How the orthodox Jewish family lives, why do women need a wig. Orthodox Jews: who are they? Jews shake hair under a wig

Jews in Israel are different. Some of them live as an ordinary life, dress up to their taste, earn money and seek to give their children a good education. Other, orthodox Jews, live according to the laws of Galahi, who finally established to the beginning of Galach are a set of rules regulating all areas of life: birth and marriage, work and family, behavior and worldview. Jews-orthodoxs are noticeable from afar. They are dressed only in black and white (even underwear can only be of such colors), their head is crown, and the hairstyle decorates peys. "Workers" and orthodox Jews do not really like each other. This is reflected even in proverbs ("When Tel Aviv walks, and Jerusalem prays, Haifa works"). This dislike is clear. Ordinary people are unhappy with the fact that they have to feed and provide the whole country, and orthodoxes in Israel believe that the life of all other is contrary to religious laws. Orthodox can be found not only in Israel, but in many countries they are perceived as an extravagant or exotic.

Rules of life

Orthodox Jews cannot work on Saturday. And the work is considered to be a shop in the store, and the challenge of the elevator, and cooking food, and ... in short, on Saturday, Jews can only drink, eat, communicate. Recently, they began to picket or at all jumps to the institutions working on this day of the week. So they urge to fulfill the laws of Judaism. Orthodox youth has their entertainment. Collecting groups, they beat taxi drivers on Saturdays, sellers, other working Jews. Apparently such aggressive activities are not considered. Life from adherents of Galahi is very difficult. Orthodox Jews must adhere to 613 "Pentagine" rules, and it is only in the usual, irresponsible day. Therefore, they do not have time to work. Each step is scheduled in accordance with the positions of the Torah. Orthodox Jews should not only eat but also dress (for example, do not combine wool and flax). Their clothes sew only special tailors. They must comply with all the rules of Shabbat, make circumcision, pray three times a day, to serve God in joy, etc.

In fact, it turns out that orthodox Jews are indifferent to everything, except for their own faith. Areas where they live do not differ in purity, their children (usually at least five) are eaten, fiercely raised. Orthodox only learn and pray, and everything else is "Will of God." Not paying taxes (as a non-working part of the population), they nevertheless do not forget to demand from the state of social assistance.

Orthodoxes are different

Orthodox Jews are not a single mass. Adherents of the flow of Hasidi are considered an ultravertodoxic direction. It is they who wear black short pants, refilled in socks (so as not to touch the earthly dirt), are cabled with a black wide belt and cover the head with a felt hat of the same color. Women Khasydi often shave her head, and then wear wigs. Hasidism is a direction prone to mysticism and exaltation. There are still orthodoxes - Nursing Cato, who oppose Zionism in general, and the existence of Israel in particular. There are orrtodox modernists to real life, but none of these horsides are recognized.

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Shalom, dear Rav Yakov fur coats! I saw your answer about hair extension instead of a wig for a woman. I understand that there is permission in Galahe (or even as I understood, command) to wear a wig to a woman. But personally, I can not agree and take this type of head covering in my heart. My wife, Baruch Ash, a modest woman and walks in a headdress, covering her hair. The problem is when with new "peaks" of fashion in orthodox communities wigs are becoming more beautiful and more beautiful, longer and lighter, and, very important, there are huge money (I do not climb into someone else's pocket, but many women buy them because it is necessary) . I have a little more than 26 years old, and, as they say, I am in the process of working on the "direction of your eyes a look." But even when I turn away from immodestly dressed women, as it were, automatically to "kosher-dressed", then I see a woman whose wig is very much, honestly, attracts my attention and delays it on this person, sometimes for assessing kosher high-heeled shoes And a very modest skirt slightly above the knee. I tell the truth, as I, a person who gives (how to put the Rav Kushnir in his lectures on the shunk-byte - the family world) all the energy in his house, it bothers me very much. And this is recently not an exception - the areas of bytes of Va-Gan and Ar-Nof in Jerusalem are full of such fashion suites. What should I do? Where to look?

