Scientific communism - developed socialist society. What is the developed socialism of the basis of the political model

Constitution (Basic Law) of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
(adopted at the extraordinary seventh session of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of the ninth convocation October 7, 1977)

The Great October Socialist Revolution, performed by the workers and peasants of Russia under the leadership of the Communist Party, headed by V.I. Lenin, overtook the authorities of the capitalists and landowners, broke the shackles of oppression, established the dictatorship of the proletariat and created the Soviet state - the state of the new type, the main instrument of protection of revolutionary conquests , construction of socialism and communism. The world-historical turn of mankind from capitalism to socialism began.

Having won the civil war, reflecting the imperialist intervention, the Soviet government carried out the deepest socio-economic transformations, permanently committed to human exploitation, with class antagonism and national host. The association of the Soviet republics in the Union of SSR proved the strength and possibilities of the peoples of the country in the construction of socialism. Public property has been established on the means of production, genuine democracy for the working masses. For the first time in the history of mankind, a socialist society was created.

A bright manifestation of socialism forces was the uncrractile feat of the Soviet people, his armed forces, who won the historical victory in the Great Patriotic War. This victory strengthened the authority and international positions of the USSR, discovered new favorable opportunities for the growth of socialism forces, national liberation, democracy and world peace.

Continuing his creative activities, the working people of the Soviet Union provided the rapid and comprehensive development of the country, the improvement of the socialist building. The Union of the working class, the collective farm peasantry and the folk intelligentsia, the friendship of nations and the nationalities of the USSR. There was a socio-political and ideological unity of the Soviet society, the leading force of which is the working class. By completing the tasks of the dictatorship of the proletariat, the Soviet state has become commonplace. The leadership role of the Communist Party - the avant-garde of the entire people has increased.

A developed socialist society was built in the USSR. At this stage, when socialism develops on its own basis, the creative forces of a new building are fully revealed, the advantages of a socialist lifestyle, workers are becoming increasingly enjoyed by the fruits of great revolutionary conquests.

This is a society in which mighty productive forces, an advanced science and a culture, in which the well-being of the people is constantly growing, are more favorable conditions for the comprehensive development of the person.

This is a society of mature socialist social relations, in which, based on the approach of all classes and social sections, the legal and actual equality of all nations and the nationalities, their fraternal cooperation has developed a new historical community of people - the Soviet people.

This is a society of high organizedness, ideological and consciousness of workers - patriots and internationalists.

This is a society, the law of life of which is the concern of all about the good of everyone and the care of everyone about the good of everyone.

This is a society of genuine democracy, whose political system ensures the effective management of all public affairs, an increasingly active participation of workers in public life, a combination of real rights and freedoms of citizens with their responsibilities and responsibility to society.

Developed Socialist Society is a natural stage on the way to communism.

The highest goal of the Soviet state is to build a classless communist society in which public communist self-government will be developed. The main tasks of the socialist nationwide state: the creation of the material and technical base of communism, the improvement of socialist public relations and their transformation into the communist, education of the human communist society, an increase in the material and cultural standard of living of workers, ensuring the security of the country, to promote peace and development of international cooperation.

Soviet people

guided by the ideas of scientific communism and observing loyalty to their revolutionary traditions,

relying on the great socio-economic and political conquest of socialism,

in an effort to further development of socialist democracy,

given the international position of the USSR as an integral part of the global system of socialism and conscious of its international responsibility,

keeping the continuity of ideas and principles of the First Soviet Constitution of 1918, the Constitution of the USSR of 1924 and the Constitution of the USSR of 1936,

enluits the foundations of the social building and policy of the USSR, establishes the rights, freedoms and obligations of citizens, the principles of the organization and the goal of the socialist nationwide state and proclaims them in this Constitution.

I. Fundamentals of the social building and policies of the USSR

Chapter 1. Political System

Article 1. The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics is a socialist nationwide state, expressing the will and interests of workers, peasants and intelligentsia, workers of all nations and the nationalities of the country.

Article 2. All power in the USSR belongs to the people.

The people carry out state power through the councils of people's deputies that constitute the political basis of the USSR.

All other state bodies are controlled and accountable to the Councils of People's Deputies.

Article 3. The organization and activities of the Soviet state are being built in accordance with the principle of democratic centralism: the choice of all state authorities from the bottom of the top, accountability of their people, the obligation of solutes of higher bodies for the subordinate. Democratic centralism combines a single guide with the initiative and creative activity in the field, with the responsibility of each state body and the official for the entrusted matter.

Article 4. The Soviet state, all of its bodies operate on the basis of socialist legality, ensure the protection of the rule of law, the interests of society, the rights and freedoms of citizens.

State and public organizations, officials are obliged to comply with the Constitution of the USSR and Soviet laws.

Article 5. The most important issues of public life are made to a national discussion, and also put on a popular vote (referendum).

Article 6. The governing and guiding force of the Soviet society, the core of its political system, state and public organizations is the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. CPSU exists for the people and serves the people.

An armed Marxist-Leninist teaching, the Communist Party defines the general perspective of the development of society, the line of domestic and foreign policy of the USSR, leads the great creative activities of the Soviet people, gives a planning scientifically based nature of his struggle for the victory of communism.

All party organizations operate within the framework of the USSR Constitution.

Article 7. Professional alliances, the All-Union Leninsky Communist Union of Youth, Cooperative and other public organizations in accordance with their statutory tasks participate in the management of public and public affairs, in solving political, economic and socio-cultural issues.

Article 8. Labor teams participate in the discussion and decision of public and public affairs, in planning production and social development, in the preparation and placement of personnel, in discussing and solving issues of management of enterprises and institutions, improvement of working conditions and life, the use of funds intended for development Production, as well as social and cultural events and material encouragement.

Labor groups are developing a socialist competition, contribute to the dissemination of advanced working methods, strengthening labor discipline, bring up their members in the spirit of communist morality, care about increasing their political consciousness, culture and professional qualifications.

Article 9. The main direction of development of the political system of the Soviet Society is the further deployment of socialist democracy: the growing participation of citizens in the management of state and society, the improvement of the state apparatus, the increase in the activity of public organizations, the strengthening of public control, strengthening the legal framework of state and public life, expansion Publicity, constant accounting of public opinion.

Chapter 2. Economic System

Article 10. The basis of the Economic System of the USSR is the socialist ownership of the means of production in the form of state (nationwide) and collective farm cooperative property.

Socialist property is also the property of trade union and other public organizations needed to implement authorized tasks.

The state protects socialist property and creates conditions for its conversion.

No one has the right to use socialist property for personal accompanying purposes and for other mercenary purposes.

Article 11. State ownership is the general heritage of the entire Soviet people, the main form of socialist property.

In the exceptional property of the state are: Earth, its subsoil, water, forests. The state belongs to the main means of production in industry, construction and agriculture, means of transport and communications, banks, property organized by the state trade, utilities and other enterprises, the main city housing foundation, as well as other property necessary to implement the objectives of the state.

Article 12. The property of collective farms and other cooperative organizations, their associations are the means of production and other property necessary for them to implement authorized tasks.

The land occupied by collective farms is consolidated by them into free and indefinite use.

The state promotes the development of collective farm cooperative property and its rapprochement with state.

The collective farms, like other land users, are obliged to effectively use the Earth, it takes care of it, increase its fertility.

Article 13. The basis of the personal property of the USSR citizens make up labor income. In personal property may be home to household, personal consumption, convenience and utility household, residential building and labor savings. Personal property of citizens and the right of her inheritance are protected by the state.

In the use of citizens may be areas of land provided in the manner prescribed by law to maintain auxiliary farm (including the maintenance of cattle and birds), gardening and gardening, as well as for individual housing construction. Citizens are obliged to rationally use land plots provided to them. The state and collective farms provide assistance to citizens in conducting an sub-economy.

The property that is in personal property or in the use of citizens should not serve to extract emerdic income, to be detrimental to the interests of society.

Article 14. The source of the growth of public wealth, the welfare of the people and every Soviet person is free from exploitation of the work of Soviet people.

In accordance with the principle of socialism "from each - according to the abilities, each - according to work" the state monitors the measure of labor and consumption. It determines the amount of income tax to be taxed.

Public useful work and its results determine the position of a person in society. The state, combining material and moral incentives, encouraging innovation, creative attitude to work, contributes to the transformation of labor in the first vitality of every Soviet person.

Article 15. The highest goal of social production under socialism is the most complete satisfaction of the growing material and spiritual needs of people.

Relying on the creative activity of workers, the socialist competition, the achievements of scientific and technological progress, improving the forms and methods of management of the economy, the state provides an increase in labor productivity, improving the efficiency of production and quality of work, dynamic, systematic and proportional development of the national economy.

Article 16. The USSR economy is a single national economic complex, covering all units of social production, distribution and exchange in the country.

The management of the economy is carried out on the basis of state plans for economic and social development, taking into account the industry and territorial principles, with a combination of centralized management with economic independence and initiative of enterprises, associations and other organizations. At the same time, economic calculation, profit, cost, and other economic leverage and incentives are actively used.

Article 17. In the USSR, in accordance with the law, individual labor activities are allowed in the field of handicraft and crafts, agriculture, household services, as well as other activities based exclusively on the personal labor of citizens and their family members. The state regulates individual career, ensuring its use in the interests of society.

Article 18. In the interests of this and future generations in the USSR, the necessary measures are taken for the protection and scientifically based, rational use of the Earth and its subsoil, water resources, plant and animal world, to preserve air and water and water, ensure the reproduction of natural wealth and enhancement man environment.

Chapter 3. Social Development and Culture

Article 19. The social basis of the USSR is an unbreakable Union of workers, peasants and intelligentsia.

The state contributes to the strengthening of the social homogeneity of society - the erasure of class differences, significant differences between the city and the village, mental and physical labor, the comprehensive development and rapprochement of all nations and the nationalities of the USSR.

Article 20. In accordance with the Communist ideal, "the free development of each there is a condition for the free development of all" the state aims to expand real opportunities for the use of their creative forces, abilities and tissues, for the comprehensive development of the person.

Article 21. The state takes care of the improvement of the conditions and protection of labor, its scientific organization, on the reduction, and in the future and complete displacement of severe physical labor on the basis of the integrated mechanization and automation of production processes in all sectors of the national economy.

Article 22. In the USSR, a program for the transformation of agricultural labor into a variety of industrial is sequentially implemented; extensions in the countryside of the network of institutions of national education, culture, health, trade and public catering, domestic services and utilities; Transformation villages and villages in comfortable villages.

Article 23. Based on the growth of labor productivity, the state steadily exercises a rate to increase the level of remuneration, real incomes of workers.

In order to fully satisfy the needs of Soviet people, public consumption funds are created. The state with the broad participation of public organizations and labor collectives ensures the growth and fair distribution of these funds.

Article 24. The USSR has and develop state health systems, social security, trade and catering, domestic services and utilities.

The state encourages cooperative and other public organizations in all areas of population service. It contributes to the development of mass physical culture and sports.

Article 25. In the USSR, there is a single national education system, which ensures general education and professional training of citizens, serves the communist upbringing, spiritual and physical development of young people, prepares it to work and social activities.

Article 26. In accordance with the needs of society, the state provides a systematic development of science and training of scientific personnel, organizes the introduction of scientific research results into national economy and other areas of life.

Article 27. The state takes care of the protection, conservation and widespread use of spiritual values \u200b\u200bfor the moral and aesthetic education of Soviet people, increase their cultural level.

In the USSR, the development of professional art and folk artistic creativity is encouraged.

Chapter 4. Foreign Policy

Article 28. The USSR steadily conducts the Leninist policies of the world, advocates to strengthen the safety of peoples and broad international cooperation.

The Foreign Policy of the USSR is aimed at ensuring favorable international conditions for building communism in the USSR, the protection of state interests of the Soviet Union, strengthening the positions of world socialism, support for the struggle of peoples for national liberation and social progress, to prevent aggressive wars, achieving universal and complete disarmament and consistent implementation of the principle Peaceful coexistence of states with various social buildings.

In the USSR, the propaganda of war is prohibited.

Article 29. The relations of the USSR with other states are built on the basis of compliance with the principles of sovereign equality; mutual refusal to apply force or threat to force; irregularities of borders; territorial integrity of states; peaceful settlement of disputes; non-interference in internal affairs; respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms; Equality and the rights of peoples dispose of their fate; cooperation between states; Combating fulfillment of obligations arising from generally accepted principles and norms of international law, from the prisoners of the USSR of international treaties.

Article 30. The USSR As an integral part of the global system of socialism, the Socialist Commonwealth develops and strengthens friendship and cooperation, a friendly mutual assistance with socialist countries based on the principle of socialist internationalism, is actively involved in economic integration and in the international socialist division of labor.

Chapter 5. Protection of the Socialist Fatherland

Article 31. Protection of the Socialist Fatherland refers to the most important functions of the state and is the case of all the people.

In order to protect the socialist conquests, peaceful labor of the Soviet people, the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the state, the Armed Forces of the USSR were created and a universal military duty was established.

The debt of the USSR armed forces before the people is to reliably protect the socialist homeland, be in constant combat readiness, guaranteeing immediate resistance to any aggressor.

Article 32. The state ensures the security and defense capability of the country, equips the USSR armed forces to all necessary.

The responsibilities of state bodies, public organizations, officials and citizens to ensure the security of the country and to strengthen its defense capability are determined by the legislation of the SSR Union.

