Decree on the heritage of the throne, the arch of the main state laws

We Peter the first emperor and the autocrat of the All-Russian and other and other and so on.
We declare, in shorter, everyone has anything, what an Alendsas-Lesky Evil's head was the son of our Alexey, and that he was not repentance of his intention, but it was pregnant to God for all of our Fatherland, (which is pretty out of the manifesto about that matter is not there;) and this is not For what Ineago, he has adulthood, Tokmo from the custom of the Starta, that inheritance was given to the big son, so he was one of the male of the floor of our surname, and for no place to look at any deceic punishment; I don't know this unknown custom, for it was already timidory: for the off-person in people on telling smart parents was the cancellation, but also in the Holy Scripture, we see, when Isakov, the wife of the composition of her husband, a little son, the inheritance occupied, and what is still amazing that God's blessing should follow; You still see our ancestors, when the blessed and everlasting memory, the Grand Duke Ivan Vasilyevich, and in the truth, it is not in a word, but what about the division of children Vladimirov, our fatherland gathered and approved, which is not the championship, but on the will this I chinel, and twice canceled, seeing a worthy of the heir, whom the collected and approved by our fatherland, did not miss Paks to borrow, first past the sons gave the grandson, and then settled the grandson of Vedennago, and gave his son his inheritance about what is clear from the power book to see , namely, in the summer of February 700 to February 4, Prince Great Ivan Vasilyevich learned the heir to the grandson of his prince

Dmitry Ivanovich, and Veden was in Moscow at the Grand Durability by the Princely Crown Metropolitan Simon; And in the summer of April 7010 at the age of 11, the Grand Duke Ivan Vag Silievich was angry with the grandson of his prince Dmitry, and did not told him to remember in the churches of the Grand Duke, and planted him for the guard, and on April 14 he learned the heir to the son of his Vasily Ivanovich , and Veden was the same. Mitropolitan Simon; What and other things like that are satisfied with the examples, about which shortness of the sake of time, now we do not mention here, but in the future there will be particularly issued to print. In the same residue, in the past 1714, the merciful we are about our subjects, so that both their homes 1 did not come from unworthy heirs in ruin, although we learned the charter, so that the immovable estate to give to one son, one shit then in the will Parental, to whom the son will be wounded to give, seey worthy, although a little bit of big, recognizing it is convenient, which would not waste inheritance. By the same time, we must have a care about the purpose of all of our state, which with God's help, is now widespread, as everyone apparently is; What for beneficially we are tired to teach this challenge, so that this was always in the will of the Government of Government, whoever he wants, to the inheritance, and defined, seeing what an infection, Paki will cancel, so that children and descendants did not fall into such anger as Above written, having this ultrasound for yourself. For the sake of we command, so that all our faithful subjects, spiritual and worldly without withdrawals, this our charter before God and his Gospel was approved on such a basis that anyone would be fighting for anyone, or Inaco, how to interpret: the one for the motion, the death penalty and Church oath 2 will be subject to.
The form. Outwill promise
I once again promise and swear before the Almighty God and the Holy Gospel in the fact that according to his pressed possession of the emperor and the self-container of the All-Russian, our Emperor's Soviet Soviet
of this year, February 1722, February 15, for which he was Majesty throughout his high will, and the Government of the Russian throne of the throne will be watched to teach the heir, then in their Majesty will will be. And if it is certain in the heirs, seeing what dimensions, the Paki will be removed, and then in their majesty will will be will be, and that His Majesty is the charter, true and righteous recognize; And for the power of the charter, determined in the inheritance, in everything, and on him, for the truth of the heir and to admit for the sovereign, and in any case, he stand for her intern, with the position of his abdomen I will be against those that will be afraid to fight. And if I am eagerly shed, or is innocent anything that remembered the statute to interpret the mill; then for the traitor to the moon and the death penalty and the church oath will be subject to. And for the approval of this my oath, the words and the cross of the Savior of mine and sign.
PSZ, T. VI, № 3893

This legislative act establishes new standards for the inheritance of the royal throne, in contrast to the procedure for the succession of the royal throne before in the Russian state, that is, the transfer of the throne to the eldest son. The legislator emphasizes that the former procedure for the prestiplotia was not created by law, but the customs established in the Russian state in the XV-XVII centuries.
Peter I by his charter on the inheritance of the throne of February 5, 1722 cancels the old order and introduces a new principle - the transfer of the throne at the discretion of the king itself, regardless of the relative position of his heirs. This circumstance was called not only by the fact that he was still in the manifesto of 1718 deprived the right to inheritance of the throne of his eldest son Alexey, as human
ka, which is not capable of managing the state and the traitor, but also because Peter I understood all the seriousness and great importance for the fate of the state of the appointment of the Supreme Ruler of the country.
However, Peter I himself did not fulfill its right, expressed in the charter about the precloss. He died, without appointing the heir to the throne.
Later by the Decree of the Supreme Secret Council of July 26, 1727, the Charter of Peter I was removed from institutions and individuals, but then the manifesto of December 17, 1731 was restored in the former force.

Even on the topic of 1722, February 5.. About the heritage of the throne:

  1. 13. The effect of continued land tenure and land tenure extensions on the occurrence of the prudence. - Development began in Germany since the XVII century. - Decree of Friedrich I of September 28, 1693. Mortgage and competitive charter of 1722 and the beginning of recording on the location of the estate. The first form of a fixed book. - Competition Rules April 3, 1748 - Mortgage Charter 4 August 1750
  2. 14. History of mortgage mixing with a competition. - Roman contest and group of separatists. German practice: mortgage enrollment in the competition. - Five classes of the competition. - Prussian competition in the laws of 1722 and 1748. Traces of these concepts in the Russian Trade Charter. - Return of the latest legislation to the Roman principle - the German competitive charter of 1877. The Russian Law on Insolvency July 9, 1889 for the Baltic Territory
  3. 1720, February 28, the General Regulation or the Charter, in which the State Board, Torjells and all those belonging to them the Office and the Office Servants, not Tokmo in external and internal institutions, but also to send their rank, submitted
  4. Constitution-Belgium on February 7, 1831 (as amended September 7, 1893, November 15, 1920, February 6, August 24 and 15, 1921)
  5. The law on churches and arrival of February 12, 2002 (proclaimed by the decision of the President of the Republic of Estonia №110 dated February 27, 2002)
  6. Appendix 3 Agreement 0 European Union dated February 7, 1992 with amendments made by the Amsterdam Treaty of October 2, 1997 and the Nitz Treaty of February 26, 2001
  7. Features of the privatization of cultural heritage facilities

- Copyright - Agricultural Right - Advocacy - Administrative Law - Administrative Process - Joint-Stock Law - Budget System - Mountain Law - Civil Process - Civil Law - Civil Law of Foreign Countries - Contractive Law - European Law - Housing Law - Laws and Codes - Election Law - Information Law - Executive Production - History of Political Exercises - Commercial Law - Competitive Law - Constitutional Law of Foreign Countries - Constitutional Law of Russia - Criminalistics - Forensic Methodology - Criminal Psychology - Criminology - International Law -

And in the presidents, vice-presidents and others belonging to those members and office and office ministers, and more of their own subjects to determine, tire and demanding the office and the office with the same establishment ...

4.5. Charter about the heritage throne29

We, Peter I emperor and autocrats All-Russian and other and other and other ... We must have a care about the purpose of all our state, which, with the help of God, is now widespread, as everyone apparently has; What did this charter be able to teach this charter, so that this was always in the will of the Governing Soviet, who he wants, to be the inheritance, and ... Seeing what an infession, Paki will cancel, so that children and descendants did not fall into such anger as the above written, having This urid on myself.

4.6. From the punishment of Catherine II of the Commission to compile new deposits30

Chapter 3 9. The sovereign is autocratic, for no other, as soon as connected in

his emphasis and cannot act similarly with the space of such a great state.

11. Any other board would not only be in Russia harmful, but also a bombardment.

12. Another reason is that it is better to obey the laws under one lord, rather than causing many.

13. What is the preposition of autocratic board? It is not that people take away their natural liberty, but that their actions will send them to get the largest of all the good.

15. Autocratic boards The intention and the end are the glory of citizens, the state and the sovereign.

29 Text is printed by: Pisharukova L.F., Danilina G.Ya. Russian history XVIII-XIX centuries: Chrona

stomatiya / Ed. A.N. Sakharov. - M.: "Verbum-M". 2003. - P. 27 The appearance of the Charter is associated with the case of the eldest son of Peter I Tsarevich Alexei. Charged to the conspiracy against the Father, he died suddenly during interrogations and torture. The new law caused the period of palace coups, when "historical accidents" appeared in the Russian throne. 30 text is printed by: Semenikova L.I. Decree. cit. - P. 237-238.

Federal Agency for Education

State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education

Ukhta State Technical University

V.N. Bubichenko

Russian history in documents and materials

Tutorial for independent work 2nd edition, stereotypical

Bubichenko, V.N. Russian history in documents and materials [Text]: studies. allowance for independent work / V.N. Bubckichenko. - 2nd ed., Stereotype. - Ukhta: UGTU, 2011. - 119 p.

ISBN 978-5-88179-448-4

In the tutorial on the most important events of domestic history, it is described with the help of documents. Working with them will give the opportunity to understand the original color of each era, feel its uniqueness and diversity. Independent work with sources will be their own research, it will form an individually personal opinion about the story of Russian history.

The manual has an instructional character, includes reference materials in the form of a dictionary of generalistory terms and chronological table.

The manual is intended for students of 1 courses of the daily and correspondence form of training of non-historical specialties that study the domestic history, as well as all interested in the history of our country.

Reviewers: P. P. Kotov, Professor of Syktyvkar State University; I. I. Lastunov, head. Department of General Humanitarian and Natural Science Disciplines Committee of the Republican Academy of Public Service and Management at the head of the Republic of Komi, Associate Professor, K. and. n.

The author expresses sincere appreciation and gratitude to the colleagues of the Department of History and Culture UTU L.G. Borozinkz, A.N. Kushyshev, O.Yu. Latigovskaya, V.V. Yurchenko, A.V. Mityanina, V.I. Zelenkova for help and recommendations rendered when preparing benefits.

© Ukhta State Technical University, 2007, 2011

© Bubichenko V.N., 2007, 2011

ISBN 978-5-88179-448-4

4.2. Decree on the establishment of the Senate27

We defined to be the opposites of our government senate for the upgrade: Mr. Count Musin-Pushkin, Mr. Streshnev, Mr. Prince Peter Golitsyn, Mr. Prince Mikhail Dolgoruki, Mr. Person, Mr. Prince Gregory Volkonskaya, Mr. Samarin, Mr. Vasily Apuchitin, Mr. Linetikin, Ober-SecretarySenenatychkin ...

4.3. Decree Peter I Senate

Removing a decree that on our departure to do. 1. Court to have a non-estate and non-

of the judges to punish the benefit of honor and all estates; That and the yabedniki will follow. 2. To look throughout the state of expenses and unnecessary, and especially in vain to set out. 3. Money, as perhaps, it is possible to call, in prudence the bottom of the arterier of war. 4. Nobles to collect young for the stock in the afitios, and the Napa to those who lick. 5. Bill start and keep in one place. 6. Products that are on bumps or in the concentrations and provinces, to examine and specify. 7. About the Soli of Ottoman to give off and fenced to the fence in Oyoy ...

4.4. General Regulation28.

Extraction of it is his royal majesty ... according to the examples of other Christian

laste, the all-consuling intention of perception was known, for the sake of decent management of state-owned affairs, and a good definition and calculation of its parishes, and the correction of the useful justice and the police, for the sake of the possible offset of its subjects and the content of their marine and ground troops in good condition, Commerce, Art And Manufactures, and the Good Institution of His Maritime and Zemstvo duties, and for the sake of multiplying and incrementing mines, and other state needs following the required and appropriate state collegiums to establish. Namely: Foreign Affairs, Camor, Justice, Revision, Military, Admiralteyskaya, Commerce, Co., Berg and Manufactory of the College.

27 In the same place, with. 230. Created by Peter I Senate became the administrative body that performed the "registered" decrees of the king as a carrier of the supreme power in the state.

28 Text is printed by: Epifanov P.P., Epifanova O.P. Decree. cit. FROM.232.

sa yearnov. What conclusions can be made about civilization in the activities of this ruler?

4. What conclusions can be made on the basis of the Book of Gregory Kotoshikhina "Russia in the reign of Alexei Mikhailovich" on the composition of the Boyar Duma, the degree of competence of its members, its compliance with the new external and domestic political tasks, who stood before Russia in the second half of the XVII century? Using information from the document, give the characteristic of the size of the order system, the number of orders, their functions, states, the mechanism of action. Which of the orders mentioned in the book was submitted directly to the sovereign? What was his special role in the general system? Make a conclusion about the advantages and disadvantages, as well as about the degree of efficiency of the order system?

5. What methods, goals and objectives pursued by the church reform of the Patriarch Nikon are described by Pavel Alepsy? Make a conclusion about how radical it was, to what extent told the dogmatic side of religion? How could such transformations cause church split?

Topic 4. Russian Empire in the 18th century. From "Europeanization" of Peter I

to "Enlightened Absolutism" Catherine II

4.1. Decree on the union of alliance26


1. All real estate things, that is, generic, heard and purchased victches and places, also yard, and shops do not sell and not lay out, but contacting it in the way in such a way:

2. Who has sons, and he is somehow a keyboard, one of these to give immovable by the spiritual, in the legacy and will be; Other children of both sexes yes awarded will be driven by the estate, which must be the father of them or the mother divided them in their will ...