Replies Rav Yakov Shub

Thank you very much for your sincere question. In fact, the problem you are raising, causing not only you, but also all religious society. The leading rabbis of our generation, speaking at different levels, condemn the penetration of the society of trends, alien to traditional Jewish values. These trends, unfortunately, are primarily negatively reflected in the state of the Jewish family and compliance with the laws of modesty, which, in turn, are a fundamental factor in family well-being. Recently, in accordance with the opinion of the leading rabbis of our generation, clear rules of modest clothing have been developed Mishmar A-Torahreflecting the specifics of modern women's clothing. In addition, we know from our teachers that, in addition to the establishment of clear borders, it is also necessary to create a special family atmosphere, emphasizing the dignity of a Jewish woman. Such an atmosphere ultimately will naturally lead to compliance with the laws of modesty.

Unfortunately, not always in our power to immediately solve all the problems. Therefore, every person must understand what it can do to improve the current situation. As you know, the renewable and condemnation of other people often leads to an opposite effect: quarrels and other negative consequences. Our sages teach: sometimes it is even forbidden to "speak words that will not be heard." Therefore, it is more appropriate as you put it correctly, "to give energy into your home" and concentrate on our loved ones and acquaintances, on whom we are able to influence and instill them with the right understanding of Jewish modesty.

Most of us, unfortunately, did not receive grow in traditional religious families, so in order to understand how to properly develop modesty in themselves and loved ones, it is not always enough to rely on your own opinion. It is necessary that the family has contact with rabbi, with which such topics can be discussed personally. In addition, it is very important to "be in touch" with religious families, in which you can, for example, come to visit on Saturday meal and just chat in an informal setting. Very often, the concepts of modesty and family values \u200b\u200bare a kind of "oral torus", which can not always be known from books.

In any city, where there is a Jewish quarter, - from Antwerp to New York, and even more so in Israel, - ultrareligious Jews immediately pay attention to the clothing. Men have a black suit with a white shirt and an indispensable hat, in women - a long skirt, sleeve below elbow and a wig. Such a "uniform" is familiar to all tourists who were in the Jewish districts of New York or the Old Town of Jerusalem. Found out why believers Jews are so dressed.

Fashion from God

All rules of Jewish religious life are laid in the main book of Judaism - Torah, or Pentateuch (the first five books of the Christian Old Testament - these are multiplied from one language on another torus), namely in the book Levit. There are general instructions regarding the life and nutrition, which was subsequently repeatedly explained and interpreted by the Jewish sages of different countries and epochs.

The main thing and most general rule relating to not only clothes, of course, but also of life and behavior, "be modest to the Most High". Modesty - "Visit" in Hebrew - implies the tidiness and purity of clothes and concealing any "seductive" zones: modern religious Jews (in Hebrew Hared), for example, do not expose foot feet (nor a man nor a woman).

However, it is possible to observe the modesty rule in different form. The peculiarity of the history of the Jewish people is that he, being deprived of its own territory, was forced to assimilate in other countries, but was able to preserve national identity - largely due to the strict observance of detailed legal norms, among which were the norms of religious dress-code. To preserve the nation in exile - in the Galut countries, or "scattering" - it was important, on the one hand, not too different from representatives of the title nation, on the other - to maintain the national features of clothes and appearance. Therefore, Sefardov (the Jews of the Mediterranean) and Ashkenazov (residents of Western, Central and Eastern Europe) are different clothes, because the clothing of peoples were different, among which they lived.

Head will not lie

The main of the religious commandments relating to the clothing prescribes to cover the head. Married women are told by the head cover (in Hebrew it is called a quiet or mitpahat, and in Galut, the Jews used other names adopted in their adverbs - Ladino at Sefardov, Yiddish in Ashkenazov and so on). Subsequently, the interpretation of the Torah led to the fact that the individual directions of Judaism covered the wig that was worn on a short-haired or even shaved head, sometimes combining with a hat. Girls and young unmarried girls, on the contrary, are obliged to walk with open hair, which they grow very long: a woman, like a man, must comply with the commandment "Move and multiply", which means it should be attractive to please the potential fiance and enter into marriage . Women and girls are also at any time of the year wearing skirts, fully closing knees, shirts and blouses covering the chest and elbows. Bathing in open reservoirs is also practiced in clothes.

