Interpretation of the image of Christ in the poem 12. Why is Christ? (on the poem "Twelve"). Who is ahead: interpretation varieties

MA Brodsky
The image of Christ.
in the poem of Alexander Blok
In the proposed material, the experience of discussing the poem of A. Blok "Twelve" with high school students - listeners of the school of the history of spiritual culture, with the Russian State Children's Library and is engaged in, in particular, the study of the Bible and artistic works on biblical topics. One question was asked: what exactly symbolizes the appearing at the end of the poem "twelve" Jesus Christ? And when preparing for a conversation, they, in addition to reading the poem itself, became acquainted with a number of statements of famous contemporaries A. Blok, which are set out, for example, in the book Ol. Resins "Black Evening, White Snow ..." (M., 1993) and in Article E. Ivanova "The Mysterious Finals" Twelve "(Moscow, 1991. No. 8. S. 191 -196) 1.
For example, S.N. Bulgakov: "Twelve", the thing piercing seems to be the only significant of everything that appeared in the field of poetry for the revolution. So, if it is about the Bolsheviks, then excellent; And if about Bolshevism, it is terribly to the last degree. After all, there are 12 Bolsheviks, confused and bare soulful, in the blood, "without a cross," to other twelve turn. You know who leads them? ... - Jesus Christ ... The poet was not lied here ... He saw someone, only, of course, who he called, but a monkey, an impostor, who tries to get on everything to the original and different One letter in the name ... And notice that this phenomenon of "Snow Isus" does not please, but scares. "
P.A. Florensky: "Poom" Twelve "- the limit and completion of the block demonstration ... The nature of the adorable vision, the parody of the face, which is at the end of the poem" Isus "(we will specify the destruction of the saving name), urgently convincingly prove the state of fear, longing and unfortunate anxiety" worthy of such vision " .
A.V. Amphitheators: "Never before the" twelve "block was not blasphemed by shamelessly, did not give the beast, blasphemy named by His name Christ."
Yu. Ayhenwald: "The poet of Bolshevism Al. The block conceived the fight blood and dirt of the revolution. In his poem, "twelve" he did not retire from the truth, but blasphemously relieved to "Kerenkov", prostitution, murder and ridiculous jargon - Christ. "
A.M. Gorky: "Dostoevsky ... convincingly proved that Christ is no place on Earth. The block made an error of the semi-fold lyrics, putting Christ at the head of the "Twelve".
P.S. Kogan; "The poem" Twelve ", undoubtedly, the anthem of the revolution, but the revolution of the first period ... His Christ is" in a white rose whitewash ", this single image that was at the disposal of a romance poet, so strange and unusual as a symbol, embodies the ideals of the revolution,<…> And in this case, he pushed the figure of Christ as the global symbol of the love that "believes the soul for his other."<…>. Neither Cain, nor Judas nor the Antichrist, and Christ goes. "
M. Voloshin: "Twelve blocks of Krasnogvardeans are depicted without any form and idealization ... no data, except for the number of 12, to consider their apostles, - there is no poem. And then, what is it for the apostles who go to hunt on their Christ? ... Block, poet the unconscious and, moreover, the poet with all his being, in which the noises of the oceans are sounding, and he often does not know who he says through him".
E. Rostin: "Feeling the poet that this robbery is close to Christ ... For Christ came, first of all, to the harlot and robber and they called them the first in their kingdom. And the Christ will be at the head of them, they will take their bloody flag and will lead them somewhere in their ways inspired. "
Yu. Nikolsky: "Twelve Red Army, who are not a cross among the Petersburg blizzards, this is not the Communists, these are Russian people who proclaimed the kingdom of Lenin in 1917.< …_> It maybe we are, because everything is to blame: the block felt
no wonder the story as a retribution ... And that with the dentition of Christ, who went around the tutechev to the poor villages of Russia, he rose at the bloc on the blizzards in a white wedge of roses, a symbol of crystal white Russia. Many say: Why is he with the Red Flag? And be deceived, like the Red Army. The flag is not red, and the bloody, wet in human blood, the flag of suffering: after all, the redarmeys themselves see "provocation" and shoot in Christ! "
Before discussing various interpretations of the image of Jesus Christ in the poem "Twelve", we note the general moments. We ask yourself almost a rhetorical question: what would the poem look like, is it possible to submit it without the image of Jesus Christ?
It is quite obvious that the image of Christ is a ideological rod, a symbol, "which was not just crowned, rounded the poem, but she gave all its terms new coverage. Thanks to him, "twelve" found a different philosophical and ethical dimension "2.
That is why the poem had such a huge resonance across Russia, helping people somehow appreciate, to comprehend what was happening in their eyes, especially since the moral authority of A. Blok was undoubted. Arriving with him, specifying the multivalued image of Jesus Christ, people clarified their attitude towards revolution, Bolsheviks, Bolshevism.
Other: Analysis of the image of Jesus Christ, like the whole poem, is impossible outside the historical context, i.e. Excluding how in early 1918 the author and his first readers could relate to the new (Soviet) power in that segment of time when the constituent assembly was already dispersed, but few people guess, in which direction and how events will develop, And what they will lead to.
And now, at a not less reversible stage of our story, schoolchildren arises when reading the "twelve" a lot of interpretations and associations. Consider the most characteristic answers and options for their analysis. As we remember, the image of Christ arises in the last, final lines of the poem.