II. State and personality

Chapter 6. Citizenship of the USSR. Equality of citizens

Article 33. In the USSR established United Union Citizenship. Every citizen of the Union Republic is a citizen of the USSR.

The grounds and procedure for the acquisition and loss of Soviet citizenship are determined by the law on citizenship of the USSR.

Citizens of the USSR abroad are protected and the patronage of the Soviet state.

Article 34. Citizens of the USSR are equal to the law regardless of origin, social and property, racial and nationality, gender, education, language, relations to religion, kind and nature of classes, place of residence and other circumstances.

Equality of the USSR citizens is provided in all areas of economic, political, social and cultural life.

Article 35. Woman and man have equal rights in the USSR.

The implementation of these rights is ensured by providing women with men with men in obtaining education and training, in labor, remuneration for it and promotion on work, in social and political and cultural activities, as well as special measures to protect the labor and health of women; creating conditions allowing women to combine labor with motherhood; Legal protection, material and moral support for motherhood and childhood, including the provision of paid vacations and other benefits to pregnant women and mothers, a gradual reduction in the working time of women with young children.

Article 36. Citizens of the USSR of various races and nationalities have equal rights.

The implementation of these rights is ensured by the policy of comprehensive development and the rapprochement of all nations and the nationalities of the USSR, the upbringing of citizens in the spirit of Soviet patriotism and socialist internationalism, the ability to use the native language and languages \u200b\u200bof other peoples of the USSR.

Whatever direct or indirect rights restriction, the establishment of direct or indirect advantages of citizens on racial and national signs, as well as any preaching of racial or national exclusivity, hostility or neglect - are punishable by law.

Article 37. Foreign citizens and stateless persons in the USSR are guaranteed by law and freedom, including the right to appeal to court and other government agencies to protect their personal, property, family and other rights.

Foreign citizens and stateless persons in the USSR are obliged to respect the USSR Constitution and comply with Soviet laws.

Article 38. The USSR provides asylum authorities to foreigners prosecuted for the protection of the interests of the working people and the affairs of the world, for participating in the revolutionary and national liberation movement, for progressive social and political, scientific or other creative activities.

Chapter 7. Basic rights, freedoms and obligations of citizens of the USSR

Article 39. Citizens of the USSR have all the completeness of socio-economic, political and personal rights and freedoms, proclaimed and guaranteed by the Constitution of the USSR and Soviet laws. The socialist system ensures empowerment of rights and freedoms, continuous improvement of the living conditions of citizens as the programs of socio-economic and cultural development.

The use of citizens and freedoms should not cause damage to the interests of society and the state, the rights of other citizens.

Article 40. Citizens of the USSR are entitled to work - that is, to receive guaranteed work with paying for labor in accordance with its number and quality and not lower than the state-established minimum size, including the right to choose a profession, classes and work in accordance with the vocation , abilities, vocational training, education and taking into account social needs.

This right is provided by a socialist system of household, steady growth of productive forces, free vocational training, an increase in labor skills and education for new specialties, the development of professional orientation and employment systems.

Article 41. Citizens of the USSR are entitled to rest.

This right is ensured by the establishment for workers and employees of the Working Week, not exceeding 41 hours, a reduced working day for a number of professions and industries, reduced work hours at night; provision of annual paid vacations, weekly holidays, as well as the expansion of a network of cultural and educational and wellness institutions, the development of mass sports, physical culture and tourism; creating favorable opportunities for rest at the place of residence and other conditions for rational use of free time.

The duration of working time and recreation of collective farmers is regulated by collective farms.

Article 42. Citizens of the USSR are entitled to health.

This right is ensured by free qualified medical care provided by state health care facilities; expansion of a network of institutions for the treatment and promotion of health of citizens; development and improvement of safety and production sanitation; conducting broad preventive measures; Measures to improve the environment; special concern for the health of the younger generation, including the prohibition of child labor, not related to training and labor education; The deployment of scientific research aimed at preventing and reducing incidence, to ensure the long-term active life of citizens.

Article 43. Citizens of the USSR are entitled to material support in old age, in case of illness, complete or partial disability, as well as the loss of the breadwinner.

This right is guaranteed by social insurance of workers, employees and collective farmers, temporary disability benefits; paying at the expense of the state and collective farms of pensions by age, disability and on the occasion of the loss of the breadwinner; employment of citizens partly lost disability; concern for the elderly citizens and disabled people; Other social welfare forms.

Article 44. Citizens of the USSR are entitled to housing.

This right is ensured by the development and protection of the state and social housing stock, to promoting cooperative and individual housing construction, a fair distribution under public control of the living area, provided as the construction of the construction of well-maintained housing, as well as a low-cost apartment and utilities. Citizens of the USSR should take care of the dwelling provided by him.

Article 45. Citizens of the USSR are entitled to education.

This right is ensured by the library of all types of education, the implementation of universal mandatory secondary education of young people, the wide development of vocational, secondary special and higher education based on communication with life, with production; development of absentee and evening education; providing state scholarships and benefits to students and students, free issuing school textbooks; the possibility of learning at school in their native language; creating conditions for self-education.

Article 46. Citizens of the USSR are entitled to the use of cultural achievements.

This right is ensured by the publicly available values \u200b\u200bof the domestic and world culture that are in state and public funds; development and uniform accommodation of cultural and educational institutions in the country; development of television and radio, book publishing and periodic printing, network of free libraries; The expansion of cultural exchange with foreign states.

Article 47. Citizens of the USSR in accordance with the goals of communist construction are guaranteed freedom of scientific, technical and artistic creativity. It is provided by the wide deployment of scientific research, inventive and rationalization activities, the development of literature and art. The state creates the material conditions necessary for this, provides support for voluntary societies and creative unions, organizes the introduction of inventions and rationalizing proposals to the national economy and other areas of life.

Article 48. Citizens of the USSR have the right to participate in managing public and public affairs, in the discussion and adoption of laws and solutions of national and local importance.

This right is ensured by the ability to elect and be elected to the Councils of People's Deputies and other elected government agencies, to participate in nationwide discussions and votes, in folk control, in the work of state bodies, public organizations and bodies of public amateur, in collections of labor collectives and at the place of residence .

Article 49. Every USSR citizen has the right to contribute to government agencies and public organizations to improve their activities, criticize the shortcomings in the work.

Officials are obliged to consider suggestions and statements of citizens on time, give answers to them and take the necessary measures.

Pursuit for criticism is prohibited. Persons pursuing criticism are responsible.

Article 50. In accordance with the interests of the people and in order to strengthen and develop the socialist building, the USSR citizens are guaranteed by freedoms: words, prints, meetings, rallies, street processions and demonstrations.

The implementation of these political freedoms is provided by the provision of workers and their organizations of public buildings, streets and squares, widespread information, the possibility of using printing, television and radio.

Article 51. In accordance with the objectives of the Communist Construction, the USSR citizens have the right to unite into public organizations that contribute to the development of political activity and amateur activities, satisfying their diverse interests.

Public organizations are guaranteed the conditions for the successful implementation of their statutory tasks.

Article 52. Citizens of the USSR are guaranteed freedom of conscience, that is, the right to confess any religion or not to confess any, send religious cults or lead an atheistic propaganda. The excitement of hostility and hatred in connection with religious beliefs is prohibited.

The church in the USSR is separated from the state and the school - from the Church.

Article 53. The family is under the protection of the state.

Marriage is based on the voluntary consent of a woman and a man; Spouses are completely equal in family relationships.

The state takes care of the family by creating and developing a wide network of children's institutions, organizing and improving the service of life and catering, payments for the birth of a child, providing benefits and benefits to large families, as well as other types of benefits and family assistance.

Article 54. Citizens of the USSR guarantees inviolability of personality. No one can be arrested otherwise as on the basis of a court decision or with the sanction of the prosecutor.

Article 55. Citizens of the USSR guarantees the housing inviolability. No one has the right without a legitimate foundation to enter the dwelling against the will of those living in it.

Article 56. Personal life of citizens, the mystery of correspondence, telephone conversations and telegraph messages are protected by law.

Article 57. Respect for the individual, the protection of the rights and freedoms of citizens is the obligation of all state bodies, public organizations and officials.

Citizens of the USSR have the right to judicial protection against encroachments on honor and dignity, life and health, personal freedom and property.

Article 58. Citizens of the USSR have the right to appeal against the actions of officials, state and public bodies. Complaints should be considered in the manner and within the deadlines established by law.

The actions of officials committed with violation of the law, with the excess of authority, infringement of citizens' rights, may be appealed to the court in the court established by law.

Citizens of the USSR are entitled to compensation for damage caused by illegal actions of state and public organizations, as well as officials in the performance of their duties.

Article 59. Implementation of rights and freedoms is inseparable from the execution by a citizen of their duties.

The USSR citizen is obliged to comply with the Constitution of the USSR and Soviet laws, respect the rules of the socialist hostel, with the advantage of carrying a high title of citizen of the USSR.

Article 60. The duty and the matter of honor of the USSR citizen who is capable of labor is a conscientious work in their chosen areas of socially useful activities, observance of labor discipline. Evasion from socially useful work is incompatible with the principles of socialist society.

Article 61. The USSR Citizen is obliged to preserve and strengthen socialist property. The debt of the USSR citizen is to fight the embezzlement and wastefulness of state and public property, carefully refer to popular good.

Persons encroaching on socialist property are punishable by law.

Article 62. The USSR citizen is obliged to protect the interests of the Soviet state, to promote the strengthening of its power and authority.

The protection of the socialist Fatherland is the sacred debt of every citizen of the USSR.

Treason is homeland - the greatest crime before the people.

Article 63. Military service in the ranks of the Armed Forces of the USSR - the Honorary Responsibility of Soviet Citizens.

Article 64. Debt of every USSR citizen - respect the national dignity of other citizens, to strengthen the friendship of nations and the nationalities of the Soviet multinational state.

Article 65. The USSR Citizen is obliged to respect the rights and legitimate interests of others, to be irreconcilable to antisocial actions, to fully promote the protection of public order.

Article 66. Citizens of the USSR are obliged to take care of the raising of children, to prepare them for socially useful work, raise worthy members of the socialist society. Children are obliged to take care of parents and assist them.

Article 67. Citizens of the USSR are obliged to take care of nature, protect its wealth.

Article 68. Concern for the preservation of historical monuments and other cultural values \u200b\u200b- the debt and obligation of citizens of the USSR.

Article 69. International Duty Citizen of the USSR - to promote the development of friendship and cooperation with the peoples of other countries, maintaining and strengthening the universal world.

III. National-State Device of the USSR

Chapter 8. USSR - Union State

Article 70. Union of Soviet Socialist Republics is a unified allied multinational state formed on the basis of the principle of socialist federalism, as a result of the free self-determination of nations and voluntary association of equal Soviet Socialist Republics.

The USSR personifies the state unity of the Soviet people, all nations and nationalities are soluble in order to jointly build communism.

Article 71. In the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, they are combined:

Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic,

Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic

Belarusian Soviet Socialist Republic

Uzbek Soviet Socialist Republic,

Kazakh Soviet Socialist Republic

Georgian Soviet Socialist Republic,

Azerbaijan Soviet Socialist Republic,

Lithuanian Soviet Socialist Republic,

Moldavian Soviet Socialist Republic,

Latvian Soviet Socialist Republic,

Kyrgyz Soviet Socialist Republic,

Tajik Soviet Socialist Republic

Armenian Soviet Socialist Republic

Turkmen Soviet Socialist Republic

Estonian Soviet Socialist Republic.

Article 72. Each Union Republic remains the right to free exit from the USSR.

Article 73. Maintaining the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics represented by its highest bodies of state and management is subject to:

1) the adoption of new republics in the USSR; approval of the formation of new autonomous republics and autonomous regions in the allied republics;

2) definition of the state border of the USSR and approval of changes in the boundaries between the Union republics;

3) the establishment of the general began the organization and activities of republican and local government and management bodies;

4) ensuring the unity of legislative regulation throughout the USSR, the establishment of the foundations of the legislation of the SSR Union and the Union republics;

5) carrying out a single socio-economic policy, the leadership of the country's economy; determination of the main directions of scientific and technological progress and general measures for the rational use and protection of natural resources; Development and approval of state plans for economic and social development of the USSR, approval of reports on their implementation;

6) development and approval of the United States State Budget of the USSR, approval of the report on its execution; management of a single monetary and credit system; the establishment of taxes and revenues entering the formation of the state budget of the USSR; Definition of policies in the field of prices and wages;

7) leadership sectors of the national economy, associations and enterprises of union subordination; general leadership of the sectors of the Federal Republican subordination;

8) issues of peace and war, the protection of sovereignty, the protection of state borders and the territory of the USSR, the organization of defense, the leadership of the USSR armed forces;

9) providing state security;

10) the USSR representative office in international relations; communication of the USSR with foreign countries and international organizations; the establishment of the general order and coordination of the relations of the Union republics with foreign countries and international organizations; foreign trade and other types of foreign economic activity based on the state monopoly;

11) control over compliance with the Constitution of the USSR and ensuring the compliance of the Constitutions of the Allied Republics of the Constitution of the USSR;

12) the solution of other issues of public-union meaning.

Article 74. The laws of the USSR have the same strength on the territory of all the Union republics. In case of discrepancies in the law of the Union of the Republic with the Union Law, the USSR law is valid.

Article 75. The territory of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics is united and includes the territories of the Union republics.

Sovereignty of the USSR applies to its entire territory.