Harem Men always, besides sleep time, wearing a small hat, in Hebrew - Kipu (in Russia, Kipipa was called Ermolka). Kipu, stitched from four blades of black fabric, most often velvet, wear even on the smallest boys. Hasida piles with a narrow white edging, Mysnagida, or Litvakov - without it. On holiday, Jews wear white satin piles. The young men over 13 years old, who passed the rite of the majority of Bar Mitsva, like adult men, wear an additional headdress over the pile.

The Jews of Western, Central and Eastern Europe, these headdresses were hat-strapping caps from fox tails: they initially invented Europeans as a shameful difference between the Jews from the title nations, adhered to the Christian religion (Christians of the caps from the tails were not sewn), but inside the Jewish community, the stragles became part of Traditions, and nowadays - festive clothing. Later in everyday life, the Straml replaced a black hat. In its shape, the width of the fields, height and the form of Tuli, a person who disassembled in Jewish traditions can determine to which Ivo Judaism belongs to its owner, what family and social status has.

Hasidi (Satmar and Gursky, Breslev and so-called Khabadniki) are hats of different shapes (all specialists are determined by more than 30 variations). Hasidov Tula below, Missagidants are more similar to traditional European. Khabadniki besides, on holidays white kip, a special form - with pompon and wounded inscriptions: this demonstrates them erected to the cult desire for merry and joyful ministry to God. All Ashkenazian boys and Men Haredi with a three-year-old age shortly, leaving long strands of hair on the temples - Peys: This also has a commandment, prohibiting "chop your head around." In some communities, peys twist around the ears or lay behind the ears.

Talitis big and small

Torah obliges to wear two clothes - from wool and out of light fabric. For centuries of interpretations and interpretations, this rule has become an obligation to wear the so-called Talitan Katan ("small talit", as opposed to a large talite - a bedspread that Jews closes the head during prayer; still talite Kathan is called Tales or Arbecanfes). This is a quadrangular piece of white wool fabric with dark stripes or without them, which can be put on top of a shirt or under it, but in any case, a talitis brush should be visible from underwear, or cycite: this is a prescription.

Photo: Ilia Yefimovich / Getty Images

Brushes are attached in the holes fortified by silk corners of the talitis. Representatives of some directions of Judaism (for example, Radzino or Izhbicky Hasidov) are distinguished by the fact that the cycite has a blue thread, painted by special traditional paint. Sefardov, unlike most Ashkenazov, is not one in the corners, but two holes. Some communities prescribe tie the thread not only for four double mandatory nodes, but also for additional small nodules (up to 40 pieces). This is an internal code that allows the Jews to immediately read the information about the community to which their one belongs.

On top of a native clothing, including male, Jews (and men, and women) in the old days were caftans adopted in the Mediterranean and the Middle East. Jewish cafts were characterized by the features of Croy, but in general, the Jews did not strive to excessively allocate among the innerians - neither unusual nor too rich clothes. For the same reason, in the African part of the Mediterranean, in the new time, the caftans remained in the course of Moroccan Jews (when the Russian artist traveled in Maghriba, she took several portraits of Moroccan Jewish in national costumes - embroidered cafts and colored skirts). In Central Asia, Bukhara Jews wore bathrobes and fur caps on top of a pile, like local residents, and European Ashkenazy Jews were worn (and worn to this day) clothes like a fracture or a coat.

Frak has no pockets, and the fastener on the buttons - not to the right, but on the contrary: in the Jewish reference, good in the human body is located on the right (for the same reason, the Jews are wedding rings on the right hand). Frak fabric can be like matte (on weekdays) and satin (on a holiday), smooth or with development: This also indicates the origin and social status. Long black pants and black shoes on laces are worn. The exceptions again make up Hasidi, which on holidays wear light fabric caftan, short pants, white stockings and black leather shoes without laces, so-called penels. The only day in the year, when the Jews are forbidden to wear leather shoes, "Yom Kipipur, or a vessel, in which believers do not work, hold anhydrous post and pray for the forgiveness of sins and that the next year is successful.

Outfit tanning

In Western, Central and Eastern Europe, one of the traditional Jewish crafts was a jewelry and a cut of precious stones. However, the commandment of modesty was interpreted in the sense that religious Jews should not wear jewels at the bottom. As a rule, married men wore only the wedding ring (according to the religious rule it, however, necessarily only for a woman and should be gold and solid, without holes and stones, which specially checked the rabbi during the marriage ceremony - heuua) and hours, if allowed . Women put on a few more jewelry, but also unscrew, since the neckline was not allowed.