go to the Holding Step -
- Hungry dog,
- with bloody flag,
a) It is known that at the turn of the XIX and XX centuries. Many intellectuals, and A. Blok among them, sympathized with a simple people, in the mass of their powerless and uneducated, felt their guilt in front of him for their rich, at least spiritually, life, believed in his creative, but not yet demanded power. Perhaps A. Blok believed that "a privileged class should expect revenge merciless and cruel, as he deserved ... no wonder in the poem" Black Evil, Holy Evil "(Yenisherlov3). In any case, the "sense of sacrifice as a payment of labor debt people, history" (burners4), the feeling of "history as retribution * (Nikolsky5) was actually inherent.
Why, in this case, do not assume that the image of Jesus Christ, going with the "bloody flag," personifies the sign of the apocalypse, the second coming of the risk of the Russian intelligentsia for that folk and calm pre-revolutionary life during the suffering of people?
For all the logicality, such a interpretation seems to us, it is unlikely that the corresponding copyright plan. If only because in the poem, Jesus goes the "gentle flow of a supervolozhnye, / snowfast sovereign pearl ...", i.e. Christ is too "feminine ghost" (the expression of A. Blok himself) to resemble the formidable apocalyptic images of the revelation of John the Bogoslov. (Compared: "It was clothed in clothes, a wounded blood. Name Him: The Word of God ... From the mouth, a sharp sword is coming to them to hit the peoples. He grabs them with a rod of iron ...", etc. - Rev. 19,13 - fifteen.)
b) For the same reason, it seems to us, it is hardly possible to interpret the Blokovsky Christ and as a Savior from the boots, as a sign, a symbol of the coming, inevitable "Supreme Court" above those who are easy, "without a cross", "Unnamed Holy" I made murder and violence. This is probably many thought. But did I think so by A. Block?
Something similar has already happened during the times of Jesus Christ. Then the Jews waited for the Messiah warrior, the liberator from the Roman oppression. And the king was "not from this world" (John 18.36). And A. Bloka, it seems to us, Christ symbolizes something higher and eternal.
c) Jesus - Messiah, the founder of the new teaching, proclaimed the equality of all people before God, who traded trading from the temple and TD. So, maybe the march of the Savior ahead (headed?) Twelve (the number of apostles!) The Red Guards under the bloody (red) flag means that he is actually incarnating his teaching together with his followers?
Recall: the ideas of equality, including the property, as you know, are easily subtracted from the Holy Scriptures. For example, chatting with rich and righteous young men, Christ says to him: "Another one does not pull you: everything you have, sell, and distribute the poor, and you will have a treasure in heaven, and come, follow me. He, hearing this, was saddened; Because it was very rich. " (Lux. 18, 22-23).
Another example: a description of one of the first Christian communities in Jerusalem, worshiped for a sample. "A variety of believes had one heart and one soul; And no one from the estate did not call her own, but they all had a common ... There was no one between them in need; For everyone who owned land or houses, selling them, brought the price of sold. And believed to the legs of the apostles; And everyone was given what someone had needed "(Acts. 4,32 - 35). And further describes the terrible death of spouses, Anania and Sapphires, hiding part of their property when joining the community.
Of course, today for most of us, the perception of Jesus Christ as the "first communist" is not very acceptable. However, it is quite historical. Not everything is so simple and unequivocal.
In the first years of Soviet power, the Bolshevik ideas were perceived in different layers of society precisely as a new Christian teaching. "Jesus - the top of mankind in itself the greatest of all human truths - the truth about the equality of all people ... You are the continuers of the case of Jesus" 6, - wrote academician I.P. Pavlov in the Council, reproaching the Bolsheviks in the tendency to dogmatism and excessive cruelty, but still hoping to be heard.
Orthodox traditions were so strong in Russia that even among the Bolsheviks there was a lot of those who perceived the Christian teachings (in their understanding) as a guide to action as the "religion of proletarian hatred", for "the proletariat, the son of despair, full of anger and a fire. And this anger is above all the heavenly love, for only he gives birth to the kingdom of Christ on Earth. "7 (it is difficult to guess, but these hot lines belong to the great Russian writer Andrei Platonov. True, they were written in 1920, and who knows if B They were not, or rather, if a writer then thought differently, it would probably be nor "Cheving", nor a "hidden person" or a lot of others.)
But did such decisive views divided by the author of the "twelve"? The answer, it seems to us may be such. A. Block, like many Russian intellectuals of that time, was not a female, but he separated Christ from the Church as the State Institute of Autocracy. "If Russia existed a valid clergy, and not only the estate of morally stupid people of spiritual title, it would have been a long time that" Christ with Red Guards "" 8.
However, it should not be at all that the Red Guards with Him, and that "robbery" are committed in the poem with the name of the Son of Human, indeed, as the poet, "who established the equality of people." In any case, twelve in the poem costs "without the name of the Sacred" and even that symbolically, they will not recognize the Savior's walking "over the beluga", although they have time to see him in his hands red (his own!) Flag.
- Who's there
waving the red flag?
Close-ka, Eca Darkness!
- Who
there walks a quick step
for all at home?
- Everything
equal, you will have ug.
It is better
surrend me alive!
- Hey,
comrade will be bad
Come out