Chapter 9. Union Soviet Socialist Republic

Article 76. The Union Republic is a sovereign Soviet Socialist State, which united with other Soviet republics to the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.

Outside the limits specified in Article 73 of the Constitution of the USSR, the Union Republic independently carries out state power on its territory.

The Union Republic has its own constitution, relevant to the Constitution of the USSR and takes into account the peculiarities of the republic.

Article 77. The Union Republic participates in issues related to the conduct of the SSR Union, in the Supreme Council of the USSR, the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, the Government of the USSR and other organs of the SSR Union.

The Allied Republic provides comprehensive economic and social development on its territory, contributes to the implementation of the SSR Union on this territory, is committed to the decision of the highest authorities of state power and the management of the USSR.

On issues related to its jurisdiction, the Union Republic coordinates and controls the activities of enterprises, institutions and organizations of the Union Subordination.

Article 78. The territory of the Union Republic cannot be changed without its consent. The boundaries between the Union republics may vary by mutual agreement of the relevant republics, which is subject to the approval of the SSR union.

Article 79. The Union Republic determines its regional, regional, district, district division and solves other issues of an administrative-territorial device.

Article 80. The Union Republic has the right to enter into relations with foreign states, to conclude agreements with them and exchange diplomatic and consular representatives, participate in the activities of international organizations.

Article 81. The sovereign rights of the Union republics are protected by the Union of the SSR.

Chapter 10. Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic

Article 82. The Autonomous Republic is located as part of the Federal Republic.

The autonomous republic beyond the rights of the Union of the SSR and the Allied Republic independently solves issues related to its maintenance.

The Autonomous Republic has its own constitution that meets the Constitution of the USSR and the Constitution of the Federal Republic of the Federal Republic and takes into account the features of the Autonomous Republic.

Article 83. The Autonomous Republic is involved in issuing issues related to the implementation of the Union of the SSR and the Federal Republic, through the highest authorities of the state and the management of the Union of the SSR and the Federal Republic of the Republic, respectively.

The Autonomous Republic provides comprehensive economic and social development on its territory, contributes to the implementation of the Ministry of Health of the SSR and the Allied Republic on this territory, is committed to the decision of the Supreme Authorities and the Office of the USSR and the Allied Republic.

On issues related to its conduct, the autonomous republic coordinates and controls the activities of enterprises, institutions and organizations of the Union and Republican (Union Republic) subordination.

Article 84. The territory of the autonomous republic cannot be changed without its consent.

Article 85. Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republics are consisting of autonomous Soviet Socialist Republics: Bashkir, Buryat, Dagestan, Kabardino-Balkarskaya, Kalmyk, Karelskaya, Komi, Maryskaya, Mordovskaya, North Ossetian, Tatarskaya, Tuvinskaya, Udmurtskaya, Chechen-Ingush, Chuvash , Yakutskaya.

The Karakalpak Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic is held at the Uzbek Soviet Socialist Republic.

In the Georgian Soviet Socialist Republic, the Abkhaz and Adjara Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republics are consisted.

The Nakhichevan Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic is consisting of the Republic of Azerbaijan Soviet Socialist Republic.

Chapter 11. Autonomous Region and Autonomous District

Article 86. The autonomous region is located in the Union of the Republic or the region. The Law on the Autonomous Region is adopted by the Supreme Council of the Federal Republic on the submission of the Council of People's Deputies of the Autonomous Region.

Article 87. Autonomous regions are available in the Russian Soviet Federal Socialist Republic: Adygei, Gorno-Altai, Jewish, Karachay-Cherkess, Khakassaya.

The South Ossetian Autonomous Region is consisting of the Georgian Soviet Socialist Republic.

The Azerbaijan Soviet Socialist Republic consists of the Nagorno-Karabakh Autonomous Region.

The Tajik Soviet Socialist Republic consists of the Gorno Badakhshan Autonomous Region.

Article 88. The Autonomous District is located as part of the region or region. The law on autonomous districts is made by the Supreme Council of the Federal Republic of the Republic.

IV. Councils of People's Deputies and the order of their election

Chapter 12. System and principles of the activities of the Councils of People's Deputies

Article 89. Tips of People's Deputies - Supreme Council of the USSR, Supreme Councils of the Union republics, Supreme Councils of autonomous republics, regional councils of people's deputies, advice of people's deputies of autonomous regions and autonomous districts, district, city, district in cities, towns and rural councils of folk Deputies are a unified system of state authorities.

Article 90. The term of office of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, the Supreme Soviets of the Union republics and the Supreme Soviets of the Autonomous Republic - five years.

The term of office of local councils of people's deputies is two and a half years.

Elections to the Councils of People's Deputies are appointed no later than two months before the expiration of the term of the respective councils.

Article 91. The most important issues related to the management of the relevant Councils of People's Deputies are considered and solved at their sessions.

The Councils of People's Deputies elect regular commissions, create executive and administrative, as well as other bodies accountable to them.

Article 92. The advice of people's deputies form organs of popular control, combining state control with the public control of workers in enterprises, in collective farms, institutions and organizations.

Folk control bodies control the implementation of state plans and tasks; are fighting against violations of state discipline, manifestations of locality, a departmental approach to business, with mismanagement and waste, fiber and bureaucracy; Contribute to improving the work of the state apparatus.

Article 93. The advice of people's deputies directly and through the authorities being created by all branches of state, economic and socio-cultural construction, make decisions, ensure their execution, monitor solutions to life.

Article 94. The activities of the Councils of People's Deputies are based on a collective, free, business discussion and addressing issues, publicity, regular reporting of executive and administrative bodies, other bodies created by the Councils before the advice and the population, the broad attraction of citizens to participate in their work.

Tips of people's deputies and organs created by them systematically inform the population about their work and decisions made.

Chapter 13. Electoral System

Article 95. Election of deputies to all Councils of People's Deputies is made on the basis of universal, equal and direct election law during a secret ballot.

Article 96. Election of deputies are universal: all citizens of the USSR, which have reached 18 years, have the right to elect and be elected, with the exception of persons recognized in the procedure established by law.

The USSR citizen who reached 21 years can be elected a deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR.

Article 97. Elections of deputies are equal: each voter has one voice; All voters participate in elections on equal fundamentals.

Article 98. Deputies' elections are direct: deputies of all Councils of People's Deputies are elected by citizens directly.

Article 100. The right to nominate candidates to the deputies belongs to organizations of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, trade unions, the All-Union Leninist Communist Union of Youth, Cooperative and other public organizations, labor collectives, as well as meetings of military personnel in military units.

Citizens of the USSR and public organizations are guaranteed free and comprehensive discussion of the political, business and personal qualities of candidates for deputies, as well as the right of agitation at meetings, in print, on television, radio.

The costs associated with the elections to the Councils of People's Deputies are made at the expense of the state.

Article 101. The election of deputies in the councils of people's deputies is carried out on constituency.

The USSR citizen cannot, as a rule, be elected in more than two Council of People's Deputies.

Elections to advice provide election commissions, which are formed from representatives from public organizations, labor collectives and assemblies of military personnel on military units.

The procedure for holding elections to the advice of people's deputies is determined by the laws of the Union of SSR, the Allied and Autonomous Republics.

Article 102. Voters give punishes to their deputies.

The relevant advice of people's deputies are considering the punishes of voters, take into account them in the development of plans for economic and social development and budgeting, organize the implementation of the ads and inform citizens about their implementation.

Chapter 14. People's Deputy

Article 103. Deputies are authorized representatives of the people in the Councils of People's Deputies.

By participating in the work of the Councils, the deputies solve issues of state, economic and socio-cultural construction, organizes the decisions of the Councils to life, carry out control over the work of state bodies, enterprises, institutions and organizations.

In its activities, the deputy is guided by national interests, takes into account the requests of the population of the constituency, seeks to implement the voter's compassion.

Article 104. The deputy exercises its powers without inciting with production or service activities.

At the time of the sessions of the Council, as well as for the implementation of deputy authority in other cases provided for by law, the deputy is exempt from the implementation of production or official duties while maintaining the average earnings at the place of permanent work.

Article 105. The deputy has the right to request to relevant government agencies and officials who are obliged to respond to a request for the session of the Council.

The deputy has the right to apply to all state and public bodies, enterprises, institutions, organizations on issues of deputy activities and participate in the consideration of their issues. The heads of the relevant state and public bodies, enterprises, institutions and organizations are obliged to immediately accept the deputies and consider its proposals on time.

Article 106. The deputy provides conditions for the unimpeded and effective implementation of its rights and obligations.

The inviolability of deputies, as well as other guarantees of deputy activities, are established by law on the status of deputies and other legislative acts of the Union of SSR, the Allied and Autonomous Republics.

Article 107. The deputy is obliged to report on its work and the work of the Council to voters, as well as to the teams and public organizations that nominated him as a candidate of deputies.

A deputy who did not meet the confidence of voters may be withdrawn by the decision of most voters in accordance with the procedure established by law.

V. Higher authorities of state power and management of the USSR

Chapter 15. Supreme Council of the USSR

Article 108. The Supreme Council of the USSR is the highest authority of the USSR government.

The Supreme Council of the USSR is authorized to solve all the issues related to this Constitution to conduct the SSR Union.

Adoption of the Constitution of the USSR, introducing changes to it; the adoption of new republics, approval of the formation of new autonomous republics and autonomous regions; approval of state plans for the economic and social development of the USSR, the state budget of the USSR and their implementation reports; The formation of an accountable bodies of the Union of the SSR is carried out exclusively by the Supreme Council of the USSR.

The laws of the USSR are accepted by the Supreme Council of the USSR or in the National Voting (referendum), held by decision of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR.

Article 109. The Supreme Council of the USSR consists of two chambers: Council of the Union and the Council of Nationalities.

Chambers of the Supreme Council of the USSR are equal.

Article 110. The Council of the Union and the Council of Nationalities consist of an equal number of deputies.

The Council of the Union is elected by constituencies with equal population.

The Council of Nationalities is elected normally: 32 deputies from each union republic, 11 deputies from each autonomous republic, 5 deputies from each autonomous region and one deputy from each autonomous district.

The Council of the Union and the Council of Nationalities on the submission of the Mandate Commissions elected by them decide on the recognition of the powers of deputies, and in case of violation of the legislation on elections, the recognition of the elections of individual deputies is invalid.

Article 111. Each Chamber of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR elects the Chairman of the Chamber and its four deputies.

The Chairmen of the Council of the Union and the Council of Nationalities lead meetings of the respective chambers and seek them in the inner schedule.

Joint meetings of the Chamber of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR are alternately by the chairmen of the Council of the Union and the Council of Nationalities.

Article 112. The sessions of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR are convened twice a year.

Extraordinary sessions are convened by the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on its initiative, as well as on the proposal of the Union of the Republic or at least a third of the deputies of one of the chambers.

The session of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR consists of separate and joint meetings of the chambers, as well as the meetings held between them between the regular commissions of the Chambers or Commissions of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. The session opens and closes on separate or joint meetings of the chambers.

Article 113. The law of the legislative initiative in the Supreme Council of the USSR belongs to the Union Council, the Council of Nationalities, the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, the Council of Ministers of the USSR, the Union republics in the person of their senior authorities, the Commissions of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR and the Permanent Commissions of its Chambers, Deputies of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, the Supreme Court, USSR, Prosecutor General of the USSR.

The right of legislative initiative also possess public organizations in the person of their public-union bodies.

Article 114. Projects of laws and other issues made to consider the Supreme Soviet of the USSR are discussed by the chambers on their separate or joint meetings. If necessary, the draft law or the relevant issue can be transferred to a preliminary or additional consideration in one or more commissions.

The USSR Law is considered to be adopted if in each of the Chambers of the Supreme Council of the USSR for him voted the majority of the total number of deputies of the Chamber. Resolutions and other acts of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR are taken by a majority of the total number of deputies of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR.

Projects of laws and other the most important issues of public life by the decision of the USSR Supreme Soviet or the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, adopted on their initiative or on the proposal of the Federal Republic of the Republic, can be made on a national discussion.

Article 115. In the case of the disagreement between the Union Council and the Council of Nationalities, the issue is transferred to the permission of the conciliation commission formed by the chambers in the parity principles, after which the issue is secondaryly considered by the Union Council and the Council of Nationalities at a joint meeting. If consent is not reached in this case, the issue is postponed to discuss the next session of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR or transferred to them to a popular vote (referendum).

Article 116. The laws of the USSR, the Decree and other acts of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR are published in the languages \u200b\u200bof the Union republics behind the signatures of the Chairman and the secretary of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR.

Article 117. The Deputy of the USSR Supreme Soviet has the right to apply to the Council of Ministers of the USSR, to ministers and managers of other bodies formed by the USSR Supreme Council. The Council of Ministers of the USSR or the official to which the request is facing is obliged to give no more than a three-day period of verbal or written response at this session of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR.

Article 118. The Deputy of the Supreme Council of the USSR cannot be brought to criminal responsibility, arrested or subjected to measures of administrative recovery imposed in court, without the consent of the USSR Supreme Soviet, and during its sessions - without the consent of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR.

Article 119. The Supreme Council of the USSR elects at a joint meeting of the Poland Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR - the permanent body of the Supreme Council of the USSR, accountable to him in all its activities and carrying out within the limits provided for by the Constitution, the functions of the Higher Authority of the USSR government in the period between its sessions.

Article 120. The Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR is elected from among the deputies as part of the Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Council, the First Deputy Chairman, Fifteen Vice-Chairmen - one from each Soviet Republic, the secretary of the Presidium and twenty-one member of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR.