In the countries of Maghreb (the African part of the Mediterranean), in the Jewish communities of Iran, the Caucasus, Afghanistan and Uzbekistan with jewelry, it was somewhat simpler, since local women (Muslims) wore rich decorations. Especially catchy jewels were made to wear the bride on the wedding day. On this day, the girl put on rings, multi-row necklaces with monistas and pendants, bracelets, earrings and pendants on the bedspread covering the forehead.

Gold filigree decorations with the motif of Taperes (stylized Pera), who did jewelers from Uzbek Bukhara, Afghan Gerat and other cities of Central Asia, had a special value. Also, the jewelry was developed in the Iranian and Caucasian Jewish communities, where work on metal was generally appreciated. Wealthy families could afford to include gold products or silver decorations with gilding in the dowry. Those that victory was content with silver plated brass and bronze.

As in ordinary days, the bride was supposed to the wedding and relies to this day to dress modestly. The dress should be long and completely close the knees, elbows and chest. Under the hood (a special canopy from the fabric on four columns, which holds the marriage friends and relatives, - according to his behalf, the wedding ceremony itself is called the bride entering the face closed covering. The groom in Hasidov, as a rule, puts on a white festive kip. In many directions, Judaism, a male guests come for a holiday in hats.

At the end of the story, it should be mentioned that in Israel, along with Haredi, who strictly observe all the commandments of Judaism and do not recognize the Zionist state, there are also so-called Kip Siruga, or religious zionists: they recognize the state, respect the Torah's commandments, but do not belong to the traditional religious trends and communities and dress as ordinary people with minor restrictions. So, men wear talit (because of the hot climate, it is lightweight, mesh) and knitted from colored threads kip, sometimes very small, purely symbolic, pinned hairpin. Women cover the head of the tile or hair grid and wear long skirts, but do not refuse themselves in bright and motley clothes. Often, the ladies belonging to the chamber of the Siru are carrying lightly Indian dresses, which is completely unacceptable in religious ashkenazov.

In religious quarters (such as Mea-Shearim in Jerusalem or Bnei-Marriage in Tel Aviv) there are shops specializing in clothing appropriate to prescriptions, hat stores, where religious matrons replenish extensive collections of hats, shops with talits and making workshops . Haredi's special requests affect the fashionable industry not only in the sense that they support these specific trading points to afloat, but also the fact that the special religious fashion is influenced from time to the global: unusually accepted measurements of dressed Jewish men and women inspire fashion designers On the original turns in their collections intended for the secular public.

The life of orthodox, that is, the Jew has strictly the next religious rules is extremely regulated. In Torah there is a advice literally on everything - starting with what is, and ending with the com and how to marry. Romantic relations between two religious guys begin with dating through a match, which is called Width. Swhahs are dangerous and respected people. It is they who evaluate the potential marriage, his family, the environment, ask for neighbors, acquaintances and friends about him and, according to the result of the collected information, they select a suitable pair. It is important to choose young people who fit each other in all respects - the degree of compliance with religious customs, nature, origin. For example, in Israel, most often people who have moved from Europe, that is, Ashkenazi, are combined with a marriage with Ashkenazi, and it is advisable by origin from the same area, and, accordingly, who moved from Iraq, Iran, Yemen, that is, mizrahi, are combined with marriage With mezzrah.

Marriage for a religious person - primarily compliance with Mitsva, that is, sacred duty, covenant. "Move and multiply" - it was said once, and no one has canceled this yet.

Width, that is, the first meeting of the future pair, takes place in some public place, for example in the park. Young people sit apart from each other at the honorable distance and are not discussing the weather, not love and not even a policy, but how their future marriage will be built, life. During the conversation, it turns out how much they want children (and in religious families there are a lot of children), what do you plan to make a living, where to live - with mom or how? And many other details that help find out whether the candidate is suitable for the role of a life satellite. It is precisely the attitude towards marriage, not appearance. As they say, in the process will love.