3. Who is valued, and he is free to give immovable one names of his own, who is growing, and movable, whom it is so growing to give the affinations of your own, or

and strying, and then in its militosis will be. And if with it, he does not learn, then the wallpapers are the estates yes will be separated by decree in the genus ...

5. And in order to write the fathers or mothers in advance to write in advance, and moving the estates to describe; Buda, the Father or Mother will die without spiritual, then immediately children declare them after the death of their parents, where they are led, and demand, to permanently write, idoliimoprissekvideo ...

Dear Students!

You keep in your hands an important and current textbook. In it, historical events of domestic history are transferred with documentary accuracy. With it, you can feel yourself a historian-researcher who gets up on the difficult way to comprehend the truth. It will help you to find solid and strong knowledge.

The story with full confidence can be considered as a kind of storage room of the spiritual and moral, social and cultural experience of mankind accumulated by many generations.

Our country has passed a long and glorious path in its historical development. We have something to be proud of, addressing our ancestors. The best representatives of the domestic intelligentsia made a worthy contribution to the development of world civilization. Such names like Lion Tolstoy, Fedor Dostoevsky, Pitirim Sorokin, Nikolai Berdyaev, Mark Chagal and many others, are widely known for the intellectual elite of the world community. In various fields of human knowledge, we, the Russians, became pioneers and discoverers.

There were in the history of our country and difficult times, miscalculations and failures, troubles and sorrow. But the famous Russian Democrat N.G. Chernyshevsky rightly noticed that "the historical path is not the sidewalk of the Nevsky Prospect; It goes entirely through the fields, then dusty, then dirty, then through the swamps, then through the debris. " It is important to know and comprehend the mistakes not to make them again.

Each generation, like every person, extracts experience from historical events; They help him find landmarks in everyday reality. Comprehensive knowledge of the past ensures the continuity and relationship of generations, forms ideological guidelines.

The path of the cognition of the past is difficult and ternist. Do not stop at half the way. Go to the cherished goal, open new horizons of historical knowledge and use them in everyday life.

Doctor of Historical Sciences

I.L. Stalls

26 Text is printed by: Epifanov P.P., Epifanova O.P. Decree. cit. - P. 219-220. This decree completed and legally issued the process of strengthening noble ownership of land.


The modern era associated with the revaluation of established views and radical experiments, the choice of socio-political, economic, moral and ethical benchmarks, requires a deep understanding of a person

and understanding the prospects for historical development as a native country so

and in the whole world as a whole. Stressing the importance of studying the past, famous Russian scientist N.M. Karamzin wrote: "... The history of the ancestors is always curious for the one who is worthy to have a fatherland."

Interest in history arose at the early stage of the emergence of human society and dictated by the eternal desire of a person to know the meaning of life, to understand and evaluate this life. Instructive examples of the past allow people to generate respect for universal values: peace, good, justice, freedom.

Historical science should be considered as a comprehensive knowledge with special features, peculiar logic and specific cognitive methods. Object studyfor history, the whole combination of facts characterizing the life of society in the past and present, and the subject of historythe study of human society in the form of a single and contradictory process is becoming. The objects of studying historians can be both the world as a whole and the history of any region or continent, the people or group of peoples. Historical processAs a chain of interrelated causes, consequences and facts, can be considered in two values: firstly, as the process of the development of society and nature; Secondly, as the system of sciences studying nature and society. In the course of studying a single historical process, it is necessary to attract not only the set of these social sciences, but also the use of achievements of natural and technical sciences.

The diversity of views and historical interpretations1, however, allows you to allocate a common trend in the studies of the past. Scholaristoric, creating his own concept of the historical process, is based on, first of all, on facts, hoped from the primary sources. Historical

social source - all directly reflecting the historical process

and the opportunity to learn the past of human society, i.e. everything

1 Historical interpretation- Explanation of the historical fact given by the historian.

voivodeship and in cities and in all sorts of parcels, and for the service of a salary and about honor and about the increase in the money salary decree in the same order; Also about the cheek of honor and about dishonor and the punishment, as from Tom is written above. And whom the king of Kuda sends to services and that someone for the service is to honor and savory and dishonor, and then write down in the book ...

Shooting order; And he sits in the boyar and two devices. And in the order of the Sagittaking orders, Moscow and city; And they collect the shatter from all over the Moscow state, from the wardrite peasants, in addition to the royal yard and volosts of the peasants, and the Novgorod Pskov state, and Kazan, Astrakhan, and Siberia, against the same Crimean OKUP. Yes, with the peasants, the shooting stocks will be done, by decree, and they told them those reserves for every year to put in Moscow; And as happens to them, Sagittarius, service, and those shooting stocks vendor them in the service in which the city will bring; And from long-range places with peasantizaspace, painting ...

And it happens in Moscow, the shooting orders, code and war does not happen to any state, always more than 20 orders; And in those orders of Sagittarov at 1000 and 800 people in the order than the small dense ...

The order is large treasury ... Yes, in the same order, the cash courtyard, and in it sits to inspection of money, nobleman and Diak. And make money silver small: a penny, on one side King on horseback, and on the other side of the signature: "King and Grand Prince", the name of the royal and title is the shortest; Half kopecks, on one side of a person on a horse with a dog, on the other signature of the royal, so well, as on a penny; Pushki, Celebrated Share of Kopecks, Half money, on one side of the pigeon, and on the other it is written "Tsar" ...

And in total in Moscow, except the city and patriarchal orders and the customs, 42 orders; And the devices in those orders and by cities and with gravifers from 100 people, attained with 1000 people ...

Questions and tasks for documents

1. As the state policy has changed in relation to peasants from the end of the XV century. Until the middle of the XVII century? Express your opinion on the reasons for such a change.

2. Name the main activities that the Orympic Institution was accompanied. What was the composition of the urinary yard?

3. After reading the report of Luke Pauli Austrian Emperor, try to understand the direction and content of the external and domestic policy of Bori

the mind is internally taken, speaking to ourselves: "We do not change our books and rites, koi accepted ancient times." However, they do not dare to speak openly, because the wrath of the patriarch will not be:<доказательство> As he came with the bishop Kolomensky, his reference.

3.7. Grigory Kotoshin

ABOUT Russia in the reign of Alexei Mikhailovich25

Excerpt from a book

The order of the secret cases, and in it sits dice, and the attaincam with 10 people, and they make things to do any kind of royal, secret and explicit, and that order of the boyars and spiritual people do not enter and do not know, except the king himself. And the order of the appraise with ambassadors to the state, and the Embassy Congresses, and in the war with warlords, for the fact that ambassadors in their embassies, they do not give much to honor to their state, in the passage and in conversational speeches, as written above of this, in the embassy article, and the governors in the shelves are much in a lot of inconsistencies in ruiners, and those fits above the ambassadors and over the governors also look after the king, arriving, affecting; And which the ambassadors, or the governor, in the affairs of the fault, and are afraid of the royal anger, and they give those attainances and honor their measures above, so that they are with the king, their ambassadors, and have not poured the spirits. And then the order at the current king is arranged in order to ensure that his royal thought and affairs have been performed by all his desire, and the boyars b and spiritual people did not know about anything ...

Embassy Order: And in it sits a spirit deque, and two devices, the attains 14 people. And those in the order of the case of all the surrounding states and ambassadors are accepted and the vacation is available to them: also Russian ambassadors and messengers and messengers will be sent to which the state will suffer, their vacation happens to them from that order; Yes, for the translation and thickness of translators of Latin, Svaysky, German, Greek, Polish, Tatar and other languages, with 50 people, Tolmachi with 70 people ...

Return order; And in that order sits rounded, and a spirit deque, and two devices. And ledations in the order of all sorts of military affairs, and the cruise factory and fasteners and the reinstall and guns and servants; also burdens, rebuildings, and mercenary and neighbor, and so-worn, and the nobles, and the nobles of Moscow, and the dicks, and the residents, and the nobles of the city, and the children of the Boyar, and the Cossacks and Soldiers, all the service, and whom Kuda gets to shoot at service, war and in

previously created by human society and reached our days in the form of objects of material culture, monuments of writing, morals,

customs, language. It allows the most objectively to reconstruct past epochs, identify their diversity and inconsistency, to find a set of positive and negative parties relating to them.

One of the most common species are written historical sources. Historian M.N. Tikhomirov considered them the foundation of historical research, rightly consider that "where they are missing, the historian wanders in the darkness" 2. A distinctive feature of this type of source is the encoding of information, in them, in the form of a letter - handwritten or printed, preserved on paper, parchment or papyrus basis. All written sources for domestic history can be divided into three groups: 1) the chronicles, power books, chronographs, palace records, certificates of ingenians about Russia; 2) state acts (internal and external); 3) Literature monuments: spiritual, polemical, philosophical compositions, earthworks, descriptions of travel, etc. (by N.G. Ustortilov).

The manual presents the most important written sources (fully or in the form of extracts) on the history of Russia from ancient times to the present day. All of them are grouped on the following topics:

Topic 1. Features of the socio-political development of Kievan Rus.

Topic 2. Mongol-Tatar invasions on Russia. Expansion to the Western and Northwest part of the country.

Topic 3. Russia in the second half of the XV-XVII centuries.

Topic 4. Russian Empire in the 18th century. From "Europeanization" of Peter I to the "Enlightened Absolutism" of Catherine II.

Topic 5. Socio-economic and political development of Russia in the first half of the XIX century.

Topic 6. Internal policy of Russian autocracy in the second half

Topic 7. The evolution of the state power of Russia at the beginning of the twentieth century. Theme 8. Political origins and the essence of the Soviet system in 1917-1941.

Topic9. Economic and SovietCopolitical Corresponding to 1917-1941. Topic 10. The USSR in the Second World and Great Patriotic War.

Topic 11. Foreign policy and international relations of the Soviet Union in the conditions of the Cold War.

Topic 12. Fundamentals of the constitutional system of the Russian Federation. State symbolism.

At the end of each topic, there are questions and tasks for documents. They allow you to better assimilate information enclosed in them, expand our knowledge at the rate of domestic history. Working with primary sources will give the opportunity to understand the original color of each era, feel its uniqueness and diversity. Independent work with sources makes a kind of a small study, to form your own opinion about the story of Russian history. It will no longer depend on the political situation, nor from foreign impact. The researcher becomes invalid to the events of the past, he knows him. Thus, an active life position and a sense of patriotism is formed.

The study of primary sources is one of the most complex types of research and requires certain preparation, pain stress and attentiveness. When working in such a type of activity, the following rules should be followed:

1. Getting started to read the source, pay attention to the time of writing it, the historical period associated with it.

2. Compare what you already know about the event studied and what's new you learned about it from the source. Remember and secure the differences or similarity.

3. Note that the group of sources includes a document, which will make it possible to more correctly comprehend and explain the information in it contained, make the right and reasonable conclusion.

4. If the meaning of information received from the source is not completely understandable, it is recommended to take a break in his study. Contact educational or reference literature.

5. Creating your theory, strive to rely on the facts from the document,

but do not customize for well-known schemes.

To facilitate work with sources at the end of the manual, reference materials are given: a dictionary of basic concepts and terms (the clarification of some of them is given at the end of documents in the form of a substitution notes) and a chronological table. Work with the manual provides for the search for additional information in educational and reference and scientific literature.

The purpose of the manual is to teach independent work with written historical sources on the history of the Fatherland, the ability to allocate and analyze the most significant links and signs of historical processes, independently relate and compare historical facts in time and space, relying on documentary evidence of the past.

3.6. Pavel Alepsky24.

Travel of Antioch Patriarch Makaria to Russia in the first half of the XVII century

Excerpt from the book ... Moscow Patriarch convened the Cathedral (1655) as a result of the instructions that

rya made him our teacher (ie, Patriarch Makariya), and the Council, which he gave relative to innovations and different errors in the affairs of faith: first, on what they do not serve as we, on antimine with images and images and

from inscriptions, social relics of saints, not a piece of white canvas; Mustovay, that they bring the sacred sacrifice, take out not nine ranks (particles), but only four; Thirdly, what they do in some words of mistakes in the "believe in a single God"; Fourth, applied to icons only once or two per year; Fifth, do not take antidore; in six, regarding their congestion with different ways of fingers; In the seventh, regarding the baptism of Lyakhov, for they cross them now by the second baptism, and relative to different cases and rites, about which we already said we talk. Patriarch Nikon listened to the words of our Lord Patriarch and translated a service born of Liturgy

from greek language into Russian, outlined rites and prospecting in clear expressions available to the understanding of children, according to genuine Greek rituals. He printed this official in several thousand (copies) and distributed them to the churches of the whole country; Printed more than fifteen thousand antimons with letters and images, consecrated the relics of saints and also distributed them throughout the country. Corrected many mistakes, according to the royal approval and command, on the basis of the evidence of the law and the prophets. Corrected reasoning at the Cathedral, decided, according to our teacher, that the baptism of Lyakhov is unloading, as always in Eviology and Law (Nomocanon), for the Lyhai believe in St. Trinity, baptized and not so far from us as other heretics and Lutherans, somehow: the Swedes, the British, Hungars and other French peoples, who will not be satisfied, do not worship neither icons or cross, etc. Patriarch Nikon, since he loves the Greeks, expressed consent (for correction) and said referring to Bishops and other members of the Archimandrite and Priests: "I am Russian, the Son of Russian, but my beliefs and my faith Greek." Some of the bishops responded with obedience, saying: "The Light of Faith in Christ and all the rites of religion and the sacrament of the sacraments were excited from the countries of the East"; And some of them are them - because in any people certainly there are people of rough ineve and stupid

24 Pavel Aleksky - Negotic of the Antioch Patriarch Makaria, together with Uncle visiting Moscow and present at the Cathedral of 1655. The text is printed by: Semenikova L.I.