Article 121. Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR:

1) appoints elections to the Supreme Council of the USSR;

2) convenes the sessions of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR;

3) coordinates the activities of the Permanent Commissions Chambers of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR;

4) monitors compliance with the USSR Constitution and ensures the compliance of the constitutions and the laws of the Federal Republic of Constitution and the laws of the USSR;

5) gives the interpretation of the laws of the USSR;

6) ratifies and denounces international treaties of the USSR;

7) cancels the decisions and orders of the Council of Ministers of the USSR and the Councils of Ministers of the Union republics in the event of a non-compliance of their law;

8) establishes military ranks, diplomatic ranks and other special titles; assigns the highest military ranks, diplomatic ranks and other special titles;

9) establishes orders and the USSR medals; Sets the honorary titles of the USSR; awards orders and medals of the USSR; assigns honorary titles of the USSR;

10) takes into citizenship of the USSR; solves questions about the exit of the USSR citizenship and the deprivation of citizenship of the USSR, the provision of asylum;

11) issues public-union acts about amnesty and performs pardon;

12) appoints and recalls the diplomatic representatives of the USSR in foreign countries and in international organizations;

13) accepts credentials and response diplomas accredited with diplomatic representatives of foreign states;

14) forms the Council of Defense of the USSR and approves its composition, appoints and replaces the highest command of the Armed Forces of the USSR;

15) Announces military situation in separate areas or across the country in the interests of protection of the USSR;

16) declares general or partial mobilization;

17) in the period between the sessions of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, it announces the state of the war in the event of a military attack on the USSR or, if necessary, the implementation of international contractual obligations on mutual defense against aggression;

18) Carries out other powers established by the Constitution and the laws of the USSR.

Article 122. Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR in the period between the sessions of the Supreme Council, with subsequent submission to its approval at the next session:

1) introduces changes to the USSR current legislation;

2) approves changes in the boundaries between the Union republics;

3) at the suggestion of the USSR Council of Ministers, the USSR Ministry of the USSR and the USSR State Committees are abolished;

4) on the submission of the Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR, frees from office and appoints individuals within the Council of Ministers of the USSR.

Article 123. The Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR issues decrees and takes decrees.

Article 124. At the expiration of the powers of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR retains its powers to the formation of the newly elected Supreme Council of the USSR of the new Presidium.

The newly elected Supreme Council of the USSR is convened by the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of the former composition no later than two months after the elections.

Article 125. The Council of the Union and the Council of Nationalities shall elect the permanent committees from among the deputies to preliminary consideration and preparation of issues related to the maintenance of the USSR Supreme Soviet, as well as to facilitate the implementation of the USSR laws and other decisions of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR and its Presidium, activities control state bodies and organizations. The Chamber of the Supreme Council of the USSR can also create joint commissions on parity principles.

The Supreme Council of the USSR creates when it deems necessary, investigative, revision and other commissions on any issue.

All state and public bodies, organizations and officials are obliged to fulfill the requirements of the Commissions of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR and the commissions of its chambers, to submit them the necessary materials and documents.

Commission recommendations are subject to compulsory consideration by state and public authorities, institutions and organizations. The results of consideration or the measures taken should be reported to the Commissions within the prescribed period.

Article 126. The Supreme Council of the USSR monitors the activities of all state bodies accountable.

The Supreme Council of the USSR forms the Committee of People's Control of the USSR, which heads the system of folk control bodies.

The organization and procedure for the activities of public control bodies are determined by the law on folk control in the USSR.

Article 127. The procedure for the activities of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR and its bodies is determined by the Regulations of the Supreme Council of the USSR and other USSR laws issued on the basis of the USSR Constitution.

Chapter 16. Council of Ministers of the USSR

Article 128. Council of Ministers of the USSR - The USSR Government is the highest executive and administrative body of the USSR state power.

Article 129. The Council of Ministers of the USSR is formed by the Supreme Council of the USSR at a joint meeting of the Council of the Union and the Council of Nationalities as part of the Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR, the first deputies and deputy chairmen, the USSR Ministers, Chairmen of the USSR State Committees.

The Council of Ministers of the USSR includes the Chairmen of the Councils of Ministers of the Union republics.

Upon presentation of the Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR, the Supreme Council of the USSR may include the Government of the USSR heads of other bodies and organizations of the USSR.

The Council of Ministers of the USSR is making its powers to the newly elected Supreme Council of the USSR at its first session.

Article 130. The Council of Ministers of the USSR is responsible to the Supreme Council of the USSR and it is accountable, and in the period between the sessions of the USSR Supreme Soviet - before the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, which is accountable.

The Council of Ministers of the USSR regularly reports to its work before the USSR Supreme Council.

Article 131. The Council of Ministers of the USSR is authorized to solve all issues of public administration, assigned to the Maintenance of the SSR Union, since they are not included in accordance with the Constitution, the competence of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR and the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR.

Within its powers, the Council of Ministers of the USSR:

1) ensures the leadership of the national economy and socio-cultural construction; Develops and measures measures to ensure the growth of welfare and culture of the people, on the development of science and technology, the rational use and protection of natural resources, to strengthen the monetary and credit system, carrying out a single policy policy, wage, social security, the organization of state insurance and a unified accounting system and statistics; Organizes the management of industrial, construction, agricultural enterprises and associations, transport and communication enterprises, banks, as well as other organizations and institutions of union subordination;

2) develops and contributes to the USSR Supreme Council current and promising state plans of the USSR economic and social development, the state budget of the USSR; takes measures to implement state plans and budget; Represents the Supreme Council of the USSR reports on the implementation of plans and budget execution;

3) takes measures to protect the interests of the state, the protection of socialist property and public order, to ensure and protect the rights and freedoms of citizens;

4) takes measures to ensure state security;

5) carries out the general management of the construction of the Armed Forces of the USSR, determines the annual contingents of citizens to be called on the actual military service;

6) exercises overall guidance in relations with foreign countries, foreign trade, economic, scientific and technical and cultural cooperation of the USSR with foreign countries; takes measures to ensure the implementation of international treaties of the USSR; Approves and denounces intergovernmental international treaties;

7) forms, if necessary, committees, major governance and other departments at the Council of Ministers of the USSR for the Affairs of the economic, socio-cultural and defense construction.

Article 132. To address issues related to the provision of leadership of the national economy and other issues of public administration as a permanent body of the USSR Council, the Presidium of the USSR Council of Ministers as part of the Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR, the first deputies and vice-chairmen.

Article 133. The Council of Ministers of the USSR based on and to fulfill the laws of the USSR and other decisions of the Supreme Council of the USSR and its Presidium issues decisions and orders and checks their execution. Resolutions and orders of the Council of Ministers of the USSR are mandatory for execution throughout the USSR.

Article 134. The Council of Ministers of the USSR is entitled to issues related to the conduct of the SSR Union, suspend the fulfillment of decisions and orders of the Councils of Ministers of the Federal Republics of the Federal Republics, as well as to cancel acts of the USSR ministries, the USSR State Committees, other bodies subordinate to it.

Article 135. The Council of Ministers of the USSR unites and sends the work of the Union and Union-Republican Ministries and State Committees of the USSR, other bodies subordinate to it.

The Union-Union Ministries and State Committees of the USSR lead the branches of the Office or carry out interdisciplinary management throughout the USSR directly or through the organs created by them.

The Federal Republican Ministries and State Committees of the USSR lead to the management sectors entrusted to them or carry out interdisciplinary management, as a rule, through relevant ministries, state committees, other bodies of the Union republics and manage directly by individual enterprises and associations in union subordination. The procedure for the transfer of enterprises and associations from republican and local subordination to the Union is determined by the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR.

The USSR ministries and state committees are responsible for the state and development of the management areas entrusted them; Within their competence, they publish acts based on and pursuant to the laws of the USSR, other decisions of the Supreme Council of the USSR and its Presidium, Decisions and Orders of the Council of Ministers of the USSR; Organize and check their execution.

Article 136. Competence of the Council of Ministers of the USSR and its Presidium, the procedure for their activities, the relations of the Council of Ministers with other government agencies, as well as the List of Union and Union-Republican Ministries and State Committees of the USSR, are determined on the basis of the Constitution by law on the Council of Ministers of the USSR.

Vi. Basics of building state authorities and management in the Union Republics

Chapter 17. Higher Public Authorities and Management of the Federal Republic

Article 137. The Supreme Council of the Federal Republic of the Federal Republic of the Federal Republic of the Federal Republic of the Federal Republic is the Supreme Body.

The Supreme Council of the Union of the Republic is competent to solve all the issues related to the management of the Federal Republic of the Constitution of the USSR and the Constitution of the Federal Republic of the Republic.

Adoption of the Constitution of the Union Republic, introducing changes to it; approval of state plans for economic and social development, the state budget of the Federal Republic and reports on their implementation; The education of the accountable bodies is carried out exclusively by the Supreme Council of the Federal Republic of the Republic.

The laws of the Union Republic are accepted by the Supreme Council of the Federal Republic of the Republic or the national voting (referendum) conducted by the decision of the Supreme Council of the Union Republic.

Article 138. The Supreme Council of the Federal Republic elects the Presidium of the Supreme Council - the permanent body of the Supreme Council of the Union republic, accountable to him in all its activities. The composition and powers of the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the Union of the Republic are determined by the Constitution of the Federal Republic.

Article 139. The Supreme Council of the Federal Republic forms the Council of Ministers of the Federal Republic of the Federal Republic - the Government of the Federal Republic - the Supreme Executive and Regulatory Body of the Federal Republic of the Allied Republic.

The Council of Ministers of the Allied Republic is responsible to the Supreme Council of the Federal Republic and it is accountable, and in the period between the sessions of the Supreme Council - to the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the Union republic, which is reported.

Article 140. The Council of Ministers of the Allied Republic issues decisions and orders based on and pursuant to the legislative acts of the USSR and the Federal Republic of the Republic, the decisions and orders of the Council of Ministers of the USSR, organizes and verifies their execution.

Article 141. The Council of Ministers of the Federal Republic has the right to suspend the execution of decisions and orders of the Councils of Ministers of Autonomous Republics, to cancel the decisions and orders of executive committees of regional, regional, urban (cities of republican subordination) of the Councils of People's Deputies, Councils of People's Deputies of Autonomous Regions, and in the Union republics, There are no regional divisions - executive committees of district and relevant city councils of people's deputies.

Article 142. The Council of Ministers of the Federal Republic of the Republican unites and sends the work of the Federal Republican and Republican ministries, the State Committees of the Federal Republic of the Republican, other bodies subordinate to it.

The Federal Republican Ministries and State Committees of the Federal Republic of the Federal Republic are guided by the sectors of the Office or carry out interdisciplinary management, obeying both the Council of Ministers of the Federal Republic and the relevant Union-Republican Ministry of the USSR or the State Committee of the USSR.

Republican ministries and state committees lead to the management sectors entrusted to them or carry out interdisciplinary management, obeying the Council of Ministers of the Federal Republic.

Chapter 18. Higher Public Authorities and Office of the Autonomous Republic

Article 143. The Supreme Council of the Autonomous Republic is the highest authority of the state power of the Autonomous Republic.

Adoption of the Constitution of the Autonomous Republic, introducing changes to it; approval of state plans for economic and social development, as well as the state budget of the Autonomous Republic; The education of the accountable bodies is carried out exclusively by the Supreme Council of the Autonomous Republic.

The laws of the Autonomous Republic are accepted by the Supreme Council of the Autonomous Republic.

Article 144. The Supreme Council of the Autonomous Republic elects the Presidency of the Supreme Council of the Autonomous Republic and forms the Council of Ministers of the Autonomous Republic - the Government of the Autonomous Republic.

Chapter 19. Local bodies of state and management

Article 145. Public authorities in the edges, areas, autonomous areas, autonomous districts, areas, cities, areas in cities, towns, rural settlements are the corresponding advice of people's deputies.

Article 146. Local councils of people's deputies decide all local issues based on the national interests and interests of citizens living in the territory of the Council, conduct the decision of higher state bodies, leads to the activities of the lower councils of people's deputies, participate in the discussion of issues of republican and public-union importance, They contribute their suggestions.

Local councils of people's deputies lead in their territory by state, economic and socio-cultural construction; Approve of economic and social development plans and the local budget; carry out the leadership of the subordinate state bodies, enterprises, institutions and organizations; ensure compliance with laws, the protection of public and public order, citizens' rights; contribute to strengthening the country's defense capability.

Article 147. Within its powers, local councils of people's deputies provide comprehensive economic and social development in their territory; carry out control over compliance with legislation located in this territory by enterprises, institutions and organizations of superior subordination; Coordinate and control their activities in the field of land use, the protection of nature, construction, the use of labor resources, the production of consumer goods, socio-cultural, domestic and other services of the population.

Article 148. Local councils of people's deputies make decisions within the limits of the powers granted by the legislation of the Union of the SSR, the Union and Autonomous Republic. Solutions of local councils are mandatory for the execution by all enterprises located on the territory of the Council, institutions and organizations, as well as officials and citizens.

Article 149. Executive and administrative bodies of local councils of national deputies are the executive committees from among the deputies.

Executive committees are at least once a year reported to those who have chosen their advice, as well as at the collections of labor collectives and at the place of residence of citizens.

Article 150. Executive committees of local councils of people's deputies are directly accountable to both the Council, to choose them and a higher executive and administrative body.

VII. Justice, Arbitration and Prosecutor's Supervision

Chapter 20. Court and Arbitration

Article 151. Justice in the USSR is carried out only by the court.