Maybe this means that the twelve red guardians carry out the idea of \u200b\u200bChrist about universal equality, not conscious of it, including because of their attitude towards "Comrade Pop"?
May be. However, it would be not quite right to fully accept such a judgment.
A. Blok did not share the interpretation of Christian teaching as "non-resistance to evil violence." But his Christ was ahead of people who are creating violence and, perhaps who already professing another faith. The right to such an assumption gives us one thought about Christ, recorded by the poet in the same February days 1918:
"... He goes with them, and it is necessary to go another" 9. Who is the other, A. Block does not specify.
d) Jesus Christ is the moral standard of human being, the name of which is love. It is measured by all human history, including what is happening in our eyes. And the appearance of Christ among twelve can only mean that he does not throw his children, let them do not know that they do not comply with the commandments of the commandments, but sincere in their thoughts and actions. Such a interpretation, in our opinion, is possible, but probably does not exhaust the entire content of the image of Christ in the poem.
e) In the contrast with the surrounding bloody chaos, Jesus, marking the "gentle step of a handling", personifies the highest spirituality, cultural values \u200b\u200bthat are not demanded (so far), but "supervisory", i.e. non-disappearing and not destroyed under any circumstances.
At such an understanding of the image of Christ, the underlined foul language of the native language in the poem ("Etchaja ... Robbery", "the head will grow up", etc. - the language of the revolution, the language of "new strength", which we differ in the works of M.M. Zoshchenko, and .E.Babel, A.L. Platonova B.A. Lavrenev, Ma. Sholokhov and many others). This is in the present, but ahead of Jesus Christ "Snow Mossery Pearl ..." is a completely different shaped row. "Those of us, I wrote to A. Block at the same time in the article" Intelligentsia and the Revolution ", - who wages, who will not" make a rippled Vikhori noisy, "will be the rulers of innumerable spiritual treasures." Such a interpretation, like the previous one, looks legitimate, but also not exhaustive.
e) The image of Jesus Christ personifies the highest meaning of what is happening that the human reason is not always given to understand, but about which you can only guess. In the final lines, what is happening clearly defined in time: twelve go (now), "behind - hungry dog" (past), "Ahead - Jesus Christ" (future).
The old world is visible all over, sympathies does not cause, in any case, it is clear that he leaves, and most likely irretrievably. The rampant Volnitsa rampant ("without a cross") amazes with its meaninglessness, which can be illustrated by a significant "actualization" known then, probably, all "Prisoner's songs", written by the Decembrist F.N. Glinka in the Petropavlovsk fortress and later folk.

Not audible noise urban
In the Zanevsky towers silence!
And on the pin at the watch
The midnight moon is burning ...
And poor young man! Rowers
Flashing blooming trees,
In a deaf prison, there are songs
And gives melancholy waves! ...

In the poem "Twelve", we recall, it sounds so

Not audible noise urban
Over the Nevsky Tower Silence,
And there is no more city -
Walk guys, without wine!

But there is power (and we see it!), Caught and wishing to resist chaos. Let this power of undeveloped spiritually, but it goes "holding a pitch", and it awakens the hope that the cleansing blizzard will soon be satisfied and all people will calmly be lit in the new fair world. So, the appearance of Christ is not by chance: what is happening around is not meaningless, once "bloody" (red) flag in his hands. That is, we can say that the author of the "Twelve" image of Christ as the symbol of absolute truth and the highest justice, as it were, justifies the present future. The other case is that this future has never come. The poet managed to understand what was mistaken in his expectations, writing bitter lines in one of its last poems:

But not these days we called
And the coming centuries ...