Decree. cit. - P. 175-176.

3.5. Cathedral Code 1649 g.23


Chapter 11. Court of Peasants, and in it 34 articles.

1. Who sovereign palace villages and black volosts peasants and blew, ranging out of state palace villages and black volosts, live for the Patriarch, or for Metropolitans, and for the Archbishops and Bishop, or for monasteries, or for the boyars, or for rebuildings and honors, and at room, and for the soils, and behind the richness, and for the nobles of Moscow, and for the devil, and for the tenants, and the city nobles and children of Boyari, and for the ingenians, and for all sorts of markers and landowners, and in the screening books that Books scribes submitted in the local and other orders after the Moscow Fire 134th year, those runaway peasants or fathers them are written behind the sovereign, and those sovereign runaway peasants and be bobvoles to the sovereign villages in the state of Palace, and in black parishs on their old sturdenses in the brass books of their wives and with children and with all their peasant belly without urgent years.

2. Those who will be a leader and landowner to go on a sovereign to the sovereign

about running his peasants and on the boblya and they will say that their peasants and blended by souping from behind them live sovereign and palace villages, and in black mosses, or at Posads in Posad People, or in Silver, or in Cossacks, or in Pushkar, or in others in any in the serviceful people in the inxication and in Ukrainian town, or for the Patriarch, or for Metropolitans, or for the Archbishops and Bishops, or Monasteries, or for the Boyar, and for Solnichy and for Duma and For Rooms, and For Stringing, And behind the strangi, and for the nobles of Moscow, and for the devil, and for the tenants, and for the city nobles and children of Boyari, and for the ingenians, and for all sorts of markers and landowners, and those peasants and bobbish and for the court and for the sics who were given the books in the local order after the Moscow fire of the past 134Gen year, those their junny peasants or those of their runaway peasants were written in those writings for them, or after those protrus books the same peasants or their children on new dachas were written for who is separate or in refusal books. And to give fluorescent peasants and beats from runs on the script books of people of people without urgent years ...

23 Text is printed by: Cathedral Introduction 1649 Text and Comments. - L. 1987. -

Topic 1. Features of the socio-political development of Kievan Rus

1.1. From the composition of Ibn Ruste "Dear Values" 3

Removing the country of Slavs is smooth and wooded, and they live in it. And they have no wine

feds and arable fields. And they have something like barrels made from wood, in which there are hives and honey. It is called Ulopezh, and from one barrel is mined up to 10 jugs honey. And they are the people, grazing pigs, like (we) sheep. When someone dies with them, the corpse burned it ...

... And they all worship fire. Most of their crops from millet. During the harvest, they take buckets with wigble grains. Raise to the sky and say: "Lord, you (so far) supplied us food, supply and now we are abundant."

They have a different kind of lute, husli and swirls. There are two elbows in their two elbows. The lutes are eight-string. Their hint drink from honey. While the deceased, they indulge in noisy fun, expressing joy about the mercy rendered to him by God. They are very few working livestock ... their weapons consist of darts, shields and copies, they do not have any other weapons. The chapter is coroned, they obey him and they do not retreat from words. He is located in the middle of the country of Slavs in the middle of the country ... In their country, the cold before that Silen, that each of them digs in the earth the born of cellars, to which a wooden pointed roof is attached, like the Christian church, and put the roof. In such cellars, they move to the whole family and, taking firewood and stones, burn fire and split the stones on the fire of hot. When the stones are spinning to the highest degree, they are poured by water, from which the pairs are spreading, heating housing before they even remove clothing. In such an accommodation, they remain until spring.

1.2. Russia agreement with Byzantia4

Extracting in summer 6420. I sent Oleg my husbands to establish the world and conclude

the thief between the Greeks and Rus ... We are from the genus Russian<следует перечень имен>sent from Oleg, the Grand Duke Russian, and from all suspended light

3 The text is printed by: the history of Russia. Tutorial for independent work / Ed. L.I. Semennikova. - M.: Book House "University". 2001. - S. 113-114.

4 The text is printed by: Readings on the history of Russia from ancient times to this day //A. Orlov, V.A. Georgiev, N.G. Georgiev, T.A. Sivokhina. - M.: Prospekt, 1999. - S. 13-23.

boyar to you, Lev, Alexander and Konstantin, God's Grace, Greyscarians, Greek, to confirm and strengthen the existing world of friendship between Christians and Rusy, according to the desire and command of our princes and all the context of Rus ...

First of all, we conclude with you, the Greeks, the world and become friends with each other with the whole of the soul and do not allow, according to our general desire, no mess or resentment ... if I kill Rusin Christian or a Christian Rusin - let him die there. Where I committed a murder. If it hits, but it turns out to be a thing, then that part of the property that belongs to him by law, let him take a close relative of the murdered ... if anyone hit another sword or any other tool, then let the blow or beating pay the victim 5 liters of silver by law Russian ... If Rusin Christian or Christian Rusin will apply any torment and forcibly seizure someone else's property, and this will be proven, then let the perpetrator will reimburse the damage to the victim in a triple size. If the root of the strong wind will be thrown into someone else's land and will be discovered by someone from Russia, they will guard it with her discovery and goods, and the departure of it in the Earth Christian ... Also, if the misfortune happens to the Russian root near the Greek land, we hold it In Russian Earth ... If the captive, held by any of the parties, Russia or the Greeks, will be sold to another country and will be discovered by Rusin or Greshina, then it is allowed to buy it away and return the redefined in his country ... if the Chellowader Russian will be stolen or run away, and it will be Confirmed by Chelyadin, then let Russia take him ... about the Christian Cesary people from Russia from Russia in the Greeks. If anyone dies, not leaving the wills about your property, and their<родственников> Here he will not have, then let his estate will return to the near Razi on Russia. If he will make a testament, then let his property take the one to whom he bequeathed him, and inherits him ...

1.3. From the "Tale of Bygone Years" 5

Removing a lot of time sat down by the Slavs on the Danube, where the land of Wenger

skye and Bulgarian. And the Slavs were partitioned from Slavs on the ground and nicknamed with their names, where who sat in at what place. So, alone, having settled on the Morava River and nicknamed moorava, and others called the Czechs. And here are the same weak

5 Text is printed by: Semennikova L.I. Decree. cit. P. 116-118, 120-122.

3.4. From the report of Luke Pauli21 Austrian Emperor22

So, Mr. Grand Duke Boris Fedorovich has an intention and firmly decided to conclude and restore friendship and consent to your imperial greatness and with all the highly high Austrian house, in order to in the future, in the case of a hostile attack on one of the parties, the other was to help the Council and the case and Rescue; And when it ... on both sides it will be delivered and confirmed, then he wants not only to open access to his extensive and closed country, but also to allow all his subjects and commercial people to make his trips to buy and sell, as well as the subjects of your imperial Majesty will be resolved free, unhindered passage to his land, so that this not only resumed, the navigation and maritime trade intensified and rose relatively with the same, but also to benefit and help food in the seaside cities of the Roman Empire of the German People and Russian and Moscow Lands and People ...

In addition, he would like he often expressed a strong desire, after opening access to his country, to establish Latin schools (as he persuaded about it with the late brother of the Danish king, the Duke of John Golshtinsky, and wanted to enforce) to the young men The cities studied and practiced in Latin and other languages \u200b\u200bso that they will overcome the born of inborn rudeness with other Christian peoples, especially thanks to the Latin language, not only to talk, but also to converge with them in decent customs and virtues and contact politely friend with a friend.

In addition, he would like, after the conclusion of that union, bring his extensive country (which was empty in many places) to the best condition, to free their subjects and people in German and other customs from great, yoke and lethargy, introduce and give old and rich cities freedom, police and order, and to maintain the court and justice to introduce civilian management, and build and strengthen in particular on the ocean and on the bon, ten miles one from the other, free cities, to keep the invasions of the Crimean Paint Tatars, to provide them with land and People, to plant noble people there, who would not only withdraw the Tatars, but also to contribute to their destruction.

21 Luca Pauli - Massa of the Austrian Emperor.

22 170-171.

there were king trains and great princes, behind Christmas, the christmas and lap of the saint, and cellars and glaciers and cooks, and the smoking gates; Toocles and princes Volodimerov Ontreyevich's courtyard, the Metropolitan Place accepted. Poor and at the Posad Street of Take to Osrishnin from Moscow - Rivers: Chertolskaya Street from Semchanic village and to Wax, and Arbatskaya Street on both landscapes and a Sivtsov enemy and to Dorogomilovsky Wax, yes, and the street of Nikitskaya Street Half Street, from the city of Stuchi Left Party To amusement. Oprich the Novinsky Monastery and the Savinsky Monastery of Slobod and overshadow the Soromilovsky Sloboda, and to the new Devic of the Monastery and the Alekseevsky Monastery of Sloboda; And Sodolodams in Okrishnin: Ilyinskaya, under the sessen, Vorontsovskaya, Lyschikovskaya.

And which the streets and Slobodas have thought of the sovereign in Orrishnin, and in those streets ordered to be a boyar and noble and any orders, whom the sovereign was noticed, and in whom the exercise was not told, and those IS of all the streets ordered to translate the streets to Posad. The state of its Moscow, the military and the court, and the Government, and all sorts of affairs, ordered the victims and make the boyar who was ordered by Being in Zemstvo: Prince Ivan Dmitreyevich, Prince Ivan Fedorovich Mstislavsky and all the boyar. And a stable and jooretsky and treasurer and Deca and all the ordinary people were ordered by Being in his orders to the Government of Chiniti in Starin, and about the general affairs of the parish to the boyar; And the rolling whalers will behave or earthly affairs, and the boyar about those matters to the sovereign, and the sovereign with the boyars by the work of the Governance.

For the listened, the king sentenced his king and the Grand Duke of Take from the Zemsky one hundred thousand rubles; And which the boyars and the governors and ordinarians reached the states of great treason to death penalty, and others reached opals, and those stomachs and stakes of taking the sovereign. Archbishops The same bishops and archigandritis and igumens and the whole sanctified cathedral, and and the boyars and ordinarians, they all put on the State Magnaya Will.

And of the winter, February of the month, the belly of the King and the Grand Duke of Kaznichi Malini outlaughter for the great qualities of the Borisovich Gorbatovo Oleksandra Borisovich Gorbatovo and the Son of his prince Peter, yes the revenue of Peter Petrova Son Golovin, yes Prince Dmitry Prince Ondreyev Son Shevyreva. Boyar Prince Ivan Kurakina, Prince Dmitry is not a touch in the Cashnya Tesch. And the nobles and children of Boyar, who reached the states of opals, and on those who put their balancing and the stomachs of their Imal Po; Aynesoslavlvotchuyuvyuzannunyzeniyizenii.

svane: White Croats and Serbs, and Chorutan. When the Volokha attacked the Slavs of Danube and settled among them and oppressed them, the Slavs crossed these Slavs, and they sat down on Vistula and were nicknamed, and the Poles, other Lyuhi - Lyutichi, other - Mazaschean, were made from those Lyakhov.

Also, these Slavs arrived at the Dnieper on the Dnieper and called Polyans, and others - Drevlyans, because they sat down in the forests, and others satisfied between Pripyat and Dviochi and called Dregovichi, other sites on Dvina and nicknamed half-walled on the river, which flows in Dvina And called the sun. The same Slavs who sat near Lake Ilmeni were nicknamed with their name - Slavs (Slavs) and built a city, and called him Novgorod. And others sat down on the gum, and by the Seimas, and by Soule and called Northerners. And so the Slavic people went through, and according to his behalf and the gram was nosed "Slavic".

All of them had their customs and the laws of their fathers and legends, and every one - their own temper. Polyana have the custom of their heads of their meek and quiet, shy to sleeps and sisters, mothers and parents; Before mother-in-law and devices, great luck have; have a marriage custom ... And the arms lived with the animal, lived, lived Skotski, killed each other, they were all unclean, and they did not have marriages, but the girls were blocked by the water ... And if anyone died, they arranged the Trician on him, and then they did a big deal and pinned the dead and burned And after, gathering the bones, they were invested in a small vessel and put on the pillars during the roads, they are still doing now and now. The same custom kept curvatures, and other pagans who do not know the law of God, but their own law ...

In summer 6367 (859). Varyags from the Floor were charged with tribute to the sink and from Slavs,

and with Mary, and from all the curvists, and Zakhara took from Polyan and from the northerners, and with Merneching and whitty and squirrel from smoke.