Width successfully passed, the plans and glances of young on life coincide, what's next? Next acquaintance of parents, marriage treaty and wedding in a month. Young sign a document that lists the duties of each of the spouses and indicates the amount that the contract violating the contract will pay the affected side.

What are obliged to do the ideal Jewish husband and wife? As stated in Torah, the initial person was created not a man and not a woman, but the mercenary combined, only after the division of a man and a woman occurred. And the goal of any marriage is to return to the initial combined state, merge together, combine the souls and become a single perfect being. Well, come true and multiply, of course.

The main family commandment, in addition to the preservation of peace in the house, is, of course, children. As many children as possible. In religious families, as a rule, the number of children can reach 13-14, well, at least seven people and more. Is it difficult?

Fathers of the family spend their days in concerns and works. Whether they lead their business, learn in a religious school - Yeshiva or combine the first, second and sometimes even some third, they are busy. As for the woman - she is engaged in the house and children. The wife devotes himself to home and senior children, the older children dedicate themselves to middle children, and the Middle Children devote themselves to younger, and it turns out that you are not so difficult to keep track of a dozen little ripples.

Of course, in any subject, even so peaceful, calm and prosperous, like a Jewish family, there are shocking moments. For example, Jewish women from very orthodox communities shave heads and wear wigs. And at once a million questions arise. Well, first of all, why? There are two reasons. The first is a religious, married woman should show all his appearance that it is already busy, unavailable. Therefore, her head should always be covered with something. The second reason is that the hair is sexy. If a woman will give excessive attention to his sexuality, it can distract her husband from the most important life lesson - the study of the Torah. It is because of this fact that the manufacturer of the manufacture of wigs is very developed in Israel.

The Jewish husband has a directly prescribed religious duty to fulfill his marital debt. At least twice a week. However, there is also the reverse side of the medal - since all actions should be directed to the execution of the Divine Will, and one of the rules - compliance with modesty, sometimes the fulfillment of the marital duties occurs in the presence of a third unnecessary - a sheet covering the nudity.

Many religions of the world are particularly demanding to comply with man modesty in clothing and behavior. So the Muslims have a wearing hijab is not an attempt to somehow stand out against the background of unbelievers. This is just the need for a person's modesty of truly religious, faithful to faith in his first place in his life, and not some external attribute.

Depending on religious dogmas, this requirement of modesty can make more or less severe forms. In Judaism, there is a special law, regulating the norms of the behavior of the Women's Jews. It is called vehicle (or valid). According to this law, a woman is obliged not to just wear a headdress, but completely hide his hair under the handle (quiet).

Why some jews head shave

The most radical branches in Judaism are very demanding to the appearance of women. Even his own spouse or daughter should not be distracted by his inappropriate view of the Judea when he reads Torah or pronounces prayer. This means that it is obliged to hide the body and hair not only on the street, but also directly in his home.

In Judaism, women's hair is considered a temptation, distracting the thoughts of a man from God and send them to the sinful bed. Framed hair breaks all the laws of the valve. Even the strand or one-only hairs is considered immodest and provoking from under the header. In order not to put your husbands in sin, some true jews shave the head naked. This is accepted by the wives of Hasidov "Tollot Aaron" and some other orthodox groups.

Hasidov's spouses will not only shave the tighthead, but also cover them on top of a handkerchief. This part of the Jewish population has particularly severe laws. Hasidi call themselves "pious" (the word itself is translated as "pious"), strictly observe the laws adopted several thousand years ago and are not going to go for any concessions in favor of modern fashion.

Other rules for the behavior of Hasida's wife

In addition to the need to chant the head and cover the head of the head to women from this group of Jews have to completely hide their body. They can not wear dresses that open caviar, even if fat stockings are put on the legs. Demonstration of their knees - the top of the debauchery for the Jews. For such behavior, a woman can suffer the most severe punishment, be glanced and beaten.

Hasidi is extremely intolerant about the liberals in clothing. Even inappropriately dressed a 8-year-old girl can be subjected to public censure, and her mother who does not follow the piety of his daughter, and is suppressed. Some orthodox Jewish groups even adopted NIBA. These are long black shawls, in which the woman is compatible completely, including hands, face and eyes. Such a severity in observance of modesty is not taken even from Muslims.

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