In the USSR, the Supreme Court of the USSR, the Supreme Courts of the Union republics, the Supreme Courts of the Autonomous Republics, the regional, regional, city courts, the courts of autonomous regions, the courts of autonomous districts, district (urban) folk courts, as well as military tribunals in the armed forces are valid.

Article 152. All courts in the USSR are formed on the basis of the selection of judges and people's assessors.

People's judges of district (urban) national courts are elected by citizens of the district (city) on the basis of universal, equal and direct election law with a secret ballot for a period of five years. The people's assessors of the district (city) national courts are elected at meetings of citizens at the place of their work or residence open voting for a period of two and a half years.

Hasional courts are elected by the relevant Council of People's Deputies for a period of five years.

Judges of the Military Tribunals are elected by the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR for a period of five years, and people's assessors are collections of military personnel for two and a half years.

The judges and the people's assessors are responsible for voters or chosen their bodies, report to them and may be withdrawn in accordance with the procedure established by law.

Article 153. The USSR Supreme Court is the highest judicial authority of the USSR and supervises the judicial activities of the USSR courts, as well as the courts of the Union republics within the limits established by law.

The Supreme Court of the USSR is elected by the Supreme Council of the USSR as part of the Chairman, his deputies, members and popular assessors. The USSR Supreme Court includes the chairmen of the Supreme Courts of the Union republics.

The organization and procedure for the activities of the Supreme Court of the USSR are determined by the law on the Supreme Court of the USSR.

Article 154. The consideration of civil and criminal cases in all courts is collegially carried out; In court of the first instance - with the participation of people's assessors. Folk assessors in the implementation of justice enjoy all the rights of the judge.

Article 155. Judges and folk assessors are independent and obeying only the law.

Article 156. Justice in the USSR is carried out on the basis of the equality of citizens before the law and the court.

Article 157. The proceedings of cases in all courts open. The hearing of cases in the closed session of the court is allowed only in cases established by law, in compliance with all the rules of legal proceedings.

Article 158. The accused is ensured by the right to defense.

Article 159. The proceedings are conducted in the language of the Union or Autonomous Republic, the Autonomous Region, the Autonomous District or in the language of the majority of the population of this area. Participating in the case of persons who do not speak the language on which legal proceedings are being conducted, ensures the right of complete acquaintance with the materials of the case, participation in judicial actions through the translator and the right to act in court in their native language.

Article 160. No one can be found guilty of committing a crime, as well as criminalized otherwise, as a sentence of the court and in accordance with the law.

Article 161. To provide legal assistance to citizens and organizations there are collegiums of lawyers. In cases stipulated by law, legal assistance to citizens is free.

The organization and procedure for the activities of the lawyer are determined by the legislation of the Union of SSR and the Union republics.

Article 162. Representatives of public organizations and labor collectives are allowed in legal proceedings on civil and criminal cases.

Article 163. The resolution of economic disputes between enterprises, institutions and organizations is carried out by state arbitration bodies within their competence.

The organization and procedure for the activities of state arbitration bodies are determined by the law on state arbitration in the USSR.

Chapter 21. Prosecutor's Office

Article 164. The highest supervision of the exact and uniform execution of laws by all ministries, state committees and departments, enterprises, institutions and organizations, executive and administrative bodies of local councils of people's deputies, collective farms, cooperative and other public organizations, officials, and citizens assigned to The Prosecutor General of the USSR and the prosecutors subordinate to him.

Article 165. The Prosecutor General of the USSR is appointed by the Supreme Council of the USSR, responsible for him and it is accountable, and in the period between the sessions of the Supreme Council - to the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, which is accountable.

Article 166. Prosecutors of the Union republics, autonomous republics, edges, regions and autonomous regions are appointed by the Prosecutor General of the USSR. Prosecutors of autonomous districts, district and city prosecutors are appointed by the prosecutors of the Union republics and are approved by the Prosecutor General of the USSR.

Article 167. The term of office of the Prosecutor General of the USSR and all the lower prosecutors is five years.

Article 168. The prosecution authorities exercise their powers regardless of any local authorities, obeying only the Prosecutor General of the USSR.

The organization and procedure for the activities of the prosecution authorities are determined by the USSR Prosecutor's Office.

VIII. Coat of arms, flag, anthem and the capital of the USSR

Article 169. The State Emblem of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics is an image of a sickle and hammer against the background of the globe, in the rays of the Sun and in the frame of the non-sections, with the inscription in the languages \u200b\u200bof the Union republics: "Proletarians of all countries, connect!". At the top of the coat of arms - a five-pointed star.

Article 170. The National Flag of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics is a red rectangular cloth with an image in its upper corner, a ride, golden sickle and hammer and a red five-pointed star, framed by the golden border. The ratio of the width of the flag to its length - 1: 2.

Article 171. The State Anthem of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics is approved by the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR.

Article 172. The capital of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics is the city of Moscow.

IX. Action of the USSR Constitution and the procedure for its change

Article 173. The Constitution of the USSR has the highest legal force. All laws and other acts of state bodies are issued on the basis of and in accordance with the USSR Constitution.

Article 174. Changing the Constitution of the USSR is made by the decision of the Supreme Council of the USSR, adopted by a majority of at least two thirds of the total number of deputies of each of its chambers.

Tutorial "History of Russia"

The Marxist theory, which has become the foundation of the Soviet state ideology, was based on very simple and widespread ideas: you can build a fair society, where in relationships between people would not be pearing, violence and operation. Sources of all these troubles announced private property and the state. Thus, the path to the ideal was to lie through the destruction of all signs of the state and through the elimination of the interlayer serving state power - bureaucracy.

However, the entire history of socialism in the USSR entered into a blatant contradiction with the conclusions of Marxism about the dying of the state. With the death of Stalin, the last obstacles disappeared to transform the bureaucracy from the "residents" of state power into an independent public and political force claiming to complete this power. The situation was also complicated by the fact that within the ruling top there was a selection of individual groups based on various government departments and structures. In the consciousness of people, the Soviet state has increasingly connected with communist ideals, but with the interests of the bureaucracy.

The energy charge contained in the Marxist-Leninist ideology was in the second half of the 60s. On the verge of extinction. This manifested itself in an obvious decline in mass employment enthusiasm, the growth of social apathy, the increasing distribution of "ideologically alien" phenomena, etc. The main task in ideology becomes the formation of faith in the possibilities of the Soviet system.

In December 1966, Article FM appeared in the main Soviet newspaper "Pravda" Burlacksky "On the construction of a developed socialist society." A new ideological concept was drawn up: the completion of the complete construction of socialism (which was announced at the XXI Congress of the CPSU) marks the new long period - stage "Developed Socialism",in the course of which the advantages of the socialist building are fully implemented. Entry into Communism was postponed indefinitely. In 1967, the construction of the "Developed Socialism" in the USSR was already told to the Brezhnev himself in speech on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the October Revolution, and finally this conclusion was fixed at the XXIV party congress in 1971.

The concept of "Developed Socialism" was called upon, firstly, "Reconcile" the fundamental provisions of the Marxist-Leninist theory with the established realities of socialism: the preservation of the class division of society, various forms of ownership, commodity-money relations, and, finally, the state itself with its official apparatus. Secondly, to substantiate the departure from the previous grand projects (the economic reform of 1965 is one of them) to a quieter, stable development. Thirdly, to introduce into consciousness of citizens that the reality surrounding them is the value itself, which should bring satisfaction and unail pride.

New Constitution

The new development concept influenced the legislation of the country. The 1936 Constitution ceased to respond to the tasks. For example, the first article of the Constitution called the USSR "the state of workers and peasants", the second article spoke of "conquest of the dictatorship of the proletariat", which was not linked to the declaration of "genuine" democracy. In addition, in the current form of state power, there was almost no "proletarian" damn. It was necessary to have a new definition of a political system, social structure, the nature of the economic, interethnic development of the USSR.

In February 1976, at the XXV Congress Congress, it was decided to proceed to the practical preparation of the adoption of the new Constitution of the USSR. Preparation was carried out under the slogan of improving socialist democracy, and as a real confirmation of this from May 1977, a nationwide discussion of the project was organized. The draft constitution was published in the newspapers, and citizens were able to offer amendment to him.

Thus, the visibility of the democratic process was observed. The final text of the Constitution was approved on October 7, 1977 at the session of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. The most important article in it was Article 6, which was reading: "The leadership and guiding force of the Soviet society, the core of his political system, state and public organizations is the Communist Party of the Soviet Union." This led to even greater strengthening the values \u200b\u200bof the party apparatus in the entire powerful pyramid, finally established membership in the party as a prerequisite for any career. At the same time, the very fact of the appearance in the Constitution of a special article about the CPSU spoke of the weakening of the ideological influence of the party. Earlier in the formal consolidation of her role of the leading force simply was not needed.

The state was announced "nationwide", i.e. From now on, it should have equally to represent the interests of all social layers. This provision was to be the rationale for the celebration of the "genuine" democracy in the Soviet Union.

In a new way, a social structure was interpreted in the USSR: Soviet society was declared homogeneous. The classes continued to be preserved - the working and collective farm peasantry and the "social layer" is an intelligentsia, but their differences were announced insignificant.

In fact, Soviet society not only was not uniform, but his structure was becoming more and more hierarchical, reminding some social pyramid.

The main sign of the social situation was how a citizen occupies in relation to power. The most important place in the characterization of the Society of "Developed Socialism" was held in the new Constitution the question of the status and development of interethnic relations. It was proclaimed that as a result of the rapprochement of nations and nations in the USSR, "new historical community - the Soviet people" was formed. But at the same time, it was not explained, by what criteria some nationality are the constitutional status of the nation, while others are natives, why one is allowed to have statehood in the form of the Union of the Republic, others, only autonomous, and others did not even have it.

A developed socialist society has its own features and characteristic features. This is a society of high maturity and unity of economic, socio-political and spiritual processes. It is characterized by the presence of a powerful material and technical base, created on the basis of the comprehensive development of the national economy, introducing into the production of the latest achievements of science and technology, high and sustainable growth rates of production and productivity. In this society, the welfare of the people is constantly growing, more favorable conditions for comprehensive personal development are developing.
This is a society of mature socialist public relations, which, based on the rapprochement of all classes and social layers, the legal and actual equality of all nations and the nationality, their fraternal cooperation has developed a new historical community of people - the Soviet people. Mature social relations are built on the basis of the domination of socialist property, the elimination of the exploitative elements, the approval of the socio-political and ideological unity of society, the full use of the socialist principle of distribution by the number and quality of labor, the lasting union of the working class and the peasantry, the unpreasual friendship of peoples, consistently conducting the principles of proletarian and Socialist internationalism.
This is a society of high organization, ideological and consciousness of workers - patriots and internationalists. It is characterized by a wide popular education, highly developed culture, comprehensive distribution and approval of Marxism-Leninism, the domination of scientific materialistic worldview, solid confidence in the future and in bright communist perspectives.
This is a society of genuine freedom, a socialist lifestyle, the law of which is the concern of all about the good of everyone and the care of everyone about the good of all. In such a society, an atmosphere of genuine collectivism and partnership, cohesion, friendship of nations and nations of the country has been created. The most important outcome of the development of this society is the Soviet person who won the freedom, who defended her in the greatest battles and combined his high ideological conviction, huge vital energy, advanced culture, knowledge, active effectiveness in the construction of communism.
This society of genuine democracy, whose political system ensures the effective management of all public affairs, the ever-active participation of working people in public life, the combination of real rights and freedoms of citizens with their responsibilities and responsibility to society. The political superstructure of this society is a nationwide state that embodies genuine and deep democratism. The leadership and guiding force of the Soviet society, the core of his political system, state and public organizations is the Communist Party, which exists for the people and serves the people. Developed Socialist Society is a natural stage on the way to communism.
The 60s is a significant stage in the development of foreign policy activities of the Soviet Union. Based on the effective Leninist principles of peaceful foreign policy, the Soviet state made it all in order to end the cold war, eliminate international tensions, ensure peaceful conditions for the construction of communism in the USSR, the strengthening and development of the world socialist system, the growth of the modern revolutionary process, security approval and Peace worldwide.
In the 60s, there is a further weakening of the positions of the capitalist system, the deepening of the general crisis of capitalism, which has entered into its third stage. The class struggle of the proletariat was all wider, in the forefront of which communist parties went.
The world communist movement grew and fastened. In November 1960, a meeting of representatives of the Communist and Workers' Parties was held in Moscow, which was attended by representatives of 81 party. The meeting adopted two important documents - "a statement of the meeting of representatives of communist and workers' parties" and "Appeal to the peoples of the whole world." In June 1969, a new international meeting of the Communist and Workers' Parties was held in Moscow, which was attended by representatives of 75 parties. It discussed the actual problems of the communist movement and developed a combat platform for joint actions in the fight against imperialism.
Guided by the game program and decisions of the XXIII Congress of the CPSU, the Party and the Soviet government sought to fully promote the growth of the power and cohesion of the countries of the socialist community. In the 1960s, a significant contribution was made to the treasury of collective experience of fraternal countries and parties. The economic potential of socialist states increased significantly, the political foundations of socialism were strengthened, popular welfare increased, culture and science were developed. Despite some difficulties and complications of these years, the increased opposition to the imperialist reaction, the cooperation of the Soviet Union with the fraternal countries of socialism in all areas has been successfully developed and fastened.
In 1965, the share of the socialist system accounted for 26% of the world territory and 35.2% of the population of the globe. Socialist Commonwealth firmly kept the championship in the growth rate of production. The average annual growth rates of industrial products for 1951-1970. amounted to 10.4%, and in developed capitalist countries - 5.3%.
The cooperation of socialist countries in the field of economy deepened. Over 300 industrial and agricultural facilities, over 300 industrial and agricultural facilities were built over the eighth-half-year plan with the help and technical cooperation of the USSR in socialism countries. The USSR is 70% and more satisfying the needs of CEA countries, Cuba, as well as largely - DRV and DPRK in the import of a number of types of raw materials and fuel. In turn, for the eighth five-year-old, the Soviet Union received from the CEV member countries for 54 chemical plants, more than 38% of the tonnage of ships who replenished our fleet, a lot of goods of the shillpotreb.
The specialization of production and coordination of national economic plans, the socialist division of labor was carried out. The principles of cooperation and specialization were applied in the process of building the international energy system "Peace", the Friendship pipeline. In 1964, an international bank of economic cooperation was organized for settlements on trade supply of CEA participants. In order to concentrate funds from CMEA member countries, an international investment bank was organized for capital construction. For 1966-1970 Industrial production of CEV countries increased by 49%, they produced about a third of global industrial products. In the second half of the 60s, the country of the Socialist Commonwealth made a transition to in-depth economic integration. XXIII Session of SEV (April 1969) Note the main directions of the long-term comprehensive program of economic cooperation of fraternal states. Expanded the framework and functions of the CEV.
Political relations between socialist countries have developed and strengthened. A political advisory committee was held regularly. At its meetings, the most important international issues were solved.
In 1968, socialist countries, in accordance with the conditions of the Warsaw Treaty, helped his socialist conquests to defend his socialist conquest, to suppress the performance of the internal and external counter-revolution, who was trying to minimize this country from the path of socialism.
Determining from the USSR, Socialist countries, Marxist-Leninist parties met the nationalist, the grand-container course of the Maoist leadership of the People's Republic of China, who has undertaken to undermine the international prestige of the USSR, decompose the global communist movement, exercise a grip policy.
The fight of the USSR for the world and the security of peoples, the aggression has acquired a wide and effective nature for rebuilding imperialist policies. The great success of our foreign policy was the signing in 1963. USSR, USA, England of the Treaty of Nuclear Weapons Testing in the atmosphere, outer space and underwater. Subsequently, over 100 countries joined this agreement. On July 1, 1968, in Moscow, Washington and London, representatives of the USSR, the United States and England signed an agreement on non-proliferation of nuclear weapons. This contract also signed more than 100 states.