In summer 6370 (862). They expelled Varyagov for the sea and did not give them Dani, and began to own themselves. And it was not among them the truth, and there was a genus on the genus, and there were shavers between them, and began to fight themselves. And they said themselves: "We are looking for a prince who owned us and judged by right." And they went for the sea to Varyags, to Russia, those whirlwinds - Rus, like other names of the Swedes, other Normans, Angles, other goths, the same - so. They said Rus Chok, Slovenia, Curvichi, the whole: "Our Land is great and is abundant, but there is no outfit in it. Come pronomize and possess us. " And three brothers were chosen with their own birth, took with them all of Russia, and came to the words first, and cut down the city of Ladogu, and sat down in Ladoga the oldest Rurik, and the other - Sineus - on a white lake, and the third - Trour - in Izborsk. And the Russian land was nosed from those whirlwinds. Novgorodians

people Novgorod - from the Varygsky kind, before were Slovenia. Two years later, the Sineus and brother of his Trumor died. And he accepted all the power of one Rurik, and came to Ilmen, and he quit the town over the Volkhov, and called him Novgorod, and the village here, putting the parish and the city to chop - the Tom Polotsk, another Rostov, this Belosero. And for those cities of Varyagi aliens, and the initial population in Novgorod - Slovenia, in Polotsk - Crivichi, in Rostov - Merry, in Beloser - the whole, in Murom - Murom, and with all they possessed Rurik.

And he had two husbands, not a tribe, but the boyars, and they went to Tsargrad with their own. And they went on the Dnieper, and passing by, they saw the town of Mountain. Askold and Dir remained in this city, gathered around many whirlwinds and began to own the land of pollast. Rurux at this time did the princes in Novgorod ...

IN summer 6387 (879). Rurik died, passing the reign of his Oleg, his parents, who gave his hands and son Igor, for he was still very small.

IN summer 6390 (882). Oleg made a campaign, having gained a lot of warriors with him: Varyagov, Chok, Slave, I measured, all, curvice, and came to Smolensk with Curvoes, and took the city, and put her husband in him. From there went down, and took love, and put her husband my husband. And they came to the mountains of Kiev, and he recognized Oleg that the Askold and Deer were pronounced here ... and killed Askold and Dira ... And the village of Oleg to Prince

in Kiev, and said: "It will be the mother cities of Russian." And he had Varyagi and Slovenia, and others - nicknamed Rus. This Oleg began the city and established Dani Slovnels and Curves, and Mary, and stated to give tribute to Varyagam from Novgorod P300 hryvnia for the summer for the sake of conservation of the world, which was given to Varyagam to the death of Yaroslav.

IN summer 6391 (882). Oleg began to fight against the razlyan and, conquering them, took tribute to them in black kunice.

IN summer 6392 (884). Oleg went to the northerners, and defeated them, and laid an easy tribute on them, and did not allow them to pay tribute to Khazara, saying: "I am an opponent, and you need no need."

IN summer 6393 (885). I sent to the radar, asking: "Who gives the tribute?". They also answered: "Khazar". And Oleg told them: "Do not give Hazars, but let me". And gave Oleg on the church6, as before the Khazarians were given. And Oleg Polyanov, and the Drevlyans, and Northerners, and Radmichs, and the streets and tivers fought ...

IN summer 6495 (987). The convened Vladimir Boyar of his and elders of Gradsky and told them: "Bulgarians came to me, saying: our law. Then

6 Schema - the Polish name of the Western European Monetary Unit of Shiving.

noah and with children who have one sovereign with them in the same fortress and which his children were born to the Walophry, but northern gihua in the state of the sovereign, or for themselves nuclei does not butt ...

80. And the Hall of Raint is polonentized, but the IP will run away, and it is Sloboden, and the old state is not a coaster. And he is so cooled to his old sovereign and that Holopa Javiti Bogar, and to refer to the old fortress, and the duties of Ima

from heads in Altya. And which the Hop will run by his sovereign with his own or one runs without the sovereign of his own, and not to rail, and he will come out that the Holopa is the land again in Moscow, and he will be the old sovereign Hop on the old choleret, they will give something to whom the sovereign will give a wave ...

88. And the cristle refuses the parish into the parish and from the village to the village of one time per year: a week before Yuryev, the days of the autumn and a week in Yuryev's days of autumn. And the elderly courtyards pay a ruble in the field and two Altyna, and in the forest ... for the courtyard of Poltina and two Altyna ... And the elderly Ihma with the gate ...

3.3. On the establishment of an oprichny extract from the continuation of the chronicler of the beginning of the kingdom18

<…> Chelobitiya Sovereign King and the Grand Prince of Archbishopov and Bishops took on the fact that his traitors who betrayed him, the sovereign and in what Him, the sovereign were naughty, on those opal to put ones, and other execution and their stomachs and stakes19 IMATA , and to compose to him on his state to Orrishnin, the courtyard of himself and for all his usefulness20 to learn a special, and boyars and the okolchiki and the butler and treasurers and the devils and all sorts of orders, and the nobles and children of the boyars and the harsh and streams and the residents to learn themselves Especially, on the palaces on the satisfying and fodder and on the bread-made, scholars and crucibles and plugs and skeins and cooks and breadmen, and all sorts of masters and stalls and sorts and all sorts of yard people on their own use, and Sagitrov sentenced themselves specially ...

And the sovereign to the sovereign in the general of the princes and nobles and children of the boyars yard and the city 1000 goals; And the estates were fed in those core with at the same time, which the cities were asked in Orrishnin, and wilts and landowners who were not in Ocarriage, ordered the views of those cities to bring and promotion of the earth told the place in other cities, in fact, it was specially for me to scho. On the courtyard of the Tsarice of the Great Princess, the courtyard is a presence of a clever place, where

18 Text is printed by: Semenova L.I. Decree. cit. - FROM. 166-168.

19 "Their stomachs and stakes" are here: their property.

20 "For all your own use" - on the content of Okrichnina.

The decree on the throne was issued due to the lack of the emperor Peter I natural and arranging his heir. After the suspension of Tsarevich Alexei (see approx. 3), his younger brother Peter Petrovich (1715-1719) was declared a new heir (1715-1719), soon the dead. Other Sons of Peter the Great also died in infancy or early childhood. The emperor did not want to transfer the throne to the grandson of Peter Alekseevich and on February 5, 1722 approved a decree on the right of the emperor to appoint a successor to himself.

This reform turned out to be very unsuccessful for two reasons. First, she contradicted the Christian idea of \u200b\u200bthe monarchy, according to which the monarch receives the throne from God, and not from a person. Secondly, the method of determining the heir was not indicated in the absence of an order to appoint it. Therefore, the displaced decree was one of the reasons for palace coups and the actual subordination of the monarchy nobility in the XVIII century. Decree was canceled by Emperor Paul in 1797

We, Peter the first , emperor and autocrats All-Russian and other and other and other.

We declare, so that everyone knows all, Kakov Absalomal Evil's head was our son Alexey, and that not repentant of his intention, but the deliciousness of God fell to the whole of our Fatherland (which is pretty from the manifesto about that matter is visible); and this is not for what it has more different from him, Tokmo from the custom of the old one, that inheritance was given to the big son, besides, he was then the male of the floor of our surname was, and for no place to look at any deceic punishment; I don't know this unknown custom, for it was solid, because it was not a sharpening in people to tell the smart parents, but also in the Holy Scripture I see when Isakov's wife made her husband, a little son inherited an inheritance, and what is more amazing that God and God The blessing should follow; Well even in our ancestors you see when the blessed and everlasting memory Great Prince Ivan Vasilyevich, and the Great is distinct, but the case; For it is diverged by the division of children Vladimirov Our Fatherland gathered and approved, who was not on the championship, but by the will, this was he, and canceled twice, seeing a worthy heir, who would not have missed and approved by our fatherland, did not miss the grandson, and then he gave the grandson, and then set the grandson of the weddish and gave his son his inheritance (what is clear from the power book It is possible to see), namely, in the summer 7006 February on the 4th day, Prince Great Ivan Vasilyevich led by himself the heir to the grandson of his prince Dmitry Ivanovichand Veden was in Moscow on the great reign by the Princely Crown Metropolitan Simon, and in the summer of April 7010 at the age of 11, the Grand Duke Ivan Vasilyevich was angry with the grandson of his prince Dmitry, and did not tell him to remember the Grand Prince in the churches, and planted him for the guard and the same April on the 14th day he learned him by the heir of his son Vasily Ivanovich And Vieden was the same Metropolitan Simon; what and other things like that are satisfied with the examples, about which, shortness for the time of time, now we do not mention here, but in the future there will be particularly issued in print. In the same sentence, in the past 1714, the merciful us about our subjects, so that the particular their homes did not come from unworthy heirs in ruin, although we learned the charter, so that the immovable estate to give to one son, one shit then in the will of the parent, to whom will be lucked to give, we dare to deserve, albeit a little, past, recognizing a convenient, which would not waste inheritance. By the same time, we must have a care about the purpose of all of our state, which with God's help, is now widespread, as everyone apparently is; What did you like this charter to teach this charter, so that this was always in the will of the Governing Sovereign, who wants it, that he will determine the inheritance, and defined, seeing what the Pakki will cancel, so that children and descendants did not fall into such anger as the above written, Having this urid on yourself. For the sake of we command, so that all our faithful subjects and worldly without withdrawal, this is our charter before God and his Gospel approved on such a basis that everyone who will be struggled, or Inaco, how to interpret, he will be for the traitor to the Mavel, the death penalty and church The oath will be subject to.

Complete collection of laws of the Russian Empire. Collection of the 1st. T.VI. St. Petersburg., 1830. P. 496-497


Decree that on our departure to do. 1. The court to have non-estate and unrighteous judges to punish the honor and all estates; That and the yabedniki will follow. 2. To look throughout the state of expenses and unnecessary, and especially in vain to set out. 3. Money, as perhaps, it is possible to call, in prudence the bottom of the arterier of war. 4. Nobles to collect young for the stock in the afitios, and the Napa to those who lick. 5. Bill start and keep in one place. 6. Products that are on bumps or in the concentrations and provinces, to examine and specify. 7. About the Soli of Ottoman to give off and fenced to the fence in Oyoy ...

4.4. General Regulation


His Tsarist Majesty ... According to the examples of other Christian regions, the global intention of perception has known, for the sake of decent management of state-owned deeds, and a good definition and calculation of its parishes, and the correction of useful justice and the police, for the sake of the possible worrying of its subjects and the content of its marine and land The troops are in good condition, the tavern of commerce, art and manufactory, and the good establishment of their marine and farm duties, and for the sake of multiplication and incremental plants, and other state needs, which are needed to establish the necessary and adequate state collegiums. Namely: Foreign Affairs, Camor, Justice, Revision, Military, Admiralteyskaya, Commerce, Co., Berg and Manufactory of the College.

And in the presidents, vice-presidents and others belonging to those members and office and office ministers, and more of their own subjects to determine, tire and demanding the office and the office with the same establishment ...

4.5. Charter about the heritage of the throne

We, Peter I emperor and autocrats All-Russian and other and other and other ... We must have a care about the purpose of all our state, which, with the help of God, is now widespread, as everyone apparently has; What did this charter be able to teach this charter, so that this was always in the will of the Governing Soviet, who he wants, to be the inheritance, and ... Seeing what an infession, Paki will cancel, so that children and descendants did not fall into such anger as the above written, having This urid on myself.

4.6. From Catherine II Commission for compiling
New Casting


Chapter 3.

9. The sovereign is autocracy, because no other, as soon as the power connected in his particular and cannot act similarly with the space of such a great state.

11. Any other board will not only be in Russia harmful, but also a bombardment.

12. Another reason is that it is better to obey the laws under one lord than to please many.

13. What is the preposition of autocratic board? It is not that people take away their natural liberty, but that their actions will send them to get the largest of all the good.

15. Autocratic boards The intention and the end is the glory of citizens, states and the sovereign.

Chapter 13.

295. There is no agriculture to flourish here, where no one has nothing.

296. This is based on the rule very simple: "Any person has more care of his own, rather than what can be what the other will sweat."

317. Trade from there is removed, where he is oppressed, and weaving Tamo, where her calm is not disturbed ...

Chapter 15.

358. The farmers live in villages and villages, treat the land from which growing fruits feed all the state of people, and this is their lots.

359. In cities inhabit the innings that exercise in crafts, trade, in art and sciences.

360. The nobility is a nine in honor distinguishing from other than those who are decorated.

363. Virtue with a deserving it takes to the degree of nobility.

364. Not only decently nobility, but also to acquire this nobility and civilian virtues, koi and military.

4.7. Plugged gram of nobility

Friday, May 11, 2007 11:17 + in quote

In the columns playing - SPILLER & BEXTOR - GROOVE JET

Full assembled laws of Rossiya imperiy of 1649, Tom Vi. No. 3.893, 1722, February 5th (*).

Charter about the heritage of the throne

We Peter is the first emperor and the autocrat of Vserosyskii and other and other and so on.