But it was after, in 1921, and the poem "Twelve" remained for us a monument of the era (we did not touch his artistic advantages), which reflected the mood of very many people in a very short time period of the very beginning of Soviet power. Therefore, probably, the image of Christ and turned out to be such as it could be: unclear and meaningful, as the time itself, when the poem "Twelve * was created.

Gorelov A.E. Thunderstorm over the nightingale garden. Alexander Blok. L.: OV. Writer, 1973.
Dolgopolov L.K. Poem Alexander Blok "Twelve". L.: Art. lit., 1979.
Yenisherlov V.P. Alexander Blok. Strokes of fate. M.: Contempor, 1980. (B-ka "lovers of Russian literature").
Ivanova Evg. Mysterious final "Twelve" // Moscow. 1991. No. 8. P. 191 - 196.
Ivanova Evg. About the evolution of the block after October and the poem "Twelve" // Literature at school. 1993. № 3. P. 23 - 28.
Krybuk N.P. "Open my books ...": Talk about the block Document, Biogr. feature article. - L.: Dets., 1986.
Resin O.P. "Black evening, white snow ...": Creative history and fate of the poem of Alexander Blok "Twelve". M.: "Heritage", 1993.
Solovyov B.I. Poet and his feat * Creative path of Alexander Blok. M.: OV. Russia, 1973.


  • Try to understand why the subject of endless disputes is both the poem itself, so, in particular, and the image of Christ;
  • To identify features in the image of Jesus Christ by the block and compare this image created by the poet, with the images of Christ, depicted by artists of the XIX-XX centuries and with images of Christ the Savior on the icons of the XII-XV centuries.
  • To form skills to reason, prove on the example of the text of the studied work, evaluations of critics, contemporaries of the block, express their point of view.

Equipment and clarity:

  • Portraits and photos of the block;
  • Illustrations for the poem "Twelve" artists Annenkov, Altman, Malesh;
  • Reproduction of paintings:I. Kramskaya "Christ in the desert", A. Ivanov "The Phenomenon of Christ People", N. Ge "The Last Supper", B. Birger "Exit from the Last Supper", Leonardo da Vinci "The Last Supper";
  • Image of save on icons: "Savior" A. Rublev; "Saved the delicious", "saved the Almighty", "saved an old eye" - unknown authors.

Epigraph to the lesson:

"The end of the Russian state will be when the lamps will go out over the tomb of Sergius Radonezh and the gates of his laurel will be closed."

During the classes

The student reads the beginning of chapter 1 by heart:

Black evening.
White snow.
Wind, wind!
There is no man on the legs.
Wind, wind -
For all God's light!

Teacher:Fascinating lines of poems A. Block, exciting and focusing. Why? Why wind and blizzard? What is going on in God's light? What brought the wind of Russia, destruction or creation? The poem "Twelve" is one of the mysteries of the literature of the XX century. Recall the estimate of the block itself.

The disciples tell about the period when the poem was created, the words of the poet were created: "Today I am a genius, they have been told on January 29, 1918, after completing work. The block, according to him, "... In January 1918, the last time was given to the elements ..."

Teacher: What impression was the poem on the contemporaries of the block? What did they see in the "twelve"?

Pupils:Some saw satire, curse, others - anthem, the fame of the revolution. Estimates were very ambiguous, contradictory.

  • Bunin admired the work. Called the poem "Something vulgar, ineptful."
  • Mayakovsky: "Some seized the anthem of the revolution, others - Satira on her."
  • Ivanov-Obesenik: "The block sees the world value of the accomplishment ... This is a poem about the revolutionary Petrograd, about dirt and crimes ... and at the same time it is a good news ..."
  • Gorky called the poem satire.
  • Lunacharsky saw immortality in the poem.
  • Voloshin: "The block gave up his voice to the Bolsheviks"
  • Berdyaev called the "twelve" "amazing, almost ingenious thing," but at the same time noted that "the block of brutal death paid for hallucination, deception."

Teacher:Many Petrograd writers turned away from the block, did not give him hands. But there were also those who tried to figure out what the poet created, whether he changed himself by writing a poem, or remained faithful to his creative manner. What do you think?

Pupils lead evidence "for" and "against".

  • M. Voloshin saw in the "twelve" connection with the "excellent lady" and the "snowy mask", which means that the block did not change himself.
  • Ivanov-Obesenik called the block "poet of roses and a cross."
  • Chukovsky also noted that the block remained faithful to himself.

One group of students is compared between the poem and the "poems about the beautiful lady" cycle, where the world depicted completely different: light, beautiful; Temples and termes, love sublime and clean. In the "twelve" anything else, there is another block here.

The second group of students compares the poem with poems about Russia, with the third book, where the image of the wind appears, and Russia - "Crown", "robbery", "remote," - confirms the idea that the block remains the same poet.