The concept of "developed socialism" and the transition to communism in the official ideology

In the 70s It became definitively clear that the course for the "deployed construction of a communist society", proclaimed in the CPSU program in 1961, is untenable. Therefore, the official ideology has advanced the concept of developed socialism. Developed socialism was understood as a long historical stage preceding the construction of communism, the onset of which, thus, moved indefinitely. The creation of a developed socialist society in the USSR was proclaimed in the new Constitution, adopted in 1977 the USSR was now called not by the state of the dictatorship of the proletariat, but a commonly excited socialist state. Accordingly, the advice of workers' deputies were renamed the councils of people's deputies. In practice, the advice of all levels remained nonsense and were intended to only unanimously assert the decisions of the party bodies. The elections to the council remained fiction: in the ballots there was the only name of the candidate from the "unbreakable block of communists and non-partisan". The Constitution provided citizens the most important political rights and freedoms (words, printing, processions and demonstrations, etc.), but only "in the interests of the development of socialism," which allowed them to limit them in practice. Article 6 was included in the Constitution, according to which the CPSU was proclaimed "by the leadership and guiding force of the Soviet society, the core of its political system." This rule was designed to formally fasten the actually existing domination of the party apparatus in all spheres of public life.

The concept of developed socialism was based on the ideas of homogeneity of Soviet society, full and final decision of the national issue; the absence of social contradictions; The steady development of the economy with the further growth of the welfare of Soviet citizens. Developed socialism became the ideology of time stagnation. The real life of people had little in common with extended slogans. In order to smooth out the obvious contradiction, Yu. V. Andropov (the Secretary General of the Central Committee of the CPSU since 1982) put forward the concept of a long period of "improvement of developed socialism".

Socialism and communism are two phases, two steps of the development of a communist society. Communist society is such a system that is fundamentally different from all preceding social and economic formations.

Direct transition from capitalism to communism is impossible. Capitalism prepares only prerequisites that allow you to proceed to the construction of a new society. Therefore, the transition from capitalism to communism is a long and complex process, which includes transitional forms, various phases, levels of development.

Marxism substantiated the doctrine that only the dictatorship of the proletariat can destroy the capitalism and build a complete communist society. It is established as a result of the proletarian socialist revolution, forcibly unsuitable the power of the bourgeoisie and transmitting political power into the hands of the working class.

The experience of the proletarian revolution in Russia, the experience of building socialism in the USSR fully confirmed the theory of Marx, Engels, developed in the new conditions by Lenin and Stalin. Taking power to their own hands, the Russian working class under the leadership of the Bolshevik Communist Party in the most severe struggle against the bourgeoisie built socialism - the first stage of communism.

Under socialism, under Lenin and Stalin (until 1953), private ownership of the means of production was liquidated and the economic basis of the Company was a socialist system of farm, socialist collective property for tools and means of production. OPERATIONAL CLASS (BURGENIA) were eliminated. The man's exploitation was completely destroyed when one, without working, got out on the work of another.

The society consisted of the workers of the city and the village -work class, the peasantry and the employment intelligentsia. The class faces between the workers and the peasants in the process of building socialism and communism were erased - the peasant began to live no worse than the worker.

The advice of workers' deputies was the political basis of a socialist society on the initiative of Lenin and with the support of workers and peasants.

The most important guide and leading power of the working class dictatorship and the entire construction of communism was the Bolshevik Communist Party - WCP (b). This organization represented interests, above all workers, not forgetting the urgent needs of the peasantry and intelligentsia.

With socialism, the economic life of society was determined and sent by the state plan. All workers were provided with the right to free provision of dwellings, the right to work (unemployment did not exist), for education (it was completely free, including training in universities).

The principle of socialism is that everyone works in their abilities and receives objects of consumption in terms of quality and the number of the work that it performs for society.

Communism is the second, the highest stage compared with socialism. Under communism there will no longer be those remnants, "birthplace spots" of capitalism - crime, bribery, sludge, negligence, dismisability in work, etc. Laziness and care will become a big rarity that will be thoroughly eradicated.

At the highest stage of communism between people there will be no class differences. A former peasant in its position in society will not differ from the former working or intellectual. At the same time, the personality of each person will receive unimpeded development.

The upbringing of a communist attitude towards labor, communist, conscious discipline, overcoming all the remnants of the capitalist system will lead to the formation of beneficial skills and habits. The differences between the labor mental and difficult physical will be completely destroyed. The work itself turn into the habit and the need of a healthy body. Based on electrification and mechanization of agricultural processes, differences between the city and the village will be eliminated on the basis of high development of culture. The leading principle of public life will be the communist principle: "From each of its abilities, everyone - according to his needs."

It is unprecedented by a cultural level of people. Science and art achieved full heyday. A person will be able to comprehensively develop its talents and abilities. The dominant position will receive a healthy lifestyle and sport.

Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin armed the Bolshevik Party and the Soviet people with clear knowledge of the ways to transition from socialism to communism. To do this, you need to create an abundance of consumption items.

Stalin wrote that to move to real communism it is necessary to ensure the continuous growth of all social production, primarily the manufacture of machine tools and machines (means of production). It is also necessary to replace the product circulation to the system of product exchange. This, together with a decrease in prices for widespread consumption, immediately reduce the role of money in the economy.

And finally, it is necessary to achieve such a cultural growth of society, which would ensure all workers to the comprehensive development of their physical and mental abilities. For this, in turn, you must reduce the working day to five hours. In this case, a person will have free time to obtain comprehensive education. This is necessary for the successful personality development in the team of people, where labor is a need and even pleasure.

But in order to come closely to the construction of socialism and communism, it is necessary to overthrow the bourgeoisie with the help of the uprising and the socialist revolution.

The only truly revolutionary and communist party in Russia is the All-Union Communist Party of the Bolsheviks.

developed Socialist Society

the published, necessary, historically long period in the framework of the first phase of the communist formation, which is characterized by a high idamic increasing maturity of socialism as a holistic distribution system, completeness of the implementation of its objective laws and advantages, directly solving the tasks of building higher phaseomunism.

The inevitability of achieving the new structure of the R. p. about. I foreseed Stolenin (see t. 36, p. 139; t. 40, p. 104). However, in the conditions, when the Socialism was once a relatively distant future, there was no base for the expanded characteristics of this society, the patterns of its construction and further improvement. Development of the concept of R. p. about. It is the creative contribution of the CPSU of Ibrahtsky parties to the theory of Marxism-Leninism.

The experience of the USSR and the whole group of other countries starting their sociologicalism from various initial levels, showed that the afterpost of the foundations of socialism in each country is necessary for the more or less rapid period of its strengthening, the creation of a full, developed, mature socialist society. Only reaching this stage, society can directly begin to build higher phaseomunism.

For the first time in the history of mankind R. s. about. Created in the USSR. In 1967, the Documents of the CPSU dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the Great Oktyabrskiological Revolution, the conclusion was concluded that R. with the Council was built. about. And it is necessary as fully used by the possibilities of them. Deep analysis of characteristic features R. s. OV USSR Dan in the materials of the XXIV, XXV and XXVI CPSU Congresses, in the documentumaria dedicated to the Soviet Constitution, as well as the 60th anniversary of Education. The main types of these features are as follows: the creation of a highly developed one-industrial complex; Completion of restructuring of the challenge of social relations on the internally inherent socialism-channel principles; Orientation of economic development in solvisocial tasks, to a significant rise in the welfare of the people, creating conditions for the comprehensive development of members of society; Transfer of the CENTRATE to the intensive growth factors of the economy, on the increase in efficiency of production, the rise of labor productivity, improvement of work; Acceleration of scientific and technological progress, improving the scientific management of society, increasingly fully adequate the advantages of socialism with the achievements of scientific and technical revolution; Further increasingly intensive rapprochement of the classes of Isocal groups, overcoming class differences, the formation of a full-social homogeneity; steady flourishing and progressive rapprixed nations and nationalities; The strongest unity of the new historical generality - the Soviet people; The national character of the state of the IVSEI of the political system, the development of nationwide socialist dedication (see Democracy Socialist), the growth and strengthening of the working class in all spheres of public life, the increase in the leading role of the Communist Party, which, remaining the working class, acts at the same time, acting as Avangard Sosgromana; significant growth in education, qualifications, general cultural student; Further successes in the formation of a new, communist personality; Improving the socialist lifestyle (see the Socialist Life).

In the 60s and early 70s. In the strip of construction R. s. about. A number of countries of the Socialist Commonwealth entered. In all countries, the current laws of the construction of mature socialism. At the same time, different countries are manifested in this process, reflecting the other features of their development. So, in the USSR, the construction of R. s. O. significantly complicated and hurt the Great Patriotic War In addition to the restoration of the destroyed war of the economy; Novelty of the Included Task Resolved; The need to rely mainly its own forces and resources. All these and other features of the proprietary imprint and on the specific features of the built in the USSRR. from. about. Other countries of socialism are in more favorable historical conditions. Due to this, in the economy and other areas of their public life, some features, forms of organization, methodology, etc., appear in the economy and other areas of construction, and so on., Which in the USSR fully manifested only the conditions of R. p. about. or at the final stage of its formation.

While the USSR is the only country where R. s has already been built. o., And the other socialism is only on the way to this goal, it is difficult to identify the total criteria for developed socialism. These criteria are naturally not coincided with the specific person of the Soviet Society. At the same time, in the experience of the USSR, as the IV previous periods, the main thing is not its features, but that is not a secret for the general, natural for R. p. about. in any country.

Developed socialism - not a special phase of the communist formation, the prospect, the period of the socialist phase; It is inherent in the same economic ideGie public laws, the same indigenous principles that the Isocialist phase as a whole. It functions and develops with a collaborative socialist basis. At the same time in R. s. about. The economic infrared laws of socialism receive a full space for their action, the advantages of a socialist lifestyle, its humane is essential and implemented to the largest extent. It is during the period of developmentalosocialism that the process of creating material and technical baskomunism is underway, other problems of the gradual processing of the first phase of the communist society in its highest phase are solved.

R. s. about. It is characterized not only by the high maturity of the PRs in general and all of its parties - economic, social, political and spiritual, but more and more proportionate development of the industry, their increasingly optimal interaction. Thereby creating a complex of favorable conditions for a comprehensive, harmonious development.

Criteria R. s. about. Complex, they reflect the maturity of the social system as a whole, the maturity of material and technical base, economic relations, social structure, political system, spiritual and ideological sphere. It would be wrong to judge the rations of socialism according to any one indicator, how soon he was, for example, only in terms of the level of developmental forces, labor productivity. It is equally wrong to the criteria for the maturity of socialism from comparison with the indicators achieved in the production of the most developed capitalististrans, since these criteria follow from the socio-economicSethood of socialism itself.