We declare, so far, I have a Son Avalomalomalous Zlosti, who was our son Alexѣi, and that he was not repentant of him, but the Milostia of God was supposed to our Fatherland (which is pretty out of the manifesto about Tom, apparently there is); And this is not for what Inago has increased, Tokmo from the custom of the Starta, that the big son was given the head, to the same one, then the Magnifier of the sex of our family was, and for no place to watch it, not wanting to watch anyone; I don't know this unknown custom, for it was already hard for it, for it was not the exact of the people in people who were annoyed by smart parents, they visible, but also in the Saint writani see, when Isakov, his husband, who had a little son, occasionally occasioned, and what else is amazing that the Boy blessed to that And in our ancestors, you see, when the Blessed and Blessed and Vasilya Memory, the Great Prince Ivan Vasilyevich, and in Trune, the greatness is not a word, but for the fact: for it is diverged by the divisions of Vladimirov, who was divided and approved, which is not the championship, but Sieu's will chinyl, and canceled twice, seeing the decent heir, who would have gone and approved by our fatherland, did not miss Paks to borrow, first past the sons gave his grandchildren, and then he passed the grandson of the wife already, and gave his son his inheritance (as clearly from the power The books are possible) namely, in the summer of February 700 on the 4th day, Prince Great Ivan Vasilyevich learned the heir to the grandson of his prince Dmitry Ivanovich, and Veden was in Moscow at the great reign by the Princely Crown Metropolitan Simon; And in the summer of April 7010 at the age of 11, the Grand Duke Ivan Vasilyevich was angry with the grandson of his prince Dmitry, and did not told him to remember the Grand Prince in the churches, and he planted him for the guard and the same April at the age of 14 he learned the heir to the son of his Vasily Ivanovich and Veden was the same Metropolitan Simon; What and other things like that are contented examples, about which brevity for the sake of time, here we do not mention, but in the future there will be particularly issued in print. In the same sentence, in the past 1714, the merciful us about our subjects, so that the particular their homes did not come from unworthy heirs in ruin, although we learned the charter, so that the immovable estate to give to one son, one shit then in the will of the parent, to whom Lust to give, seeing the dignified, albeit little, past the big, recognizing a convenient, which would not waste inheritance. By the same time, we must have a care about the purpose of all of our state, which with God's help, is now widespread, as everyone apparently is; What are this charter to teach this charter, so that this was always in the will of the Government of the Sovereign, who wants to determine the inheritance, and defined, seeing what an infection, Paki to cancel, so that children and descendants did not fall into such anger as above writing , having this urid on yourself. For the sake of we command, so that all our faithful subjects, spiritual and worldly without withdrawal, this our charter before God and his Gospel was approved on such a basis that everyone who would be struggled, or Inaco, how to interpret: the death penalty, the death penalty And the church oath will be subject to.

This charter was commanded by a decree from the Verkhovnago Tainago Council on July 172, to take away from the pretty places and in private people, but the manifesto 1731 December 17 of the day he was set up for her former strength on what was placed here.

Completely assembled laws of Rossiya imperiality of 1649, Tom XXIV, p. 587-589. № 17.910, 1797, Apr. 5. Published Senate 14 Apr.


Highestly approved by the day of the Holy Coronantsi of his imperratskago Majesty, and laid for Straneniya for the throne of the Cathedral of the Cathedral.

We, Paul, Hazelnik, Tsearevich and the Great Prince, and we, the spouse, Mariya, the Grand Princess.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Common to our voluntary and mutual agreement, according to Proshlomel decree, we decided to have this act of our total, who, according to the love of Fatherland, is elected, by the law of my death, Paul, the Son of Our Bolshago, Alexandra, and on him all his Mugene Fool. According to the prescription of this Magnifier, the head of my son is going to give birth to the voice of my son, GDѣ and to lay what it is said about the end of the Starshigo of my son, and so Dalѣe, if I had my sons; What is the birthroom. According to the president of the Sons of my sons, the head of the sons of my sons, the meal remains in the family, but in the female bed of the post-herd-kingdomovazgo, like in the nearest throne, so that it is difficult to choose in the transition of a kind of in-kind, in which it is for the same order, preferring a huge face of female; However, it is necessary to begin to appreciate once forever, which is never losing the right to the female face, the right of the right to be unaffected. According to the preschool of this kind, the ultimateness passes in having a landscape of my son in the female bed, in which the near relative of the last-reign of my son is a kind of aforementioned son of my son, and there is a lack of one, then the face is a mascode or women who takes her place It is preferred to feminine, as already mentioned above; that there are trampling. The same kindergarten goes on the sulfur, the head of my sons, laying the same order, and then in having a senior daughter of my cigarette sonya, and on the prepanced in the female hey, the sons of my sons . According to the prescription of Muscago and Women's eldest daughter, the husp passes to the men, and then the female second daughter my daughter, and so Dalѣe. It should be put to the rule of the rule that a smaller sister, at least sons I had, not the admission of the right among the senior, at least not for-husband, for it could go to her husband and give birth to two; The brother of Little Help before the older sisters. Position the rules of the heads must explain the causes of these. He is the essence of the situation: so that the state was not without a hill. In order for the head, he was always appointed by law himself. In order, there was no Majahgo Somneni, who would have to take. In order to preserve the right of childbirth in Hallows, without violating the rights of natural, and it is difficult to choose when the transition of the genus in the genus. The establishment of this way, it should be supplemented by this law: when the head comes to such a penis of Womengo, which is already reigning on the other of the throne, then it is granted to choose to elect around and throne to the country, and renounces a member of the sulfur, if such a throne and the throne Related by law, for the fact that the sovereigns of Rossiyski are the Governing of the Church; And if there is no denying from the Body, then it is closer to the face that is closer in order. Zasim must be obliged to observe this law on the essay at the entry and anointed. If there is a female face, there will be a female face, and there will be such a person, or it will be released, then the husband does not read the sovereign, but to give the honors to the spouses of the sovereign, and enjoy other advantages of those, chrog title. Marriage not to read legitimate sovereign to Oygy. In the case of smallness of the country's presentation, the order and security of the state and the sovereign require the government and guardianship to perfectly. Perhastiti is reluced by the state budgets of both sexes and huts six to ten LѣT, in order to reduce the government's time. If the postal of the reigns did not appoint the ruler and the guardian, for it hesitates to learn this choice for better security; The government of the state and the guardianship of the sovereign person is going to be a father or mother, and Machiha are excluded; And for the lack of near the neighborhood of the relatives of both the sex of both sexes. Impringly and other Floor Spear State Unit is relying 20 LѣT. The inability is legitimate hampered to be a ruler and guardian, namely: the madness of at least temporary, and entroaching the widow in the second marriage during the government and guardianship. The ruler is supposed to owe the government, and how the ruler without the owl, so cannot exist without a ruler; The owl of the same thing before the guardianship. The owl of this consists of 6 empertion of the first two classes on the choice of the ruler, to which to prescribe others in cases of obvious. In this state, the Government is included in the case without being eating, which is subject to the sovereign itself, and the SUTѣ Tѣ, which is to have it, so and in the owl of it; The ruler is also a vote. Macaretous Operations of the State Family Caideri may vomit in Sea Soviet on the choice of the ruler, but not the previous one who is not one who is not a number of 6 species that make up the owl. It is appointed by the Council of Soviet and the choice of members of the ongo rely on the lack of another disposal and not at the number of six words that make up the owl. It is appointed by the Soviet and the choice of members of the ongo rely on lack of a friend of the Sovchezgo of the Sovereign, for it should be the limit circumstances and people. Sim we were able to calm the state, which on a solid law about the appearance is based on what each Dobromens Holy. We wish that this act to serve as the most severe Promotion of our love of our love, love and agreeing on our marriage, and the love of the devil and the descendants of ours. In the sign and the certificate of which they signed our names and put the press of the coat of arms of our.

Genuine act signed by their imperial Majesty's hands

Pavel Mariya.

St. Petersburg. Genvarya 4, 1788.

On the genuine list, his self-imperial Majesty's imperial tako:

IN ѣ rNO. Pavel.


Major state laws.

Section first.

Main state laws.

Art. 1. The Russian state is uniform and inseparable. 1906 Apr. 23, Cons. Uzak., 603, Art. one.

2. The Grand District of Finland, constituting the inseparal part of the Russian state, in the internal affairs of its affairs is managed by special establishments on the basis of special legislation. There, Art. 2.

3. Russian language is the language of the national and mandatory in the army, in the fleet and in all state and public institutions. The use of local languages \u200b\u200band the shortcomings in state and public institutions is determined by special laws. There, Art. 3.


On the being of the supreme autocratic power.

4. The Emperor of the All-Russian authorities belongs to the Supreme Self-Power. To obey him, not only for fear, but also for conscience, God himself commands. 1906 Apr. 23, Cons. Uzak., 603, Art. four.

5. The empires of the Emperor's sovereign is sacred and inviolable. There, Art. five.

6. The same supreme autocratic power belongs to the Soviet Empress, when the inheritance of the throne is in order for this installed, it will reach the face of female; But her husband is not honored by the sovereign: he uses honors and advantages, along with the spouses of the sovereign, except the title. There, Art. 6.

7. The sovereign Emperor exercises legislative power in unity with the State Council and Government Du-my. There, Art. 7.

8. The state of the emperor belongs to the priority in all subjects of the legislation. The only one for its coherer, the main state laws may be subject to revision in the State Council and the State Duma. There, Art. eight.

9. Sovereign Emperor approves laws and without his statement no law cannot have its own commit. There, Art. nine.

10. The government in all its volume belongs to the state of the emperor within the entire state of the Russian. In the management of the Supreme Power it acts directly; In the same management of the subordinate, a certain degree of power entrusts from him, according to the law to be places and persons acting by his name and its commands. There, Art. 10.

11. The sovereign emperor, in accordance with the order of supreme management, publishes, in accordance with the laws, decrees for the device and actuate the various parts of government, as well as the commands necessary for the execution of laws. There, Art. eleven.

12. The sovereign Emperor is the Supreme Head of All External Relations of the Russian State with foreign powers. It is also determined by the direction of the international policy of the Russian state. There, Art. 12.

13. The sovereign Emperor declares war and concludes peace, as well as contracts with foreign states. There, Art. 13.

14. The sovereign emperor is the holding leader of the Russian army and the fleet. He belongs to the supreme government over all the land and maritime armed forces of the Russian state. It defines the device of the army and the fleet and makes decrees and commands relative to: the dislocation of troops, bringing them to martial law, training them, the passage of the service of the army and the fleet, and everything is generally related to the device of the armed forces and defense of the Russian state. The sovereign emperor, in the order of supreme management, there are also restrictions on the right of residence and the acquisition of real estate in areas that constitute fortress areas and reference points for the army and fleet. There, Art. fourteen.

15. The sovereign of the emperor declares the terrain on a military or exclusive position. There, Art. fifteen.

16. The sovereign of the emperor owns the right of the coin chasing and the definition of its external species. There, Art. sixteen.

17. The sovereign of the emperor appoints and dismisses the Chairman of the Council of Ministers, Ministers and Master-Governing Separate Parties, as well as other officials, if the latter has not been established by the law of other appointment and dismissal. There, Art. 17.

18. The sovereign of the emperor, in the order of supreme management, establishes the restrictions caused by the requirements of civil service. There, Art. eighteen.

19. The sovereign Emperor complaints titles, orders and other government differences, as well as the rights of the state. They are also directly determined by the conditions and order of titles, orders and differences. There, Art. nineteen.

20. The sovereign emperor publishes directly decrees and commands as in relation to the property, his personal property of the components, so equal to the assets called by the state, koi, always belonging to the reigning emperor, can not be visited, to enter the section and subject to other types of alienation. Both those and other properties are not subject to the payment of taxes and fees. There, Art. twenty.

21. The sovereign of the emperor, as the head of the Imperial House, belongs to the institution about the imperial name, orders for property specifications. They also define a device of institutions and establishments in the minister of the imperial court of institutions and establishments, as the order of control. There, Art. 21.

22. The judiciary is carried out on behalf of the emperor's sovereign established by the law by the courts, solutions for which are given by the name of the Imperial Majesty. There, Art. 22.

23. The sovereign of the emperor belongs to the pardon of convicts, mitigating the punishments and the general forgiveness of the prosecution and the liberation of them from the court and punishment, as well as addition, in the paths of the monarch of mercy, stateless issues, and in general, casualties in cases of special suitable under The action of general laws when sims are not violated against the laws fenced by law interests and civil rights. There, Art. 23.

24. Decrees and commands of the sovereign of the emperor, in the order of the Supreme Department or directly to them the published, are fastened by the Chairman of the Council of Ministers or subject to Minister or by the Master-Governing Separate Party and are promulgated by the Government Senate. There, Art. 26.

Chapter Second.

About the order of the heritage of the throne.

25. The imperial All-Russian throne is hereditary in the now safely reigning imperial house. 1797 Apr. 5 (17906) Introduction and §17, and apr. Same 5 (17910); 1825 Dec. 12 (1) Manif. and arr. III; 1826 Aug. 22 (537); 1855 Feb. 18 (29043); May 21 (29341); 1881 March. eleven); 1906 Apr. 23, Cons. Uzak., 603, Art. 24.

26. With the Imperial All-Russian throne, the essence of the thrones are inseparable: the kingdom of the Polish and Grand Principality of Finland. 1803 March. 20 (22911); 1811 Dec. 11 (24907); Dec. 31 (24934); May 1815 6 (25842); 1825 Dec. 12 (1); 1826 Aug. 22 (537); 1832 Feb. 14 (5165) Art. 2; 1855 Feb. 18 (29043); May 21 (29341); 1881 March. eleven); 1894 Oct. 20 (11014); 1906 Apr. 23, Cons. Uzak., 603, Art. 24.

27. Both sex have the right to heritage of the throne; But predominantly belongs to the right of the floor of Magazine in order of the birthright; For the preventing the last masculine, the heritage of the throne comes to the generation of female in the right of intercession. See legalization to article 25.

