at one's fingertips
  • saddle fits like a cow
  • goes alongside as sewn
  • as in the water sank
  • roll like cheese in butter
  • swinging like a drunk
  • swayed (swayed) like jelly
  • handsome as god
  • red like a tomato
  • red as a lobster
  • strong (strong) like an oak
  • screams like a public
  • light as a feather
  • flies like an arrow
  • bald as a knee
  • like a shower
  • waving his hands like a mill
  • rushing about like crazy
  • wet as a mouse
  • dark as a cloud
  • dying like flies
  • hope like a stone wall
  • people like herring in a barrel
  • dress up like a doll
  • you can't see your ears
  • dumb like a grave
  • dumb like a fish
  • rush (rush) like crazy
  • rush (rush) like crazy
  • worn like a fool with a written sack
  • worn like a chicken and an egg
  • needed like air
  • needed like last year's snow
  • needed as a fifth spoke in a chariot
  • needs a fifth leg like a dog
  • peel off as sticky
  • one like a finger
  • stayed like a cancer stranded
  • stopped dead
  • razor sharp
  • different as day from night
  • different as heaven from earth
  • bake like pancakes
  • turned pale as a sheet
  • turned pale as death
  • repeated as if delirious
  • come on like cute
  • remember what you called
  • remember as in a dream
  • get like chicken in cabbage soup
  • hit in the head
  • fall like a cornucopia
  • similar as two drops of water
  • went down like a stone
  • appear as if by pike
  • devotee like a dog
  • stuck like a bath leaf
  • fall through the ground
  • good (good) like a goat of milk
  • disappeared as if into water
  • just like a knife to the heart
  • burned like on fire
  • works like an ox
  • understands like a pig in oranges
  • cleared away like smoke
  • play like a note
  • grow like mushrooms after rain
  • grow by leaps and bounds
  • drop from the clouds
  • fresh as blood and milk
  • fresh like a cucumber
  • sat chained
  • sit on pins and needles
  • sit on coals
  • listened spellbound
  • looked fascinated
  • slept like a dead man
  • rush like fire
  • stands like an idol
  • slender as a cedar Lebanese
  • melts like a candle
  • hard as stone
  • dark as night
  • accurate as a clock
  • skinny as a skeleton
  • cowardly as a hare
  • died like a hero
  • fell as if knocked down
  • rested like a ram
  • rested like a bull
  • mulish
  • tired as a dog
  • cunning as a fox
  • sly like a fox
  • gushing like a bucket
  • walked as if dropped into water
  • walked like a birthday boy
  • walk like a thread
  • cold as ice
  • thin as a splinter
  • black as coal
  • black as hell
  • feel at home
  • feel like a stone wall
  • feel like a fish in water
  • staggered like a drunk
  • how to be executed
  • clear as two two four
  • clear as day, etc.

Do not confuse with homogeneous members.

1. The following stable expressions are not homogeneous and therefore are NOT separated by commas:

  • neither this nor that;
  • neither fish nor fowl;
  • neither stand nor sit;
  • neither end nor edge;
  • neither light nor dawn;
  • neither hearing nor spirit;
  • neither to myself nor to people;
  • neither sleep nor spirit;
  • neither here nor there;
  • for no reason at all;
  • neither give nor take;
  • no answer, no hello;
  • neither yours nor ours;
  • neither subtract nor add;
  • and so and so;
  • both day and night;
  • and laughter and grief;
  • and cold and hunger;
  • both old and young;
  • about this and that;
  • both;
  • and in both.

(General rule: the comma is not put inside whole phraseological expressions formed by two words with opposite meanings, connected by a repeating union "and" or "neither")

2. NOT separated by commas:

1) Verbs in the same form indicating movement and its purpose.
I'll go for a walk.
Sit down and rest.
Go see.

2) Forming semantic unity.
Can't wait.
Let's sit and talk.

3) Pair combinations of synonymous, antonymic or associative nature.
Search for truth-truth.
There is no end-edge.
Honor, praise everyone.
Off we go.
Everything is sewn-covered.
Anything expensive to see.
Purchase and sale issues.
Greet with bread and salt.
Tie hand and foot.

4) Compound words (interrogative-relative pronouns, adverbs, to which something is opposed).
For someone else, but you can't.
Somewhere, where, and everything is there.

Consider two suggestions:

Clarification: In the morning, at exactly eight o'clock, the whole society gathered for tea ... (Turgenev);

Explanation: Fedor received an A, that is, the highest mark.