Developed socialism is characterized not only by the maturity of the new construction of a country, but also a significant deepening and expansion of the integrated links between the fraternal socialist countries. The Soviet Union entered the stage of developed socialism in the living socialist community. Lowering of developed socialism is inextricably linked by substantial economic integration, with the deepening of political, ideological, cultural ties with fraternal countries. In other developing socialism, socialism can successfully develop and develop only the equalization of the efforts of their peoples with the efforts of the working and socialist community as a whole. The period of developed socialism is a long period of social development. And at the same time. from. about. - not frozen, unchanged, and dynamic, becoming the most mature society. Further fulfiguously realizing its capabilities, he is developing into a communist society.

Society of developed socialism. Soviet people - new historical community

In the early 1960s, the USSR joined the stage of developed socialist society. At the stage of developed socialism, when, as recorded in the Constitution of the USSR (1977), "socialism develops on its own basis, the creative forces of a new building, the advantages of a socialist lifestyle, workers are becoming more and more widely used by the fruits of great revolutionary conquests.

With the developed socialism, unprecedented still

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rii opportunity to develop productive forces. Based on scientific and technological progress, the industry and agriculture and agriculture are almost completely reconstructed and rearmed. The economy of mature socialism is characterized by a more harmonious development of all sectors of the national economy, rapprochement at the pace of development of severe (group A) and light (B ") industry.

Capital investments and main funds increase dramatically. Kazakhstan is an integral part of the Unified People's Communications Complex of the USSR - a clear example. In the Kazakh SSR in 1961-1965 The volume of capital investments (17809 million rubles) was almost equal to the amount of investment for all previous five-year plates (18,752 million rubles), the eighth and ninth five-year periods surpassed capital investments for all previous years of Soviet power almost one and a half times. The main funds were also rapidly growing: in They were introduced in the amount of 16323 million rubles. against 15002 million in the fourth, fifth and sixth five-year plates, and ninth - in the amount of 29,679 million rubles.

The most important characteristic feature of the economy of mature socialism is that the growth of industrial and agricultural production is achieved mainly not extensively by the expansion of production areas, introducing new capacities, increasing the number of labor), and by intensification, due to technical progress and increase public labor productivity: The increase in industrial products by increasing productivity in Kazakhstan increased from 48 percent. In the seventh five-year plan to 61 percent. In the eighth five-year plan and up to 76 percent. In the ninth five-year plan.

Intensification determined the high dynamism of industry development. If 1940 adopt a unit, after 20 years, in 1960, the total volume of industrial products of the republic as part of the SSR Union increased by 7.3 times, and after 15 years (1976) in the conditions of developed socialism - at 26 7 times, and in some industries even more (for example, electricity generation in 1960 increased in 28.6, and in 1975 - 150.6 times). At the same time, dynamism of development is determined not only by percentage of growth, but also taking into account the absolute value of 1 percent. Production growth: in the eighth five-year plan, it was 81 million rubles, and in the ninth - 126 million

Qualitative changes occur in agriculture. During the period of mature socialism, the process of intensifying the production of grain, technical and vegetable crops, meat, milk and other agricultural products is based on the introduction of achievements of science and technology, mechanization and chemicalization, land reclamation. Large investment, continuous electrification, the inflow of high-performance machines and mechanisms, an increase in the production of mineral fertilizers, the construction of large and small channels, reservoirs contributed to the gradual outlook of labor in agriculture, primarily in pools, in the variety of industrial labor, further erasing the differences between the city and the village.

The economy of a developed socialist society in the USSR is inextricably linked with the economic organism of the entire world socialist system, primarily with CEA countries. Socialist integration, specialization and cooperation on the scale of CMEA, the joint work on the solution of important natural objectives and scientific problems contribute to the higher pace of development of all members of the Commonwealth. Soviet Kazakhstan takes an active part in economic integration and cultural relations with fraternal socialism countries.

Developed socialism with its powerful economic potential corresponds to the maturity of socialist production relations. By the time of the entry of Soviet society, a socialist public property in two forms was existed in the lane in the lane in two forms: state (nationwide) and group (cooperative alcohoze). With the developed socialism, further improvement of both forms of ownership with the advantageous growth of the specific gravity and the role of state ownership is increasing, the level of coincidence of production and labor in both forms of socialist ownership increases.

In 1960 in Kazakhstan, 76 percent. The main funds were in state ownership, 9 percent - in cooperative-collective farm and 15 percent. - In the personal property of citizens. At the end of the ninth five-year plan, state ownership was already 92.2 percent., Cooperative-collective farm - 4 and personal -3.8 percent., Although in absolute terms, the main funds of collective farms and the personal property of citizens increased significantly: the first compared to 1965 in 2.8 times (in value terms), the second - by 20 percent.

If in 1960 there were 879 state farms and 1355 collective farms in the republic, then at the end of the ninth five-year plan of state farms, it was 1864, and the number of collective farms decreased to 422. The share of the collective farm-cooperative form of ownership is thus significantly reduced, but the process of further improvement of collective farm Socialist property, approaching it with state (nationwide).

The process of improving production relations is based on the further composure of production by creating production associations that create conditions and prerequisites for specialization, cooperation, combining and concentration of production, the most complete use of scientific and technological progress.

By the mid-1970s, 120 such associations operated in Kazakhstan (against 32 in 1970), which were given 42 percent. The volume of sales of all industrial products and 55 percent. arrived. An important indicator of the entire growth in the level of socialization of collective farm ownership is the steady increase in indivisible funds in the main and working capital of collective farms: from 1960 until the end of the ninth five-year plan, they rose (without fishing) from 1358.6 million rubles. Up to 2043.6 million rubles.

An even more convincing indicator of increasing the level of cooperation of collective farm production, deepening social relations, the further approximation of two forms of socialist ownership is specialization, concentration of agricultural production based on intercolotous cooperation and agro-industrial integration for the production of agriculture products, livestock production, construction, production of building materials, etc. . Successfully operates Kazmezhkolhozstroy. They obtained the spread of special approximation on fattening animals.

The powerful rise in the national economy, the growth of the economic potential of developed socialism is based on the growing enthusiasm of the working people manifested in the socialist competition.

Mature socialism is characterized by further improvement of the social structure of society. Based on class and national equality, the community of spiritual interests and a single ideology there is an accelerated rapprochement of the working class, the collective farm peasantry, the folk intelligentsia.

At the end of the ninth five-year plan, the urban population amounted to 54 percent. Especially rapidly grew by workers associated with industry sectors who played a decisive role in the scientific and technical revolution - electricity, chemical industry, mechanical engineering, metallurgy and others. Continuously increases the qualifications, educational and cultural level of workers. There is a process of rapprochement of the educational and cultural and technical level of the working class, engineering and technical workers .. The workers are actively involved in public and political life. Serious changes occur in conditions of developed socialism in the collective farm peasantry. The number of collective farmers is significantly reduced, and in Kazakhstan faster than in the Union as a whole: in 1973, the collective farmers engaged in material production, in the country amounted to 14.1 percent, and in Kazakhstan in 1971 - only 5.5 percent . In areas such as Karaganda, Jazkazgan, Maigshlakskaya, the collective farm peasantry by the 70th year completely joined the ranks of the agricultural detachment of the Soviet working class. At the same time, there is an increasing rapprochement of the collective farm peasantry with the working class. Scientific and technical progress, saturation of the village of modern technique penetrating into all spheres of agricultural production (electrician mechanic, engineer steel in the collective farm, the same necessary and conventional figure, as an agronomist, milkmaid, veterinarian), the overall growth of culture (universal secondary education, an extensive network Libraries, houses and palaces of culture, clubs, cinemas), health progress, construction of well-maintained apartments with all the amenities, the growth of domestic service on the village, building and improving the means of communication and transport, the widespread distribution of radio and television significantly accelerated the overcoming of significant differences between the city and the village .

The acceleration of the rapprochement of the working class and the collective farm peasantry was also facilitated by changes in the field of public distribution - in the system of guaranteed wages and the organization of the pension collective farmers. The political activity of the collective farm peasantry also increased.

Intensively grow in the conditions of developed socialism of the rank of Soviet intelligentsia. In terms of numbers and the specific weight, as part of the population, it came to the second (after the working class) place.

"This process is natural, - was noted in the reporting report of the Central Committee of the CPSU XXIV Congress. - It is the result of a party policy aimed at the all-time acceleration of scientific and technological progress, to further increase the culture and educational of the people. "

Thus, in conditions of developed socialism, there is a process of further strengthening the unity and rapprochement of all social groups and the layers of our society. At the same time, the process of maximum rise and the flourisure of all Soviet national republics and the rapprochement of all nations and the nationalities of the USSR is underway. "Summing up the heroic accomplishments of the past half a century," said L. I. Brezhnev in the report on the 50th anniversary of the USSR in December 1972, - we have every reason to say that the national question is in what he got from the past " , resolved completely, resolved finally and irrevocable. This includes, which rightfully can be put in one row with such victories in the construction of a new society in the USSR, as industrialization, collectivization, cultural revolution. "

Soviet Kazakhstan is called the laboratory for solving a national issue, the forge of friendship of peoples, because in the Republic of the fraternal family they live, work, are building communism people of more than a hundred nations and nationalities. The teams of all factories, factories »Buildings, state farms, collective farms, institutes, technical schools, schools, colleges in Kazakhstan are multinational.

International unity and community manifest themselves primarily in the sphere of production, but not only in it. The importance of the disinterested assistance of fraternal peoples, especially the great Russian people, in the development of science and culture, is invaluable, in the development of national personnel, as well as the help of the Kazakh SSR to all Soviet republics.

The unrealistic socio-political and ideological unity of the Soviet society, all of its layers, full equality, the legal and actual, ensuring the unprecedented flourishing of the economy, the living standards and the culture of all nations and the nationalities, fraternal friendship and international cohesion, the joint work and the community of the objectives of all workers led to The fact that the USSR has developed a new historical community of people - the Soviet people. The basis of this community is not ethnic, racial or religious signs, but social homogeneity, legal and economic equality, the community of Marxist-Leninist ideology and the common goal and ideals are the construction of communism.

The Soviet people have a common economy for all republics, a single, union-union territory and a common language of interethnic communication - Russian. The first secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Kazakhstan D. A. Kunayev emphasized that "Russian has become gradually the second native language of the Kazakh people" that "this process is published, and it must occur in parallel with the flourishing of national languages."

In accordance with the huge socio-economic changes in the progressive development of the country and the statement of the Society of Developed Socialism, the Soviet state was evolved. An emerged as a proletariat dictatorship body, it as a result of changes in the social structure of Soviet society and deep economic transformations became the state with nationwide, expressing the interests of all members of society. At the same time, the leading role of the working class, which occupies key positions in the economy, the most organized, condensing the richest experience in class battles, political struggle, economic and state-owned; Construction.

In the ninth five-year plan, strengthening the Soviet state, the improvement of his device continued. "Holding this work," said L. I. Brezhnev at the XXV Congress of the CPSU, - the party, its central committee proceeded and proceed from the fact that a developed socialist society was built in our country, gradually developing into the communist, from the fact that our state is common state, expressing the interests and will of the whole people. We proceeded and proceed from the fact that we have developed a new historical community - the Soviet people, which are based on an indispensable Union of the working class, the peasantry and intelligentsia under the leading role of the working class, the friendship of all nations and the nationalities of the country. "

Significantly expanded the rights and material possibilities of local councils. Sentences were adopted about the protection of nature, health care. Of great importance in lifting the role and authority of the chosenits of the people was the law on the status of the deputy.

Further expansion of the rights and competencies of the Union republics continued, their role in solving the main economic, social, legal issues within the republics and participation in the management of the whole alliance was strengthened. Kazakhstan, like other republics, is represented in all the highest legislative and executive bodies of the country and the Supreme Court of the USSR.

In 1974, elections to the Supreme Council of the USSR were held in the situation of the Large Labor and Political Lift, where 71 deputies were elected from the republic. Of these, 61 deputies entered the Presidium of the Supreme Council, the standing commission and the Committee of the Parliamentary Group of the USSR. Senior Shepherd Mentor S. Sh. Zhaksybayev was elected deputy chairman of the Council of Nationalities.

In the Supreme Council of the Kazakh SSR, elected in Nyun 1975, 490 deputies were presented, half of them were workers and collective farmers, more than a third - non-partisan, 35.5 percent. deputies are women. Of the 121 thousand deputies in the local councils of Kazakhstan, over 84 thousand workers and collective farmers, more than 57 thousand women.

Developed Socialist Society

the published, necessary, historically long period within the first phase of the communist formation, which is characterized by a high and dynamically growing maturity of socialism as a holistic social system, fullness of the implementation of its objective laws and advantages, directly solving the tasks of the construction of the highest phase.

The inevitability of achieving the new structure of the R. p. about. Lenin foresaw (see t. 36, p. 139; t. 40, p. 104). However, under conditions where developed socialism was a matter of relatively distant future, there was no base for the detailed characteristics of this society, the patterns of its construction and further improvement. Development of the concept of R. s. about. It is the creative contribution of the CPSU and fraternal parties to the theory.

The experience of the USSR and a whole group of other countries starting their movement to socialism from various initial levels, showed that after the foundation of socialism in each country, a more or less long period of his strengthening, the creation of a complete, developed, mature socialist society is necessary. Only reaching this step, society can directly begin to build the highest phase of communism.