28. Therefore, the heritage of the throne belongs to all the senior son of the reigning emperor, and on it all his masculine generation. Ibid.

29. To prevent this masculine, the inheritance passes into the genus of the second son of the emperor and in his masculine generation; Upon the suppression of the second masculine, the inheritance passes into the genus of the third son, and so on. Ibid.

30. When the last masculiar generation of the sons of the emperor stops, the inheritance remains in the same way, but in the female generation the last-reigning, as in the next to the throne, and in he follows the same order, preferring to the face of a crowned female; But with ses, it never loses the right to the female face, from which the right has come permanently. Ibid.

31. In the preventation of this kind, the inheritance goes into the genus of the eldest son of the emperor-ancestor, in the female generation, in which the near relative of the last reign of this son inherits, according to him or his son, or his senior, or, for the absence of descending, side line , and in the disadvantage of this relative, the face of a mascale or female, which stands up with her place, with preference, as above, the masculine female female. Ibid.

32. In the preventive birth, the inheritance goes into the female genus of the other sons of the emperor-ancestor, following the same order, and then in the senior daughter of the emperor-ancestor, in the masculine generation; By stopping it, in the female generation, following the order established in the female generations of the sons of the emperor. Ibid.

33. Upon the suppression of generations of the men's and female eldest daughter of the emperor-ancestor, the inheritance passes to the generation of Magnifier, and then to the female second daughter of the emperor-ancestor, and so on. Ibid.

34. The younger sister, at least the sons had, not the tag of the senior, at least not married; The brother of the Jr. inheritantly inherited by the older sisters. Ibid.

35. When the inheritance comes to such a female generation, which is already reigning at another throne, then the inheritance is provided to choose faith and throne, and renounced together with the heir from another faith and throne, if such a throne is associated with the law; When the denial of faith is not, it inherits the face that is closer in order. Ibid.

36. Children who occurred from the marriage union of the face of the imperial surname with a face, who did not have appropriate dignity, that is, not belonging to any reigning or domineering home, they do not have rights to inherit the throne. 1820 March. 20 (28208); 1906 Apr. 23, Cons. Uzak., 603, Art. 24.

37. Under the action of the rules, the above-mentioned heritage of the throne, a person who has to be right is provided freedom to renounce law in such circumstances, when it does not have any difficulty in the further inheritance of the throne. 1825 Dec. 12 (1) adj. III; 1906 Apr. 23, Cons. Uzak., 603, Art. 24.

38. The renunciation is such when it will be made public and drawn to the law, it is later recognized. 1825 Dec. 12 (1); 1906 Apr. 23, Cons. Uzak., 603, Art. 24.

39. Emperor or Empress, the throne inheritant, when joining it and worldware, they undertake to observe the above laws on the heritage of the throne. 1797 Apr. 5 (17910); 1906 Apr. 23, Cons. Uzak., 603, Art. 24.


On the majority of the sovereign of the emperor, about government and care.

40. The majority of both gentlemen and the heir to the Imperial Throne are relying at sixteen years. 1797 Apr. 5 (17910); 1826 Aug. 22 (537); 1834 Apr. 22 (7019); 1906 Apr. 23, Cons. Uzak., 603, Art. 24.

41. Upon joining the throne of the emperor before this age, until the age of majority, the government and guardianship establishes. 1797 Apr. 5 (17910); 1826 Aug. 22 (537); 1832 Feb. 14 (5165) Art. four; May 1855 21 (29341); 1906 Apr. 23, Cons. Uzak., 603, Art. 24.

42. The government and guardianship are established or in one person is cumulatively, or separately, so that the government is entrusted to one, and another guardianship. Ibid.

43. The appointment of the ruler and guardian, as in one person, is cumulatively and in two persons separately, depends on the will and discretion of the reigning emperor, which, for better security, should be a challenge selection in case of its death. Ibid.

44. When there was no such appointment during the life of the emperor, then, according to his death, the government of the state and guardianship above the emperor's face in the childhood belongs to the father or mother; I am a fault and machikha are excluded. Ibid.

45. When there is no father and mother, the government and guardianship belongs to the heritage of the throne from the adults of both sexes of the Malletnago emperor. Ibid.

46. The legal reasons for the inability to the government and care essence: 1) madness, at least it was temporary; 2) the entry of the widow, during the government and the guardianship, in the second marriage. Ibid.

47. The government of the state relies the Council of the Government; And both the ruler without a council, and the Council cannot exist without the ruler. Ibid.

48. The Council is six levels of the first two classes, on the choice of the ruler, which is assigned to others, in case of transmitted changes. Ibid.

49. The masculine part of the body of the imperial surname can sit in the sedel on the selection of the ruler, but not before its age and not among the six Persons, these components. Ibid.

50. The Government Council includes everything without the withdrawal of the case to be solved by the emperor himself, and all those that, both to him and the Council enter it; But the custody does not concern. Ibid.

52. The appointment of the Council and the choice of members of this is relying in the lack of another dispatch of the sovereign sovereign, for it should be known circumstances and people. Ibid.

Chapter fourth.

1. On joining the throne and oath of citizenship.

53. According to the death of the emperor, heir to the throne of the law on the legacy of the law enforcement itself. The entry into the throne of the impellery is considered from the date of the death of its predecessor. 1825 Dec. 12 (1); See also all preceding manifestos about the weighing for the throne; 1855 Feb. 18 (29043); 1881 March. eleven); 1906 Apr. 23, Cons. Uzak., 603, Art. 24.

54. In the manifesto about the eDilance on the throne, together and the legal heir to the throne, if the person, by the law belongs to the heritage, exists. The same manifests; 1906 Apr. 23, Cons. Uzak., 603, Art. 24.

55. The loyalty of the citizenship to the immediate emperor and the legitimate heir to his heir, at least he was not named in the manifesto, is approved by a nationwide sworn. 1801 March. 12 (19779); 1825 Dec. 12 (1) adj. Vi; 1855 Feb. 18 (29043); 1856 Apr. 20, about the form of the oath; 1881 March. eleven); 1906 Apr. 23, Cons. Uzak., 603, Art. 24.

56. Each comes with its faith and law. 1762 Jul. 3 (11591); 1785 Apr. 21 (16188) Art. 123 p. 17, approx.; 1826 Oct. 26 (635); 1906 Apr. 23, Cons. Uzak., 603, Art. 24.

Note 1. Government Senate, printed a swirl promise on the prescribed form (ad. V), sent it in the required number of copies to everyone at all, both military and civil bosses, reporting on both the His Holiness Synod for Support (a). - Everyone is driven to the oath with their bosses in the cathedrals, monasteries or parish churches, by convenience; The same custody, but not yet convicted of deprivable rights, are given to the oath of the bosses of those places where they are contained (b). - Invitets, where there is no church of their confession, are given to the oath in the present place, with the members of this (B). - Everyone who switched to the loyalty of the citizenship, if he can write, signs the printed list, by whom he swore. Sia Sheets are subsequently delivered from all authorities and departments to the Government Senate (D).

(a) 1801 March. 12 (19779); 1825 Dec. 12 (1); 1855 Feb. 18 (29043). - (b) 1762 Jan. 11 (11403); Jul. 3 (11591). - (c) 1826 Oct. 26 (635). - (d) 1741 Nov. 25 (8474); 1762 Jul. 3 (11591); 1906 Apr. 23, Cons. Uzak., 603, Art. 24.

Note 2. The oath is given by all generally subjects of the Magazine, which has reached twelve-year-old age, all ranks and rank. 1755 Feb. 17 (10361); 1762 Jan. 11 (11403); Jul. 3 (11591); 1881 March. 12); (1881 Apr. 23, high. Dokl. Startup. II Dep. Details. E. I. V. Kantz.); 1906 Apr. 23, Cons. Uzak., 603, Art. 24.

Chapter Fifth.

2. About sacred corona and worldware.

57. Upon joining the throne, holy coronuation and the world-formation on the rank of the Orthodox Greek-Russian Church is committed. The time for the solemn school of ritual is appointed by the highest adequacy and is proclaimed in the nationwide. 1723 Nov. 15 (4366); 1727 Oct. 10 (5179); 1730 March. 16 (5517); 1742 Jan. 1 (8495); 1762 Jul. 7 (11598); 1796 Dec. 18 (17659); 1801 May 20 (19877); 1826 Apr. 21 (274); 1841 Apr. 24, high. Applied. Case St. Synod; 1856 Apr. 17 (30401); 1883 Jan. 24 (1329); 1906 Apr. 23, Cons. Uzak., 603, Art. 24.

58. Cupcumenly with the emperor, to grate it, is attached to this priesthood and the August of his spouse (a). But if the coronation of the emperor after-found before the entry into marriage, then the coronation of his wife was committed later, no otherwise, as it was specially perpetrated (b).

(a) 1796 dec. 18 (17659); 1801 May 20 (19877); 1826 Apr. 21 (274); 1906 Apr. 23, Cons. Uzak., 603, Art. 24. - (b) 1723 Nov. 15 (4366); 1906 Apr. 23, Cons. Uzak., 603, Art. 24.

Note 1. The sacred rite of coronation and world-focus is made in the Moscow Assumption Cathedral, in the presence of the highest state governments and classes, for the highest appointment to this urgent (a). - the coronal emperors of the All-Russian, as the kings of Polish, concludes in the same sacred rite; The deputies of the Kingdom of Polish are called to participate in the Celebration of MEE with the deputies of other parts of the Empire (b).

(a) There, and see Manifesto, in Art. 57 marked; 1906 Apr. 23, Cons. Uzak., 603, Art. 24. - (b) 1832 Feb. 14 (5165) Art. 3; 1906 Apr. 23, Cons. Uzak., 603, Art. 24.

Note 2. The emperor, the prediction of this Nago rite, according to the customs of the ancient Christian soverees and the comedic ancestors, says in his rumor of his subjects a symbol of the Orthodox-Cafolich Faith and then, on investigating into Porphyra, on the imposition of the crowns and the perception of the Scepter and Power Calls by the king of the kings in the prayer installed for this, with the crankshadver: yes he will put it, will arouse and manage, in a great service, IKO King and the judgment of the Kingdom of All-Russian, and there will be wisdom with him to the Divine throne, and His heart in the hand of God, in hedgehog all arranged to the benefits of the people awarded to him and to the glory of God, Jaco and on the day of the trial he would be restored to him. Chin Action of the Sacredgo Coronation; 1841 Apr. 24, high. Applied. Case St. Synod; 1906 Apr. 23, Cons. Uzak., 603, Art. 24.

Chapter Six.

On the title of its imperial Majesty and the state coat of arms.

59. The complete title of Imperial Majesty is the following:

<Божиею поспешествующею милостию, Мы, NN, Им-ператор и Самодержец Всероссийский, Московский, Киевский, Владимирский, Новгородский; Царь Казанский, Царь Астраханский, Царь Польский, Царь Сибирский, Царь Херсониса Таврического, Царь Грузинский; Государь Пско-вский и Великий Князь Смоленский, Литовский, Волынский, Подольский и Финляндский; Князь Эстляндский, Лифляндский, Курляндский и Семигальский, Самогитский, Белостокский, Корельский, Тверский, Югорский, Перм-ский, Вятский, Болгарский и иных; Государь и Великий Князь Новогорода низовские земли, Черниговский; Рязан-ский, Полотский, Ростовский, Ярославский, Белозерский, Удорский, Обдорский, Кондийский, Витебский, Мстислав-ский, и всея северные страны Повелитель; и Государь Иверские, Карталинские и Кабардинские земли и области Арменские; Черкасских и Горских Князей и иных Насле-дный Государь и Обладатель; Государь Туркестанский; На-следник Норвежский, Герцог Шлезвиг-Голстинский, Стормарнский, Дитмарсенский и Ольденбургский, и прочая, и прочая, и прочая.> 1721 Nov. 11 (3850); 1815 Jun. 6 (25875); 1825 Dec. 23 (13) Art. I; 1828 March. 25 (1897); 1829 Sep 2 (3128); 1857 Apr. 11 (31720) §13; 1882 Nov. 3 (1159); (1883 Oct. 19, High. Dokl. Proper. Code. Dep. Under state.); 1906 Apr. 23, Cons. Uzak., 603, Art. 24.

60. In some, the law of certain, the cases of this title of Imperial Majesty is depicted by Reduzhen:

<Божиею поспешествующею милостию, Мы, NN, Император и Самодержец Всероссийский, Московский, Киевский, Владимирский, Новгородский; Царь Казанский, Царь Астраханский, Царь Польский, Царь Сибирский, Царь Херсониса Таврического, Царь Грузинский, Великий Князь Финляндский и прочая, и прочая, и прочая.>

In others, the law of certain, the cases of Imperial Majesty is required by the Title of Imperial Majesty, as follows:

<Божиею милостию, Мы, NN, Император и Самодер-жец Всероссийский, Царь Польский, Великий Князь Фин-ляндский и прочая, и прочая, и прочая.> 1825 Dec. 23 (13) Art. II; 1857 Apr. 11 (31720) §15 and 17; (1890 Dec. 19, high. Dokl. Stando. Code. Dep. Under the state of owls.); 1906 Apr. 23, Cons. Uzak., 603, Art. 24.

61. The Russian state coat of arms in the golden shield is black, two-challenged eagle, crowned by two imperial crowns, over which the third, the same, crown with two fluttering ribbons of the owner of the Holy Apostle Andrei First-called. State eagle holds golden scepter and power. On the chest of the eagle, the coat of arms of Moscow: in the shield of the Holy Great Martyr and Victorious Georgy, on a horse, striking the dragon with a golden spear.