Teacher: As we see, there is no contemplation of the contemporaries of the block, nor with us. What caused such disgraceful assessments and disputes that do not calm so far, after 90, after the emergence of the poem?

Pupils:Continuing everything in the poem: the image of the revolution, the old world, the "Apostles of the New World" - twelve Red Guards and, of course, the image of Christ.

Teacher: The ninety years did not have enough to solve the poem's mystery, especially its difficult finals. Of course, we do not take on the role of a judge who should solve the dispute, and do not put the last point in more than a 90-year-old dispute. But let's try to figure out the complex concept of the poem of the block.

So, the topic of our lesson: "In a white wedding of roses - ahead of Isus Christ" (the image of Jesus Christ in the poem "Twelve").

The student reads by heart the final scene:

... ahead - with a bloody flag,
And for the blizzard invisible,
And from bullets will be unharmed,
Snowflower pearls,
In the White Went of Roses -
Ahead - Isus Christ.

Teacher:There are two points of view on the appearance of Jesus Christ at the end of the poem:

  1. artificial, contrived image contrary to the objective content of the poem;
  2. the image of Christ is not a foreign one, but follows from the content of the poem. Let us try and we prove or disprove these points of view.

The disciples prove that the image of Christ is invisible, but already present in the poem, starting from the first chapter (read the lines):

  • 1 Chapter: "For God's Light".
  • 2 Chapter: "Cross shone ...", "Holy Evil", "Freedom without a Cross", a palm of a bullet in the Holy Rus. "
  • 3 Chapter: "Lord, bless."
  • 5 Chapter: "Eh, Eh, Sogreach, will be easier for the soul ..."
  • 7 Chapter: "... not a sin ..."
  • 8 CHAPTER: "Overall, Lord, the soul of the slaves ..."
  • 10 Chapter: "Oh, some, SPACE!" "Why are you up with gold iconostasis?"
  • 11 Chapter: "And they go unnamed saint ..."

Conclusions about the laws of the appearance of the image of the Savior. He is present invisibly, watching the actions and actions of twelve. And in the 12th chapter, just in the last, the final stanza appears Jesus, visibly for the poet and invisibly for the patrol?

Reading 12 chapters on roles.

Teacher:Who are the patrol questions add? Who is this invisible "who"? "... walks a quick step, burying for all at home"? "... waving the red flag"? "Who is in a snowdrift ..."?

What does it sound in these issues?

Pupils come to the conclusion that this "invisible enemy" is Jesus Christ. And in matters of heard threats, uncertainty, fear, doubt. And to kill your doubts and fear, they shoot. First, "... Pool-ku bullet in the holy rus", and then in the very Lord God.

Teacher: Therefore, it can be assumed that the "steel rifles" are directed to the enemy. How is this enemy named in the poem?

Pupils find epithets: "restless", "luty", "invisible." Resessant - it means that will not assign, i.e. Do not calm down. Christ, probably, cannot calm down, seeing disgrace, crime, atrocities. Revolutionaries are atheists, atheists, there are "without the name of the Sacred", without a cross. "To all ready, nothing is sorry ..."

Teacher: All this is so. Christ is disturbing the Red Guards. With what? Reminder. What can not live, breaking the Christian commandments, the main of which "not kill." Can Jesus calm down that faith, holiness, without which murders, violence, denunciations are possible. Remember the scene of the murder of Petrukh Katki, the behavior of Petruchi (ch. 6-7).

The disciples tell about the flour of the conscience of the killer and how they do not give comrades to repent:

What are you, Petka, Baba, what about
- True, soul inside out
Did you pull out? Estimated!
- Support your posture!
- Hold control over yourself! (7 chapter)

Petrucha calls the name of the invisible enemy - Savior.

Teacher:What is the meaning of this word in the poem?

Pupils:"Savior", "SPACE" in the poem is to save, and the Savior. In the icons of the XII-XV centuries, Christ was depicted under the name Savior.

The message of the student about the icons "Savior Independent", "saved the Almighty", "Saved Yellow Oko" - unknown authors and about "SPACE" Andrei Rublev.

Teacher:There is nothing casual in the poem of the block. It is no coincidence and name of Peter, Petrukhi. It is symbolic.

The student makes a message about the biblical legend, about the apostol Peter, about the students of Jesus Christ and about the paintings by Leonardo da Vinci and N. Ge, with the same name "The Last Supper", where Jesus is depicted among his apostles.

Teacher: What is the difference between Blokovsky Peter from Bible?