In the first example, the expression EXACTLY AT EIGHT HOURS is used to concretize, clarify the meaning of the word MORNING. Such turns are called clarifying. In the second example, the turnover THAT IS THE HIGHEST ESTIMATE serves to clarify the meaning of the word FIVE. Such phrases are usually called explanatory.

Please note that the qualifying members of the sentence must always appear after the word being specified. If in a sentence a word with a more specific meaning comes before a word with a broader meaning, then there are no qualifying terms in this sentence. Compare the two examples below.

New tenants have appeared on the third floor in our house.

New tenants have appeared in our house, on the third floor.

Sometimes a whole chain of clarifications can be built behind one member of the sentence. Consider a sentence from the novel by I. S. Turgenev, in which three circumstances consistently clarify each other.

In Nikolskoye, in the garden, in the shade of a tall ash tree, Katya and Arkady sat on a sod bench. (Turgenev).

Explanatory members of the sentence also always appear after the explained word and are separated by commas. Errors in isolating the explanatory members of a sentence are rare, since explanations are always attached to the main word with the help of special conjunctions that is, OR, as well as with the help of words EXACTLY, AND EXACTLY, which are easy to remember. Consider the examples below.

Rostovs until September 1, i.e until the eve of the enemy's entry into Moscow, remained in the city(Tolstoy).

Not far away from us, namely in the village of Petrov, unfortunate facts occur (Chekhov).

An exercise

    On the same day_ but already in the evening_ at seven o'clock_ Raskolnikov approached the apartment of his mother and sister ... (Dostoevsky).

    There_ in the very corner_ below_ in one place the wallpaper that had lagged behind the wall was torn ... (Dostoevsky).

    Anna Sergeevna came to the city very rarely, mostly on business, and only for a short time (Turgenev).

    Half an hour later Nikolai Petrovich went to the garden_ to his favorite arbor (Turgenev).

    To the left_ in the outbuilding_ could be seen here and there open windows ... (Dostoevsky).

    In the middle of the forest_ on a cleared and developed meadow_ stood the estate of Khorya (Turgenev).

    He was sitting near the smithy_ on the slope above the river_ above the reach_ opposite the water mill (Bunin).

    In the distance_ closer to the grove_ axes knocked dully (Turgenev).

    Aristophanes was surprisingly lucky - of his forty comedies, eleven entirely survived _ that is, more than a quarter of everything written_, while only one tenth was selected from the dramas of Euripides, the most popular in antiquity (later nine more plays were accidentally added to it), Aeschylus - about one twelfth, and Sophocles is one seventeenth (Yarkho).

    One day in the spring_ at the hour of an unprecedentedly hot sunset_ in Moscow_ on the Patriarch's Ponds_ two citizens appeared (Bulgakov).

    True, this still could not be said positively and definitively, but really recently _the whole last year_ her poor head was too worn out not to be damaged at least in part (Dostoevsky).

    In 1717_ November 12_ the engine, which was in a secluded room, was put into action ... (Perelman).

    On the table_ under the lamp_ was a torn piece of an old, crumpled newspaper (Nabokov).

    We meet every day at the well_ on the boulevard ... (Leromontov).

    “I sprayed it! Thought Chervyakov. - Not my boss_ a stranger, but still awkward. We must apologize ”(Chekhov).

    And again, as before, he suddenly wanted to go somewhere far away: there_ to Stolz, with Olga, and in the village, in the fields, in the groves, he wanted to retire in his office and immerse himself in work ... (Goncharov).

    He was remarkable in that he always, even in very good weather, went out in galoshes and with an umbrella, and certainly in a warm coat with cotton wool (Chekhov).

    On the Neva_ from St. Isaac's Bridge to the Academy of Arts_ quiet fuss: corpses are lowered into narrow ice holes (Tynyanov).

    Subsequently_ during his southern exile_ Pushkin met with Maria Raevskaya more than once in Kamenka, and in Kiev, and in Odessa, and, possibly, in Chisinau ... (Veresaev).

    August 12, 18 .. year_ exactly on the third day after my birthday, on which I was ten years old and on which I received such wonderful gifts_ at seven o'clock in the morning_ Karl Ivanovich woke me up by hitting me over my head with a sugar paper cracker on a stick fly (Tolstoy).

    Due to poor road conditions and numerous accidents, the federal highway Moscow-Minsk was recognized as the most dangerous, and its most emergency section was from the 16th to the 84th km._ that is, from the city of Odintsovo to the turn to Ruza: it was here that 49 % of all accidents on the highway.

    In Gorokhovaya street_ in one of the big houses_ of the population of which there would be a whole district town, Ilya Ilyich Oblomov (Goncharov) lay in bed_ in his apartment in the morning.