IN large The state press, the shield, with the above-described two-colored eagle, was crowned with the helmet of the Grand Great Prince Alexander Nevsky and surrounded by Chain of the Order of the Holy Apostle Andrei First Called; At strokes of his images of Holy ArchReart Mikhail and Archangel Gabriel; Over all the gold dyed by bonochlava eagles and the ermine-legged in the inscription: God is with us; Above the imperial crown and state chorugwe. Around the shield is depicted by the generics of its imperial majesty coat of arms, and the coat of arms of the kingdoms of Kazan, Astrakhan, Polish, Siberian, Khersonis of the Tavrichesky and Georgian, and the Grand Principles of the Kiev, Vladimir, Novogorodsky and Finland; Above the Single, on six panels, the coat of arms of all other principalities and regions mentioned in the full imperial title (Article 59). This full imperial majesty title is placed on the edges of the print.

IN middle State press is placed the same as on the large, images, except for the State Horugwi and the six top over the vision of the shields with the princes and regions connected. At the edges of the imperial title in abbreviated form (Article 60, paragraph 1).

Malaya The state seal does not act with the middle, but there are no images of the saints of the archangels and the generic coat of arms of his imperial Majesty, and the coincidences surrounding the head shield are placed on the wings of the eagle. At the edges of the print, the imperial title in short form (Article 60, paragraph 2).

Note. A detailed description of the state coat of arms and state press in all kinds and rules for consumption of them are placed in a special application (ad. I).

1667 Jul. 12 (421); 1799 Aug. 10 (19074); Aug. 19 (19089); 1801 Apr. 26 (19850); 1832 Saint. 15 (5603); 1857 Apr. 11 (31720) §§ 1-8, 13, 15, 17; 1882 Nov. 3 (1159); (1883 Oct. 19, High. Dokl. Proper. Code. Dep. Under state.); 1906 Apr. 23, Cons. Uzak., 603, Art. 24.

Head seventh.

3. About faith.

62. The primary and dominant faith in the Russian Empire is the Christian Orthodox Catolytic East Confession. 1797 March. 18 (17879); 1800 Feb. 1 (19263); 1803 Jul. 4 (20837); 1841 Apr. 24, high. applied. Case St. Synod; 1906 Apr. 23, Cons. Uzak., 603, Art. 24.

63. The emperor, the throne of the All-Russian possessing, cannot confess any other faith, except for Orthodox (Art. 62). 1727 May 7 (5070); 1741 Nov. 28 (8476); 1797 Apr. 5 (17910); 1841 Apr. 24, high. applied. Case St. Synod; 1906 Apr. 23, Cons. Uzak., 603, Art. 24.

64. Emperor, Yako Christian Sovereign, there is a supreme defender and keeper of dogmas dominant faith, and a council of lawwrier and anyone in the Church of the Holy Ponition. 1721 Jan. 25 (3718) Part I, introduced. - In this sense, the emperor, in the act of heritage of the throne, 1797 Apr. 5 (17910) is called Growing church. - 1906 Apr. 23, Cons. Uzak., 603, Art. 24.

65. In the management of the church, autocratic power acts through the Holy Governing Synod, I have established. 1721 Jan. 25 (3718) Introduction and h. I, p. 3; 1906 Apr. 23, Cons. Uzak., 603, Art. 24.

66. All the subjects of the Russian state, natural (a), and the citizenship adopted (B), are also foreigners, and in Russian service, or temporarily in Russia are being presented (c), each throughout the free shipment of their faith and worship services Onoy.

(a) 1721 Apr. b. h. (3778) paragraph 8; 1769 Feb. 12 (13251); 1782 Jan. 17 (15326); Apr. 8 (15379) Art. 62; 1785 Apr. 21 (16188) Art. 124; 1822 Jul. 22 (29126) § 286. - (b) 1763 Jul. 22 (11880); 1799 Jan. 4 (18811); Apr. 15 (18935); Oct. 28 (19166-19169); 1800 Apr. 6 (19372); Saint 6 (19546); 1804 Feb. 20 (21163); 1806 dec. 25 (22410) p. 2. - (c) 1719 March. 3 (3318) Art. 23 p. 10; 1735 Feb. 22 (6693); 1746 Aug. 5 (9311); 1785 Jul. 14 (16226); 1906 Apr. 23, Cons. Uzak., 603, Art. 24.

67. Freedom of faith is appropriated not to Tokmo Christians of foreign confessions, but also to Jews, Magometans and pagans (a): Yes, all nations, in Russia are those who are in Multiplication of prosperity and strengthening the strength of the empire (b).

(a) cf. Leading, in the previous article above. - (b) 1785 Apr. 21 (16188) Art. 124; 1906 Apr. 23, Cons. Uzak., 603, Art. 24.

68. The cases of church Christians of foreign confessions and inners in the Empire of Russian are made by their spiritual authorities and special governments, the rule of power to this intended-meaningful. cf. 1906 Apr. 23, Cons. Weak., 603, Art. 24.

Note. Rules for troubleshooting and limits are in detail in the charters for affiliation.

Head of the eighth.

4. On the rights and obligations of Russian subjects.

69. The conditions for the acquisition of the rights of Russian citizenship, as well as their loss, are determined by law. 1906 Apr. 23, Cons. Uzak., 603, Art. 27.

70. The protection of the throne and the Fatherland is the sacred duty of each Russian subject. The male population, without the difference in states, is subject to military service according to the decrees of the law. There, Art. 28.

71. Russian subjects are obliged to pay taxes and duties established by law, as well as serving the obligation according to the decrees of the law. There, Art. 29.

72. No one can be challenged for a criminal act otherwise, as in the manner, the law is certain. There, Art. thirty.

73. No one can be detained in custody otherwise, as in cases, the law of certain. There, Art. 31.

74. No one may be judged and punished otherwise, as for criminal acts, provided for in the execution of these acts with criminal laws, if moreover, newly published laws are not excluded by the perpetrators of the acts of criminal. There, Art. 32.

75. The dwelling of everyone is inviolated. Production in the dwelling, without the consent of its host, searched or notes is allowed not otherwise, as in cases and in the manner, the law of certain. There, Art. 33.

76. Each Russian subjects has the right to freely choose the place of residence and occupation, acquire and align the property and to go beyond the state. Restrictions in these rights are established by special laws. There, Art. 34.

77. Property is inviolable. Forced alienation of real estate, when this is necessary for any state or public benefit, is not otherwise allowed as for fair and decent remuneration. There, Art. 35

78. Russian subjects have the right to arrange meetings in order not to other laws, peacefully and without weapons. The law defines the conditions under which meetings can occur, the order of their closure, as well as the restriction of places for meetings. There, Art. 36

79. Everyone can, within the limits established by law, to express their thoughts and writing their thoughts, but to spread them by pressing or in other ways. There, Art. 37.

80. Russian subjects have the right to form societies and alliances in order to, not oppose the laws. The conditions for the formation of societies and unions, the procedure for their actions, the conditions and procedure for reporting them by the rights of a legal entity, as well as the order of the root of societies and unions, are determined by law. There, Art. 38.

81. Russian subjects enjoy the freedom faith. Terms of use This freedom is determined by law. There, Art. 89.

82. The rights of Russian foreigners, in Russia are preserved, enjoy the restrictions established by law. There, Art. 40.

83. An exemptions from the action set out in this chapter of the Post-Venchi regarding localities declared on the military polo or in the position is exclusively identified by special laws. There, Art. 41.

Ninth chapter.

5. About laws.

84. The Russian Empire is managed on solid laws of laws published in the prescribed manner. 1906 Apr. 23, Cons. Uzak., 603, Art. 42.

85. The power of laws is equal to all without the withdrawal of Russian subjects and for foreigners, in the Russian State of the stay. There, Art. 43.

86. No new law can follow without approval of the State Council and the State Duma and perceive the power without the approval of the emperor's sovereign. There, Art. 44.

87. During the cessation of the occupations of the State Duma, if the emergency circumstances will cause such extent that requires discussion in the legislative procedure, the Council of Ministers presents a state of the Emperor Nepnoo-national. This measure cannot, however, make changes to the main state laws, nor in the establishment of the State Council or State Duma, nor in the decree on elections to the Council or in the Duma. The effect of such a measure is terminated if a separate part will not be submitted to the State Duma during the first two months after the renewal of the Duma's classes corresponding to the agreed rule, or will not accept the State Duma State Council or the State Council. There, Art. 45.

88. The laws, especially published for any terrain or part of the population, are not canceled with a new general law if it is precisely such a cancellation. There, Art. 46.

89. Each law is valid for the future only, except when the law itself it has been ruled out that its strength applies and for a time preceding, or that it is only a confirmation and to express the meaning of the law of the former. There, Art. 47.

90. The general storage of laws is relying in the Governing Senate. Therefore, all laws should be introduced into the authentication or in the certified lists in the Government Senate. There, Art. 48.

91. The laws are issued to universal reducing the Governing Senate in the prescribed manner and before the promulgation is not given. There, Art. 49.

92. Legislative decrees are not subject to publication if the procedure for their publication does not comply with the provisions of these main laws. There, Art. fifty.

93. According to the publication, the law is binding from the time appointed in the law of the period, with the eavespan, the same time - from the date of receiving the sediment of the Senate edition, in which the law is printed. In the most published law, it may be indicated for his appeal, before the publication, to the execution of the telegraph or by means of narrative. There, Art. 51.

94. The law cannot be canceled otherwise as soon as the law of the law. Therefore, the report of the new law is not positively canceled by the law existing, it retains its full strength. There, Art. 52.

95. No one can discharge with the ignition of the law when he was promulgated by the established procedure. There, Art. 53.

96. Rulings on the construction, technical and economic parts, as well as the provisions and applications to institutions and officials of military and naval departments, on the wing of military and admiralty councils, according to belonging, directly seem to the state of the emperor, if only these decisions, position and punishes are actually To one mentioned departments, there are no objects of general laws and do not cause a new consumption from the treasury or the new consumption caused by them are covered by the expected savings on the financial estimate of the military or maritime ministry, according to affiliation. In the same case, when the new consumption cannot be covered by the specified savings, the presentation of the alleged decisions, provisions and orders for the highest statement is allowed only by the Candle in the established procedure for the appropriation of the appropriate loan. There, Art. 54.

97. Decisions on the military and naval lawsuits are issued in the manner prescribed in the arms of military and naval regulations. There, Art. 55.

Chapter Tenth.

6. About the State Council and the State Duma and the image of their actions.

98. The State Council and the State Duma annually convene by the decrees of the sovereign of the emperor. 1906 Apr. 23, Cons. Uzak., 603, Art. 56.

99. The duration of the annual classes of the State Council and the State Duma and the deadlines for the break of their occupations during the year are determined by the decisions of the emperor's sovereign. There, Art. 57.

100. The State Council is formed from members of the highest appointment and members of the elections. The total number of members of the Council called by the highest power to present in the Council of Members from the Member States on the highest appointment should not exceed the total number of members of the Council of Elections. There, Art. 58.

101. The State Duma is formed from members elected by the population of the Russian Empire for five years on the grounds specified in the legal entities in the Duma. There, Art. 59.

102. The State Council verifies the powers of its members by elections. Equally, the State Duma checks the powers of its members. There, Art. 60.

103. A member of the State Council and a member of the State Duma one and the same face cannot be at the same time. There, Art. 61.

104. The composition of the members of the State Council for Elections can be replaced by a new composition before the expiration of the term of the current members by decree of the emperor's sovereign, and new elections of the Council members are appointed. There, Art. 62.

105. The State Duma may be before the expiration of the five-year term of office of its members dissolved by decree of the emperor's sovereign. The same decree appointed new elections in the Duma and the time of its convocation. There, Art. 63.

106. The State Council and the State Duma enjoy equal rights in law enforcement. There, Art. 64.

107. The State Council and the State Duma in the manner, their institutions, a certain, is provided to initiate assumptions about the abolition or a change in the current and publications of new laws, with the exception of the main state laws, the progress of the revision of which belongs to the unique state of the emperor. There, Art. 65.

108. The State Council and the State Duma in the manner, their institutions of a certain, are provided to refer to ministers and high-controlled individual parts subordinate to the Goverver Senate, with requests for those following their parties, or subordinate persons and establishments, actions that are submitted by illegal . There, Art. 66.

109. The maintenance of the State Council and the State Duma and discuss them in the manner, the institutions of them certain, are subject to those cases, which are specified in the institutions of the Council and Duma. There, Art. 67.

110. Legislative assumptions are considered in the State Duma and, for approval by it, enter the State Council. Legislative assumptions that are intended for the aspen of the State Council are considered in the Council, and, on approval to them, enter the Duma. There, Art. 68.

111. Basic laws, not adopted by the State Council or Government Duma, are recognized by rejected. Ibid, Article.69.

112. The bills intended for the aspen of the State Council and the State Duma and did not honor the highest approval, can not be submitted for the legislative consideration during the same session. The bills intended for the coincidence of the State Council or State Duma and rejected by one of the following settings may be submitted for consideration during the same session if the highest command follows. Ibid, Article 70.