Pupil:Blocking Peter is trying to turn to the name of God, repent, but the "Apostles of the New World" will chase repentance, trying to burn out about the saint, from Christ, and Petruch turns away from God:

He boils the head,
He chewed again ... (7 Chapter)

Teacher:The poem is filled with fear in front of him, the enemy is invisible. So, the ATTEIS revolutionaries do not recognize Jesus their own. However, is it possible that Christ himself agreed to go at the head of such twelve? Who are they, the apostles of the new life, what portrayed their poet?

The student makes a message about the Red Guards.

The student reads by heart the second chapter:

The wind walks, snow flies.
There are twelve people.

In the teeth of the cycling, the cards will take
On the back b it is necessary to the Bubnov Ace!

Pool Pool in Holy Rus -
In the Condo, apart
In Tolstoza!
Eh, Eh, without a cross!

Teacher:Many artists illustrated the poem "Twelve". As Annenkov portrayed, Altman Red Guards on the background of the shaved old world. What tones prevail? Did the illustrators have expressed the idea of \u200b\u200bthe poet? (Posts of two students)

Teacher:That's what people came to power and became the owners of a new life. Russian writers who have not taken a revolution, such as Bunin, Merezhkovsky, Hippius, saw the arrival of the antichrist and the end of the world. Is it so possible that Jesus Christ is headed by the "apostles of violence and robbery"? For believers - this is blasphemy. But after all, Christ said: "For I came to call on the righteous, but sinners for repentance" - in this the deep meaning of the phenomenon of Christ people.

Russian artists more than once appealed to the image of Christ. What is Christ depicted in the paintings of Kramsky and Ivanov? Are their Christ from Blokovsky?

Message of students about the pictures of the Kramsky "Christ in the Desert" and Ivanov "The Phenomenon of Christ People".

Teacher: Work on the way of Christ demanded a huge tension, to physical exhaustion. Alexander Ivanov considered his picture, over which he worked twenty years, the matter of all his life. The block, as we already know, after the "twelve" almost nothing wrote to the very death.

In the poem, unlike paintings, there is no phenomenon of Christ, he is invisible. He saw only a poet, but where and how?

Pupils: Jesus does not lead the Red Guards. It goes ahead of the "gentle flow of a blank, Snowflower Pearl", i.e. Among the blizzards, blizzards, which grew up as it were from snow, "in a white rose wreath". But not heading. He does not see soldiers.

Message of student about the picture of Birger "Exit with a secret evening."

Teacher:Recall how the block itself perceived the image of Christ.

Pupils read the statements of the block about the image of Jesus and come to the conclusion that the poet himself did not quite understand this image. "I hate this feminine image ..." "I also do not like the end of the" twelve ". "I'll see and see that he ..." "... Unfortunately, he", etc. At the end of the poem, the block put the point, and not an exclamation mark, therefore he "did not praise", and according to him, "only stated the fact." The unit did not realize the written. According to the memories of K. Chukovsky, he listened to conversations, "as if he wanted to find a person who would explain the meaning of the poem."

Teacher: The fate of Russia is inseparable from Christ. This image is eternal, poets addressed to it to the block, and after the block. But the christ record in Russian poetry is considered to be G.R. Derzhanin.

The student reads by heart the excerpt from ODD Derzhavin "Christ":

Christ - all goodness, all love,
Glitter properties even three-minded.
All the terms without him worlds
Incomplete was imperfect.

Christ is found, we find everything!
Edem is driven yours
And his temple is the Holy Hearts.

Teacher: Found your Christ twelve?

The disciples come to the conclusion that the twelve in the poem did not find their Christ, they raised the "steel rifles", they drove all moral laws: "Freedom, freedom, eh, eh, without a cross!"

Teacher: But why nevertheless in the finals of the poem Christ? Researchers offer several interpretations of the image: Christ - a revolutionary, Christ - a symbol of the future, Christ - Superchlask, Christ - a symbol of eternal justice and others. Your opinion.

Pupils express different points of view.

Teacher:We are the same as the critics, researchers of the poet's creativity, its contemporaries, we cannot answer unambiguously on this question. Right was k.I. Chukovsky, arguing that "the poem was interpreted and will interpret another 1000 times and everything is different, because it wrote her complex man." Alexander Block himself hoped that the poem would read "someday, not our times" and would understand her and his poet.

The block is the prophet, and his poem is a tragic prophecy about the salvation of Russia. Pay attention to the epigraph to the lesson, on the words of the Russian historian Klyuchevsky: "The end of the Russian state will be when the lamps will go out over the tomb of Sergius Radonezh and the gates of his laurel will be closed." We live at such a time when all the prohibitions were withdrawn, there are complete freedom of religion, all new churches are opened, the Church of Christ the Savior is restored, but has less crimes? Not. Why? Yes, again "go without the name of the saint". The poem "Twelve" is a warning, the attempt of Christ the Savior to wake up those who gave and gives it to the capture of the holy faith, the Holy Rus, its future. The endless blizzard still swears over Russia. When will the end of this blizzard come?