For the first time in the history of mankind R. s. about. Created in the USSR. In 1967, in the documents of the CPSU, dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution, was concluded that R. with the Soviet Union was built. about. And it is necessary to use the possibilities open to them as fully as possible. Deep analysis of characteristic features R. s. about. In the USSR, Dan is given in the materials of the XXIV, XXV and XXVI CPSU congresses, in the documents of the party dedicated to the Soviet Constitution, as well as the 60th anniversary of the USSR education. The main types of these features are as follows: the creation of a highly developed single national economic complex; Completion of restructuring of the entire combination of social relations on the internally inherent socialism of the collectivist basis; Orientation of economic development on the solution of social problems, to a significant rise in the welfare of the people, the creation of conditions for the comprehensive development of members of the Company; transfer of the center of gravity to intensive economic growth factors, to increase production efficiency, lifting labor productivity, improving the quality of work; Acceleration of scientific and technological progress, improvement, and more complete connection of the advantages of socialism with the achievements of the scientific and technical revolution; Further increasingly intensive rapprochement of classes and social groups, overcoming class differences, the formation of full social homogeneity; steady flourishing and progressive rapprochement of all nations and nationalities; the fastening unity of the new historical community of people -; The national nature of the state and the entire political system, the development of nationwide socialist democracy (see), growth and strengthening of influence in all spheres of public life, increases the leadership role of the Communist Party, which, remaining the working class party, acts at the same time as the avant-garde of the entire people; significant growth in education, qualifications, the total culture of workers; Further successes in the formation of a new, communist type of personality; Improving the socialist lifestyle (see).

In the 60s and early 70s. In the strip of construction R. s. about. A number of countries entered. In all countries there are common patterns of building mature socialism. At the same time, in different countries, in this process, a peculiarity is manifested, reflecting those or other features of their development. So, in the USSR, the construction of R. s. about. significantly complicated and made it difficult for the Great Patriotic War and the need to restore the destroyed war of the economy; novelty and the unknown tasks solved; The need to rely mainly on its own strength and resources. All these and other features imposed a certain imprint and on the specific features of the R. with the USSR. about. Other socialism countries are in more favorable historical conditions. Due to this, in the economy and other areas of their public life, at the beginning of the construction period of developed socialism, some features, forms of organization, management methods, etc., are manifested, which in the USSR fully manifested themselves only in the conditions of R. p. about. or at the final stage of its formation.

While the USSR is the only country where R. s has already been built. Oh., And other countries of socialism are only on the way to this goal, it is difficult to determine the total criteria for developed socialism. These criteria, of course, do not coincide with the specific features of the modern Soviet society. At the same time, in the experience of the USSR, as in the previous periods, the main thing is not its features, but what acts as a common, natural for R. p. about. in any country.

Developed socialism - not a special phase of the communist formation, but a part, period of the socialist phase; It is inherent in the same economic and other public laws, the same indigenous principles as the socialist phase as a whole. It functions and develops on its own socialist basis. At the same time in R. s. about. The economic and other laws of socialism receive a full scope for their action, the advantages of a socialist lifestyle, its humane entity is revealed and implemented to the highest extent. It was during the period of developed socialism that the process of creation is underway, other problems of the gradual outstanding of the first phase of the communist society in its highest phase are solved.

R. s. about. It is characterized not only by the high maturity of the social system as a whole and all of its parties - economic, social, political and spiritual, but more and more proportionate development of these parties, their increasingly optimal interaction. This creates a complex of favorable conditions for the comprehensive, harmonious development of the individual.

Criteria R. s. about. It is a comprehensive nature, they reflect the maturity of the entire social system as a whole, the maturity of the material and technical base, economic relations, social structure, political system, spiritual and ideological sphere. It would be wrong to judge the development of socialism according to any one indicator, as if important it was, for example, only in terms of the development of productive forces, labor productivity. It is equally incorrect to bring the criteria for the maturity of socialism from comparison with the indicators achieved in the production of the most developed capitalist countries, since these criteria arise from the socio-economic essence of socialism itself.

Developed socialism is characterized not only by the maturity of a new building within a particular country, but also a significant deepening and expansion of integration links between fraternal socialist countries. The Soviet Union entered the stage of developed socialism in the conditions of the existence of a global socialist community. Further improvement of developed socialism is inextricably linked with socialist economic integration, with the deepening of political, ideological, cultural ties with fraternal countries. In other countries, well-developed socialism can successfully develop and develop only on the basis of the connection of their peoples with the efforts of the working people of the Socialist Commonwealth as a whole. The period of developed socialism is a very long period of social development. And at the same time R. s. about. - not frozen, unchanged, and dynamic, becoming more and more mature society. Further realizing its capabilities, it gradually develops into a communist society.

Scientific communism: dictionary. - M.: Politicize. Aleksandrov V. V., Amvrosov A. A., Anufriev E. A. and others; Ed. A. M. Rumyantsev. 1983 .

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On the one hand, this is an important concept of the theory of Martsism-Leninism, developed by the collective efforts of the CPSU, the Communist and Workers' Parties of the Bratic Socialist countries. On the other hand, this is the characteristic of the stage of the formation of socialism, which has already been achieved in the Soviet Union and the construction of which continues in a number of other countries.

For the first time, the question of the possible stages of the development of socialism put Lenin. He concluded that in his movement to communism, a socialist society will pass a number of stages. Lenin believed that the creation of a "developed socialist society", "finished socialism", "full socialism", "whole socialism" will become possible only after strengthening and strengthening the winning socialism.

The first after the victory of the Socialist Revolution of 1917 became a transitional stage from capitalism to socialism. In the second half of the 1930s, a socialist society was mainly built in the Soviet Union. In 1959, the CPSU concluded that socialism in the USSR won the complete and final victory - not only internal, but also external sources of risk of restoration of capitalism were eliminated. From that moment on, the formation of a mature, or developed, socialist society begins.

The conclusion that such a society in the USSR was built, for the first time was made by a party in 1967 - on the days of the 50th anniversary of the Socialist Revolution of 1917. Theoretically was substantiated that developed socialism is the necessary, natural and historically long stage of social development.

Unlike initial steps, well-developed socialism is functioning on its own, socialist basis. At the same time, in the developed socialist society, the economic and other laws of socialism receive a full scope for their action, the advantages of a socialist lifestyle, its humane entity is revealed and implemented to the greatest extent. A developed socialist society is characterized not only by the high maturity of the social system as a whole and all of its parties - economic, social, political and spiritual, but more and more proportionate development of these parties, their increasingly optimal interaction.

Developed socialism is inherent in a number of characteristic features. This society in which the mighty productive forces, advanced science and culture, in which popular welfare is constantly growing. This society, in which, based on the approach of all classes and social layers, the actual equality of all inhabiting the country of nations and nationalities, their fraternal cooperation has developed a new historical community of people - the Soviet people. This society, the law of life of which is the concern of all about the good of everyone and the care of everyone about the good of everyone.

It was at this stage of the development of a socialist society that the prerequisites are created, the conditions for gradual processing of it in classless, communist society are prepared.

Unfortunately, in reality, the construction of a society of developed socialism has not happened. Reality is sometimes diametrically dispersed with the theory. Because the successor L.I. Brezhnev, Andropov, already in 1982 he announced that developed socialism would be improved, but this process is long, and it will take a big historical gap. As history has shown, the theory turned out to be erroneous, and instead of the developed socialism and communism, Russia received "wild capitalism" of dashing 90s, and then the pseudo-octic society of today's day. Therefore, during the emergence of the term "developed socialism", it could be treated as a future reality. Now it is clear utopia!.

A developed socialist society has its own features and characteristic features. This is a society of high maturity and unity of economic, socio-political and spiritual processes. It is characterized by the presence of a powerful material and technical base, created on the basis of the comprehensive development of the national economy, introducing into the production of the latest achievements of science and technology, high and sustainable growth rates of production and productivity. In this society, the welfare of the people is constantly growing, more favorable conditions for comprehensive personal development are developing.
This is a society of mature socialist public relations, which, based on the rapprochement of all classes and social layers, the legal and actual equality of all nations and the nationality, their fraternal cooperation has developed a new historical community of people - the Soviet people. Mature social relations are built on the basis of the domination of socialist property, the elimination of the exploitative elements, the approval of the socio-political and ideological unity of society, the full use of the socialist principle of distribution by the number and quality of labor, the lasting union of the working class and the peasantry, the unpreasual friendship of peoples, consistently conducting the principles of proletarian and Socialist internationalism.
This is a society of high organization, ideological and consciousness of workers - patriots and internationalists. It is characterized by a wide popular education, highly developed culture, comprehensive distribution and approval of Marxism-Leninism, the domination of scientific materialistic worldview, solid confidence in the future and in bright communist perspectives.
This is a society of genuine freedom, a socialist lifestyle, the law of which is the concern of all about the good of everyone and the care of everyone about the good of all. In such a society, an atmosphere of genuine collectivism and partnership, cohesion, friendship of nations and nations of the country has been created. The most important outcome of the development of this society is the Soviet person who won the freedom, who defended her in the greatest battles and combined his high ideological conviction, huge vital energy, advanced culture, knowledge, active effectiveness in the construction of communism.
This society of genuine democracy, whose political system ensures the effective management of all public affairs, the ever-active participation of working people in public life, the combination of real rights and freedoms of citizens with their responsibilities and responsibility to society. The political superstructure of this society is a nationwide state that embodies genuine and deep democratism. The leadership and guiding force of the Soviet society, the core of his political system, state and public organizations is the Communist Party, which exists for the people and serves the people. Developed Socialist Society is a natural stage on the way to communism.
The 60s is a significant stage in the development of foreign policy activities of the Soviet Union. Based on the effective Leninist principles of peaceful foreign policy, the Soviet state made it all in order to end the cold war, eliminate international tensions, ensure peaceful conditions for the construction of communism in the USSR, the strengthening and development of the world socialist system, the growth of the modern revolutionary process, security approval and Peace worldwide.
IN 60- e years there is a further weakening of the positions of the capitalist system, deepening the general crisis of capitalism, which has entered into its third stage. The class struggle of the proletariat was all wider, in the forefront of which communist parties went.
The world communist movement grew and fastened. In November 1960 G. Moscow held a meeting of representatives of the Communist and Workers' Parties, which was attended by representatives 81 Party. The meeting adopted two important documents - "a statement of the meeting of representatives of communist and workers' parties" and "Appeal to the peoples of the whole world." In June 1969 G. Moscow held a new international meeting of the Communist and Workers' Parties, which was attended by representatives 75 Parties. It discussed the actual problems of the communist movement and developed a combat platform for joint actions in the fight against imperialism.
Guided by the game program and decisions of the XXIII Congress of the CPSU, the Party and the Soviet government sought to fully promote the growth of the power and cohesion of the countries of the socialist community. Per 60- the years was made a significant contribution to the treasury of collective experience of fraternal countries and parties. The economic potential of socialist states increased significantly, the political foundations of socialism were strengthened, popular welfare increased, culture and science were developed. Despite some difficulties and complications of these years, the increased opposition to the imperialist reaction, the cooperation of the Soviet Union with the fraternal countries of socialism in all areas has been successfully developed and fastened.
IN 1965 G. The share of the Socialist System was accounted for 26 % world area and 35.2 % The population of the globe. Socialist Commonwealth firmly kept the championship in the growth rate of production. The average annual growth rates of industrial products for 1951 1970 gg amounted to 10.4%, and in developed capitalist countries - 5.3%.
The cooperation of socialist countries in the field of economy deepened. Over the eighth-year-old, with the help and technical cooperation of the USSR in countries of socialism, it was built and reconstructed over 300 industrial and agricultural facilities. USSR 70 % And more satisfying the needs of CEV countries, Cuba, as well as largely - DRV and DPRK in the import of a number of types of raw materials and fuel. In turn, for the eighth five-year plan, the Soviet Union received from CEV member countries for 54 Chemical plants, more 38 % Tonnage of sea ships who replenished our fleet, a lot of goods are widelyrub.
The specialization of production and coordination of national economic plans, the socialist division of labor was carried out. The principles of cooperation and specialization were applied in the process of building the international energy system "Peace", the Friendship pipeline. IN 1964 G. An International Bank for Economic Cooperation was organized for settlements on trade supply of CEA participants. In order to concentrate funds from CMEA member countries, an international investment bank was organized for capital construction. For 1966-1970 Industrial production of CEV countries increased by 49 %, they produced about a third of global industrial products. In the second half 60- x years of the country of the Socialist Commonwealth committed a transition to in-depth economic integration. XXIII Session of SEV (April 1969) Note the main directions of the long-term comprehensive program of economic cooperation of fraternal states. Expanded the framework and functions of the CEV.
Political relations between socialist countries have developed and strengthened. A political advisory committee was held regularly. At its meetings, the most important international issues were solved.
IN 1968 G. Socialist countries In accordance with the conditions of the Warsaw Treaty, the fraternal Czechoslovak people helped his socialist conquests, to suppress the performance of the internal and external counter-revolution, which was trying to minimize this country from the path of socialism.
Determining from the USSR, Socialist countries, Marxist-Leninist parties met the nationalist, the grand-container course of the Maoist leadership of the People's Republic of China, who has undertaken to undermine the international prestige of the USSR, decompose the global communist movement, exercise a grip policy.
The fight of the USSR for the world and the security of peoples, the aggression has acquired a wide and effective nature for rebuilding imperialist policies. The successful success of our foreign policy was the signing in 1963 G. USSR, USA, England Treaty for the prohibition of nuclear weapons tests in the atmosphere, outer space and under water. Subsequently, this contract joined over 100 countries. 1 july 1968 In Moscow, Washington and London, representatives of the USSR, the USA and England signed an agreement on non-proliferation of nuclear weapons. This contract also signed more 100 states.