113. The bills enrolled in the State Duma and approved as it and the State Council, as well as the bills, intended for the aspen of the State Council and approved by both them and government bug, are represented by the state of the Emperor Chairman of the State Council. Ibid, Article 71.

114. When discussing the state painting, it is not subject to an exclusion or reduction of appointment for payments on public debts and on others, adopted by the Russian state, obligations. Ibid, st.72.

115. Credits for the expenses of the Ministry of the Imperial Court, together with the institutions consisting in its conduct, in sums that do not exceed the allocations for the state painting for 1906, the discussion of the State Council and the State Duma is not subject to. Equally, such changes in the current loans are equally subject to discussion, which are determined by the decrees of the institution about the imperial family, respectively, the changes in it. Ibid, Article 73.

116. If the state painting is not approved to the beginning of the estimated period, then the last, established procedure approved, the painting, with those only changes, which are determined by the execution of subsequent arrangements of legal entities. In the future, before the publication of a new painting, according to the decisions of the Council of Ministers, the ministries and major departments are discovered gradually loans in the size of the actual need not exceeding, however, in the month, in their entirety, one twelfth part of the total cost of expenses. Ibid, Article 74.

117. Extraordinary excessive loans on the needs of wartime and special preparations preceding war are opened in all departments, in the order of supreme management, on the grounds, in the law of certain. Ibid, Article 75.

118. Government loans for covering both estimated and ultimate expenses are permitted by the procedure established to approve the state-owned income and expenses. State loans to cover costs in cases and within the limits provided for in Article 116, as well as loans to cover the costs appointed on the basis of Article 117 are permitted by the emperor in the manner of supreme management. The time and conditions of the commission of state loans are determined in the order of supreme management. Ibid, st.76.

119. If, in advance, the law required to replenish the army and fleet to the State Duma, the law in this subject will not be issued in the prescribed manner by May 1, by decree of the Emperor's sovereign, the necessary number of people are called, however, Appointed in the previous year. Ibid, Article 77.

Chapter eleventh.

7. About the Council of Ministers, Ministers and
Master-governing individual parts.

120. The direction and unification of the actions of ministers and the ministers of individual parties on subjects of both legislation and the highest public administration is assigned to the Council of Ministers on the grounds, in the law of certain. 1906 Apr. 23, Cons. Uzak., 603, Art. 78.

121. The ministers and ministerial parties are entitled to participate in the voting in the State Council and the State Duma only if they consist of members of this establishment. There, Art. 79.

122. Mandatory decisions, instructions and orders issued by the Council of Ministers, Ministers and Main-Governing Individual Parties, as well as others, on the law by authorized, establishments should not contradict the laws. There, Art. 80.

123. Chairman of the Council of Ministers, Ministers and Master-Governing Separate Parties are responsible for the emperor for the general course of government. Each of them individually is responsible for their actions and orders. There, Art. 81.

124. For criminal acts, the Chairman of the Council of Ministers, Ministers, and the Ministerial Particularities are subject to civil and criminal liability on the grounds, in the law of certain. There, Art. 82.

Section second.

The establishment of the imperial family.

125. The establishment of the Imperial Familia (Article 126 - 223 and the Property II - IV and VI), while maintaining the laws of the main, can be changed and supplemented only by the emperor personally in the procedure predicted if the changes and additional establishments of this institution do not concern Common laws and do not cause a new expense from the treasury. 1906 Apr. 23, Cons. Uzak., 603, Art. 25


8. On the degrees of kinship in the house of the Imperial.

126. All the persons who occurred from the imperial blood in a legitimate, permitted by the reign emperor, marriage, with the person respectively on the origin of dignity, are recognized by the members of the Imperial House. 1797 Apr. 5 (17906) §§ 15, 21, 79; 1886 Jul. 2 (3851) Uchish., Art. one; 1906 Apr. 23, Cons. Uzak., 603, Art. 25

127. All members of the Imperial House of the degree consider their relations with the emperor, from which the straight line occurs, without mixing the approaching relationship with the subsequent emperors, after the chief of the name for the throne asked. 1797 Apr. 5 (17906) § 15; 1886 Jul. 2 (3851) Uchish., Art. 2; 1906 Apr. 23, Cons. Uzak., 603, Art. 25

128. The elder son of the emperor and all the elders, from the older generation that took place, the state of the imperial exist, respect and reveal, in mind the emperor, Yako, the heirs of the pre-table, and are the name of sovereign children. 1797 Apr. 5 (17906) §§ 16, 18 p. 1; 1886 Jul. 2 (3851) Uchish., Art. 3; 1906 Apr. 23, Cons. Uzak., 603, Art. 25

129. All the youngest sons of the emperor or the youngest generations, that is, everything except for the original, they are considered to be in his birth, and the sons of the sovereign. 1797 Apr. 5 (17906) § 16; 1886 Jul. 2 (3851) Uchish., Art. four; 1906 Apr. 23, Cons. Uzak., 603, Art. 25

130. The second and all the youngest sons of the older generations, the sons of the sons defined for the congestion of the throne, are considered on a par with sons of sovereigns, with rights provided to them. 1797 Apr. 5 (17906) §§ 16, 18 p. 2; 1886 Jul. 2 (3851) Uchish., Art. five; 1906 Apr. 23, Cons. Uzak., 603, Art. 25

131. All the younger generations that occurred from the younger generations are also beneficial to their degree of kinship with the imperto-rum, from which they occur, at least the third of the older generation face owned by the throne, and in whom no other advantages would be expected, to seek and demand cannot , Due to the inheritance of the throne to them touches, plays when the throne native brother inherits. 1797 Apr. 5 (17906) §§ 16, 18 p. 3; 1885 Jan. 24 (2695) names. uk. Sen.; 1886 Jul. 2 (3851) Uchish., Art. 6; 1906 Apr. 23, Cons. Uzak., 603, Art. 25

132. The female floor, from the men's generation that happened, in the degrees of kinship is considered on the same basis as the masculine, that is, the older senior face is recognized as the emperor's daughter, born from the youngest face of the same generation, and so on. 1797 Apr. 5 (17906) § 19; 1886 Jul. 2 (3851) Uchish., Art. 7; 1906 Apr. 23, Cons. Uzak., 603, Art. 25

133. Born from female completely different from the men born from the floor; And therefore, counting accounts with the emperor for obtaining title, pensions and dowry should not be conducted, but enjoys all of them on the right, the Father of them belonging to them, and nothing from the state and from the main management of the devices does not have the requirement of 1797 Apr. 5 (17906) §§ 20, 34, 40; 1886 Jul. 2 (3851) Uchish., Art. eight; 1892 Dec. 26 (9197) names. uk.; 1906 Apr. 23, Cons. Uzak., 603, Art. 25

134. Children born from marriage, who did not have a permissions of the reigning emperor, do not enjoy any advantages, members of the imperial house owned. 1797 Apr. 5 (17906) § 79; 1886 Jul. 2 (3851) Uchish., Art. nine; 1906 Apr. 23, Cons. Uzak., 603, Art. 25

Chapter Second.

9. On the birth and death of members of the Imperial House and about the pedigree book.

135. When in the imperial house from the men's or female generation, in the state or outside it, the son or daughter will be born, the father and mother, or the closest from relatives, have, without continuing the time, notify the reign emperor about the birthday and the name of the newborn or newborn . 1797 Apr. 5 (17906) § 21; 1886 Jul. 2 (3851) Uchish., Art. 10; 1906 Apr. 23, Cons. Weak., 603, Art. 25

136. The notice of this should be written, and the missing states delivering it by means of local Russian diplomatic agents. 1797 Apr. 5 (17906) § 21; 1886 Jul. 2 (3851) Uchish., Art. eleven; 1906 Apr. 23, Cons. Uzak., 603, Art. 25

137. The emperor, having received a notice, commands the name of a newborn or newborn to contribute to the pedigree book of the Russian Imperial House and notify the surname of them that they are aimed to generate imperially seen. 1797 Apr. 5 (17906) §21; 1886 Jul. 2 (3851) Uchish., Art. 12; 1906 Apr. 23, Cons. Uzak., 603, Art. 25

138. In the case of death, inside or outside the state, a member of the impe-radar surname, the emperor is uniformly notified. 1797 Apr. 5 (17906) § 21; 1886 Jul. 2 (3851) Uchish., Art. 13; 1906 Apr. 23, Cons. Uzak., 603, Art. 25

139. On all the newborns and died in the imperial house from the Magazine, as well as the death of alien princesses, consisting in the marriage union with the great princes and the princes of the blood of the imperial, declared in all-general reduction through the Governing Senate; On the birth and death of the Grand Princes and the Grand Duchess, he is published in all-folk news by manifestos. 1886 Jul. 2 (3851) Uchish., Art. fourteen; 1906 Apr. 23, Cons. Uzak., 603, Art. 25

140. The birth of the birth and the death of the members of the Imperial House is kept in the state archive. 1797 Apr. 5 (17906) §§ 21, 130; 1886 Jul. 2 (3851) Uchish., Art. fifteen; 1906 Apr. 23, Cons. Uzak., 603, Art. 25

141. The end of the empures of the imperial house is just as the birth of them, in the pedigree book. 1797 Apr. 5 (17906) § 21; 1886 Jul. 2 (3851) Uchish., Art. sixteen; 1906 Apr. 23, Cons. Uzak., 603, Art. 25

142. The introduction of a name in the pedigree has evidence of the sampling to the generation of imperial. 1797 Apr. 5 (17906) § 21; 1886 Jul. 2 (3851) Uchish., Art. 17; 1906 Apr. 23, Cons. Uzak., 603, Art. 25

143. The pedigree book serve as the basis for the routine of pensions, cars and monetary awards of the members of the Imperial House. It is stored in the office of his imperial majesty. 1797 Apr. 5 (17906) § 130 p. 4; 1843 Apr. 17, high. Rekr. Minister imper. Yard; 1886 Jul. 2 (3851) Uchish., Art. eighteen; 1897 Nov. 20 (14665) Paul., Art. four; 1906 Apr. 23, Cons. Uzak., 603, Art. 25

Chapter third

10. About titles, coat of arms and other external advantages.

144. Titles belonging to members of the imperial surname, essence:

1) Heir, Cesarevich, Grand Duke and Imperial Highness.

2) Grand Duke, Great Princess, Great Princess and Imperial Highness.

3) Prince, Princess, Princess Imperial Blood and Highness.

4) Prince, Princess, Princess Imperial Blood and Lightness.

145. The title of heir, Cesarevich, the Grand Duke and Imperial Highness belongs to the Unified, declared Vienna-native heir to the throne. The spouse of the heir to the throne is referred to as Zesarean and the Great Princess with the title of Imperial Highness. 1797 Apr. 5 (17906) § 31; 1841 Apr. 16 (14462); 1886 Jul. 2 (3851) Uchish., Art. twenty; 1906; Apr. 23, Cons. Uzak., 603, Art. 25

146. The title of Grand Prince, the Great Princess and Imperial Highness belongs to sons, daughters, brothers, sisters, and in the men's generation and all the grandchildren of emperors. 1886 Jul. 2 (3851) Uchish., Art. 21; 1906 Apr. 23, Cons. Uzak., 603, Art. 25

Note. By virtue of the decree of 1852, the children of the Grand Duchess Mary Nikolaev and the Duke of Maximilian Leihtenbergsky are awarded to them the title of Imperial Highness, worshiped, with the guiseau of their generation, the offspring, princes and princes of imperial blood and use the rights and advantages, a real head of the establishment of princes And the princes of blood is imperial presumant. From the offspring, their title of imperial highness belongs only to the prince Alexander Georgie Vichu Romanovsky, Duke Leiktenberg personally. 1886 Jul. 2 (3851) Uchish., Art. 21, approx.; 1906 Apr. 23, Cons. Uzak., 603, Art. 25

147. The title of Highness, the Prince and the Princess Blood of the Imperial belongs to the great-grandfather of the emperor, from the Magnetan's generation that happened, and in the family of every great-grandfather, the title of Highness is awarded only to the eldest son and his seniors, at the right of primary-property, descendants, male and generation. If the face that was worn by the title of highness dies, without leaving the offspring, the title goes into the side lines, in the manner pressed for the human resources of the protected property (ad. VI). 1886 Jul. 2 (3851) Uchish., Art. 22; 1906 Apr. 23, Coll .. Uzak., 603, Art. 25

Note. Due to the decree of 1899, the children of the imperial high gravity of Prince Georgy Maximilianovich and Princess Anastasia Nikolaevna Romanovskiy, Duke and the Duchess of Lühtenbergsky, provided by the title of highness with the spread of their offspring of titles of highness and lightness according to the rules, in Articles 147 and 148 specified. 1899 Jun. 14 (17231) names. uk.

148. The title of lightness, the prince and the princes of the blood of the Imperial is assigned from the younger children of the great-grandfather to all subsequent births, in the men's generation from the imperial blood that happened. 1886 Jul. 2 (3851) Uchish., Art. 23; 1906 Apr. 23, Cons. Uzak., 603, Art. 25

149. In meetings and in any such cases, the great princes and great princes, as well as the princes of the Blood Blood of the Emperian, having the first places after the emperor and the empress, the seniority of titles are observed in the chairmanship between themselves, and wearing equal titles - seniority of childbirth, in childbirth - Starlin-lines, in the lines - seniority of persons. 1886 Jul. 2 (3851) Uchish., Art. 24; 1906 Apr. 23, Cons. Uzak., 603, Art. 25