Interpretation of the poem A. A. Blokok "Twelve", especially its final, is one of the most interesting and mysterious issues in the work of the poet. Nastily after the article "Intelligentsia and Revolution", written as if in one breath during January 1918, the poem

Caused a dual attitude towards himself. According to the memories of V. Mayakovsky, the poem read white and red. But, as the criticism was noted, the appearance of Christ in the final chapter of the poem puzzled everyone: for whites it was blasphemy, for red - annoying religious mysticism. From here different points of view - Will Christ with the twelve apostles go through the snow-covered streets? Or is it an antichrist? What carries his image to people? What did the revolution bring them?

In the worldview of the block, a considerable place occupies the idea of \u200b\u200brevolution as a retribution for the sins of fathers. Therefore, "grimace revolution" is inevitable - random victims, rampant violence,

Element of terror. Such a random victim in the poem is Katka who died inadvertently, in the confusion of the pursuit of the "bourgeois" Vanka. But is it randomly her death? The revolution destroys the traditional foundations, former moral values, Christian morality:

Eh, Eh, without a cross!

The old faith was destroyed, Russia was destroyed - "Holy Rus", "Kondovaya", "Iply". Next Goal - World Revolution:

We are on the grief to all bourgeois

World fire blow ...

And the vulgar image of the "Tolstomordinity" of Katki, coming closer to the way "Tolstozade" of Russia, is the same image of eternal femininity, a female start, but blasted, desecrated. Love should clean the world, create it again, save - but does it save? Recovered from love, from the revolution, from the memory of Petruch, like the apostle Peter, three times, before dawn, who renounced Christ, - what does this image bearing? The revolutionary patrol was likened to twelve apostles, but these people who "on the back would need a Bubnov Ace" go ahead "without the name of the saint", "are ready for everything, nothing is sorry," it's rather gangsters, but they are "holding a" powder ", and So, serve power. Behind them - old world, rooted dog. "Destroying, we are all the same slaves of the old world," I wrote A. A. Block V. Mayakovsky.

Having destroyed the night, the revolution did not bring purification, and if the twelve apostles are not the apostles in their activities, then who is headed by them? The block draws a color contrast in the image of Christ: whiteness of purity and happiness and scarlet color of a bloody flag. What reveals such a contradictory image?

Ahead - with a bloody flag,

And for the blizzard invisible

And from bullets are unharmed

Sleeping a tender

Snowflower pearls

In the White Went of Roses -

Ahead is Jesus Christ.

The Lord must bless the blood shedding, but whose one? Jesus shed his own, revolutionary "apostles" - someone else's. And if you count and going beyond them, it turns out that behind Christ is thirteen - false apostles and false prophets. Such a version also existed, and it is impossible to notice it unconditionally, because Christ could not lead people going "without the saint". Undoubtedly one - the hope of the alteration of all over the world, and the moral cleansing through the suffering - only those people who did not lose God in their soul are also important for whom the moral values \u200b\u200bof the Christian morality are also important.

Works on topics:

  1. Ege Block met the revolution enthusiastically and sent. In the article "Intelligentsia and Revolution", printed shortly after October, the block exclaimed: "What ...
  2. A. Blok - Poet, which the topic of the Motherland "deliberately and irrevocably" dedicated all his life is a cross-cutting topic in his work ....
  3. Alexander Andreevich, Ivanov, introduced a great contribution to Russian culture with his web "the phenomenon of Christ to the people." The picture itself found its place in ...
  4. In the Petzyri poem, Mikhail Lermontov, Mikhail Lermontov, described the image of a revolving, winsted young man, with a pure soul and heroic character. Mcsey showed ...

The poem "Twelve" is the most mysterious work of the block. There are many options for the interpretation of the poem and the image of Christ, but there is no possibility to determine which one is closest to the author's plan. Reviews of the block about "twelve" stingy and contradictory, they testify that for him the very mystery was what he wrote. Obviously one: the image of Christ in the poem is a key, his appearance at the end is the climax of the work. Is it possible to agree with the volitional and argue that the phenomenon of Christ inevitably after what is happening in the poem? To answer this question it is worth contacting the text.

The first stanza determines the place of action - the whole "God's Light". God does not mean God without abandoned, it means that God sees everything that happens in this world. And things happen hardly beiges, and emphasizes these words associated with faith. This is most brightly expressed in the leitmotif "Freedom, Freedom, Eh, Eh, without a Cross". Freedom without trial, punishment, repentance. "Without a cross" may also mean that everything that happens is not redeemed or by people nor Jesus, but someone must pay sins, otherwise the light will cease to be God. And, it seems, before that, it is not far, if the call of the "Pool's Pool in Holy Rus" sounds, in which it is specifically emphasized that now you can "shoot" in the sacred, and, of course, "without a cross." But most of all This is expressed in words: "Eh, Eh, sogreshi, it will be easier for the soul." Sin is a way to freedom, freedoming from conscience, from "Cross". But after all, one of the twelve conscience wakes up: "Only a poor killer wakes up Not to see a very far face. "He suffers from the deed, because he killed a man who loved. Love awakens repentance in him:" I ruined, stupid, I ruined the haze. "Love in itself the feeling of holy, cleansing, and if he is still fished in sins, he will be able to return to God. He is the most lost sheep, which is more expensive to the whole shepherd. The Lord always comes when the soul falls on the path of purification. Maybe that's why the block wrote about the illustration to the poem: "If from the upper left corner of the" kill of Katki "dug up with thick snow and through it - Christ would be a comprehensive cover." Killing Katki leads to a repentance of the soul and the appearance of God in it.

You can and otherwise explain the use of the Labor Name unit. Separations of prayers sound in the poem several times. Initially, the old woman hides: "Oh, Mother's intercession! Oh, the Bolsheviks will drive into the coffin! "She asks for protection from the Bolsheviks by the Virgin. We can say that the old woman is part of the old world who is looking for protection from God. I wonder what the old world is, and God is given in a female image, and The feminine is the most holy for the block.

Another time to God appeal to the blasphemous "blessing":

We are on the mountain to all bourgeois world fire, the world fire in the blood is the Lord, bless!

It is not known whether the voice of twelve in this request sounds. But after all, after her, the scene of the murder of Katki unfolds. And if it is true that I was told about the appearance of God in this scene, it becomes clear why the words of the Orthodox funeral, the words of the Orthodox funeral, are revealed further, ... she is sacrificed, thanks to which one soul can return To God. Will it happen?

The next scene begins in silence:

Do not hear the noise of urban, silence over the Neva Tower.

Then the blizzard rises:

Something blizzard, oh, blizzard, oh, blizzard played! Do not see each other's very friend for four steps!

And in such an atmosphere, the voice of this soul is heard: "Oh, some kind of deasses!" The soul appears to God - does he not come to her? But in order to really repent, we need the strength that this soul does not have: we no longer hear her voices One of the twelve does not contradict the comrades who condemn these words. But hear the words of the block: "And they go unnamed saint everything Twelve - distance. "So, again" without a cross "go all. So what's next? Is there any rescue or only "world fire in the blood" in the future? It is known that the block does not just sympathize with the revolution, at that moment he "lived with modernity. In agreement with the elements. " For him, "ahead is Jesus Christ," that is, salvation and light, while barely distinguishable in the blizzard, but this light "bullet is unharmed", and it will be sure to see it when they stop shooting and when the "wind on the whole of God" will take place. I wrote: "I do not have a clear look at what is happening, while the will of fate I have witnessed the great era." And although it is impossible to explain exactly what Christ appears (the explanation given here is only one of the possible options), what he cannot Do not appear in such a great moment, obviously.

One thing is not subject to doubt: he did not mean anything similar to the traditional, icon-painted image of Christ. His Christ is not even so much an infertable vision as a kind of lyrical idea of \u200b\u200bsomething "huge", majestic, which would have to convey the feeling of all the grandeur of what was happening in the world of socio-historical cataclysm.

The essence of the case is that with the image of Christ the block has been associated with their ideas, and it is impossible to understand the "twelve" symbolism. First of all, it is necessary to continue that the block, contacting the image of Christ, did not mean the religious "justify" or "consecrate" the October Revolution in the spirit of Christian "all-sucking", etc.

Christ "Twelve" is not church Christ. The block was not an orthodox believer, and the church, the very spirit of historical Christianity, official Orthodoxy, Popovshchyna from the young age caused a sense of passionate protest in it. "I will never accept Christ," the block said. And everything turned to his image in their verses. Let us dwell on the most essential. In one of the poems of 1902, a certain "all-like Christ" appears at the block. Like everyone in the junior lyrics of the block, and he has a mysterious.

It is the keeper of the "incomprehensible secrecy", the unsolved people of the "Golden Glab". The most significant, in the sense of the further evolution of the image that this Christ carried some "whirlwinds" in the world. Further, in 1904-1905, the block writes a well-known poem: here it is Christ - in chains and roses - behind bars of my prison. Here is the Lamb Crotsky in white riza came and looks out the prison window. In a simple salade of the blue sky, his icon looks out the window ... This is Russian, the People's Christ, discharged against the background of a modest, non-landscape: "Simple salary of the blue sky", "Bread Zlak", "Vegetable cabbage", birch and Christmas trees running in deaf The ravine, - all shehently inexplicable charming and quiet sadness of the Central Russian plain.